Adding custom job property to Jenkins job - jenkins

I want to add a new mandatory job property to capture the some custom fields in the jenkins job. I searched in the plugins list but couldn't find any relevant plugin that solves the issue. Is there any plugin to solve this ? (Note: Extra columns plugin doesn't solve my usecase)

A freestyle job can be configured to build with parameters. See:
You can configure the parameter type (string, boolean, drop down etc), give a description of the parameter and a default value. The string parameters can include validation rules:
Though this only warns when the current parameter value does not meet the regex validation rule, it doesn't prevent the build from being submitted. If submitted in this state, however, the build will fail.
From a quick google, it appears this doesn't work for pipeline jobs, See the last comment on the plugin page url above from Miguelángel Fernández:
If you look at the implementation of class ValidatingStringParameterValue you'll see that it overrides the implementation of public BuildWrapper createBuildWrapper(AbstractBuild build) in a way that aborts if the string is invalid. This will only work on Freestyle jobs and other job types extending AbstractBuild. I'm afraid this does not apply to pipeline jobs. Maybe in your prior project you used freestyle jobs.
An alternative for freestyle jobs is to do in job validation before initiating any build steps using the 'Prepare an environment for the run' from:
You would need to write groovy to check the parameters submitted and abort the build at this point if the values aren't suitable. Something like:
def validateString = binding.variables.get('testParam')
if (!binding.variables.get('testParam').matches('\\d+')) {
println "failure of parameter validation - does not match regex"
throw new InterruptedException()
} else {
println "Validation passed carry on with build"
This doesn't work on pipeline builds - as the plugin is quote:
'This plugin has some known limitations. For Example, Pipeline Plugin is not fully supported.'.
But if you are using scripted pipelines you can implement something similar:
stage 'start up'
if(!env.testParam.matches('\\d+')) {
error 'failure of parameter validation - does not match regex'


Dynamically evaluate default in Jenkins pipeline build parameter

In Jenkins declarative pipeline we can define build parameters like
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'PARAMETER', defaultValue: 'INITIAL_DEFAULT')
choice(name: 'CHOICE', choices: ['THIS', 'THAT'])
However the parameter definitions of the job are only updated when the job runs after the build parameters dialog was already shown. That is, when I change the INITIAL_DEFAULT to something else, the next build will still default to INITIAL_DEFAULT and only the one after that will use the new value.
The same problem is with the choices, and there it is even more serious, because string default can be overwritten easily when starting the build, but if the new option isn't there, it cannot be selected at all.
So is there a way to define functions or expressions that will be executed before the parameter dialog to calculate current values (from files, variable in global settings or any other suitable external configuration)?
I remember using some plugins for this in the past with free-style jobs, but searching the plugin repository I can't find any that would mention how to use it with pipelines.
I don't care too much that the same problem applies to adding and removing parameters, because that occurs rarely. But we have some parameters where the default changes often and we need the next nightly to pick up the updated value.
It turns out the extended-choice-parameter does work with pipeline, and the configurations can be generated by the directive generator. It looks something like
name: 'PARAMETER',
type: 'PT_TEXTBOX',
defaultPropertyFile: '/var/lib/jenkins/',
defaultPropertyKey: 'parameter'
(there are many more options available in the generator)
Groovy script to get global environment variables can be had from this other answer.

Using a Jenkins pipeline multiline /multi-line string parameter

I'm converting a bunch of jobs to use the Jenkins pipeline language.
In plain/normal Jenkins we can use parameter types including:
choice, and also
multi-line string.
A parameter using one of these types will pop up and prompt the user for input when they run the Jenkins job.
The available parameter types for Jenkins pipeline are: (According to here).
There is no multiline string input parameter listed for pipeline. The Jenkins documentation say the documentation is "young" and still incomplete.
Has anyone managed to get a multi-line string input parameter working with the Jenkins pipeline?
Multi-line string parameters are in the out-of-the-box Jenkins package, but doesn't seem to be there in the pipeline.
I discovered the solution by looking at the Jenkins source code:
parameters{ text(name: 'mytextparam',
defaultValue: 'Default lines for the parameter',
description: 'A description of this param')
This pops up a multi-line text input prompt which becomes the parameter value which you can refer to later as params.mytextparam
This is not documented in the Jenkins Pipeline documentation, so there might be issues like it being unsupported or withdrawn in a future release. Or it could go the other way and they might document it in the next release.
There is a plugin that called:
You should use it if you need some stuff for Jenkins pipeline.
1.Install the plugin: I installed it from "plugins" in my Jenkins server under "Manage Jenkins" then, Plugin Manager. source:
2.You will see the plugin in the main screen of Jenkins on the left side. select it.
3.On the plugin select whatever you want for the plugin. here is an example of what you need now, check this out:
Go To Pipeline syntax dialog (/pipeline-syntax)
Select properties: Set Job Properties
6.After that press on "GENERATE PIPELINE SCRIPT".
7.copy the code (or part of it that you need) and add it to your Jenkins pipeline..
Let me know if this was helpful
Multi-line string parameters are text parameters in pipeline syntax. They are described on the Jenkins Pipeline Syntax page.
parameters { text(name: 'DEPLOY_TEXT', defaultValue: 'One\nTwo\nThree\n', description: '') }

Trigger Multibranch Job from another

I have a job in Jenkins and I need to trigger another one when it ends (if it ends right).
The second job is a multibranch, so I want to know if there's any way to, when triggering this job, pass the branch I want to. For example, if I start the first job in the branch develop, I need it to trigger the second one for the develop branch also.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Just think about the multibranch job being a folder containing the real jobs named after the available branches:
Using Pipeline Job
When using the pipeline build step you'll have to use something like:
build(job: 'JOB_NAME/BRANCH_NAME'). Of course you may use a variable to specify the branch name.
Using Freestyle Job
When triggering from a Freestyle job you most probably have to
Use the parameterized trigger plugin as the plain old downstream build plugin still has issues triggering pipeline jobs (at least the version we're using)
As job name use the same pattern as described above: JOB_NAME/BRANCH_NAME
Should be possible to use a job parameter to specify the branch name here. However I didn't give it a try, though.
Yes, you can call downstream job by adding post build step: Trigger/Call build on other projects(you may need to install "Parameterized Trigger Plugin"):
where in Parameters section you define vars for the downstream job associated with vars from current job.
Also multibranch_PARAM1 and *PARAM2 must be configured in the downstreamjob:
Sometimes you want to call one or more subordinate multibranch jobs and have them build all of their branches, not just one. A script can retrieve the branch names and build them.
Because the script calls the Jenkins API, it should be in a shared library to avoid sandbox restrictions. The script should clear non-serializable references before calling the build step.
Shared library script jenkins-lib/vars/mbhelper.groovy:
def callMultibranchJob(String name) {
def item = jenkins.model.Jenkins.get().getItemByFullName(name)
def jobNames = item.allJobs.collect {it.fullName}
item = null // CPS -- remove reference to non-serializable object
for (jobName in jobNames) {
build job: jobName
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
library 'jenkins-lib'
mbhelper.callMultibranchJob 'multibranch-job-one'
mbhelper.callMultibranchJob 'multibranch-job-two'

Jenkins Addon in Jenkins Pipeline

I have a parameterized project. With the variable VAR1.
I'm using the the Xray for JIRA Jenkins Plugin for Jenkins. There you can fill four parameters:
JIRA Instance
File Path
I'm new to Jenkins but what I have learned so far, that you can't fill this fields with environment variables. Something like
Issues: ${VAR1} - doesn't work.
So I thought I can do this with a pipeline. When I click on Pipeline Syntax and chose step: General Build Step I can choose Xray: Cucumber Features Export Task. Then I fill the fields with my environment variable and click Generate Pipeline Script The output is as follows:
step <object of type com.xpandit.plugins.xrayjenkins.task.XrayExportBuilder>
That doesn't work. What I'm doing wrong?
All you're doing is OK, but what you want is not supported by Jenkins whether it is pipeline or not, since the parameters' load is happening prior to the pipeline-flow or the definition of the ${VAR1}.
You can try to overcome this by defining the 'Issues' value as a pipeline internal value instead of a parameter and base it on the ${VAR1} value.
If it must be a parameter, use 2 jobs where one defines the value of 'Issues' based on a the ${VAR1} and pass it to the other job that gets the 'Issues' as a fixed value.

Trigger Jenkins Job for every parameter

I have created a Global choice Parameter using Extensible Choice Parameter plugin.
I am using this parameter list in one of my parametrized jenkins job.
Is there a way in jenkins, where I can execute the job with each of the parameters in the Global choice Parameter list?
I have had a look on Build Flow job in jenkins, as suggested in this answer, but it seems it accepts hardcoded parameters only, and not dynamic.
I finally managed to resolve this using the following steps (with great help from this post) -
As my parameters list is dynamic in nature, it could be added or modified according to other jobs, we have managed it in a text file.
Next, We have used Extensible Choice Parameter plugin to display the parameters, using the groovy script -
def list = [];
File file = new File("D:/JenkinJob/parameterList.txt")
file.eachLine { line ->
return list
Now I want to call this jenkins job for each of the parameter.
For this, I have installed, BuildFlow plugin, and crated a new jenkins job of BuildFlow type -
Next, get the Extended Choice Parameter plugin, and configure it as follows -
Now in the flow step of this job, write this script, where "Feature" is the parameter, that is just created above, and within call to "build" parameter, pass in the name of job which we want to call for each parameter -
def features = params['Features'].split(',')
for (feature in features ) {
build("JobYouWantToCall", JobParameter: feature,)
