Queue for transfer doesn't include contents within folder - umbraco

In my Umbraco cloud instance I can't see option to include contents within any child folder while using option "Queue for transfer". I can do this with home folder(top folder). See below screenshot.
Not sure if this is a temporary bug in cloud instance or there is any option I am missing. Can any one suggest if there is any option to transfer, content in chunk for child folders?

So, further chasing the issue with Umbraco cloud support, I found that it is a know issue with Umbraco cloud and for document type configured to show as list view. The work around for this issue is to disable the list view for document type.


Why can't I view or edit Umbraco templates?

When I open the Umbraco (7.6.3) backoffice, I'm unable to view or make changes to templates. It seems like other functionality is unaffected, and I can create & edit specific pages. However, attempting to open the templates themselves just leads to a white screen. This problem exists across browsers:
Other screens render just fine:
What gives?
Checking the console when attempting to load gives an interesting error:
Error: Argument 'Umbraco.Editors.Templates.EditController' is not a function, got undefined...
The issue seemed to be caused by outdated files in the Umbraco folder. Copying most directories over from packages\UmbracoCms.7.6.3\UmbracoFiles\umbraco\ seems to have done the trick.
Looking at the changelog, it seems like the JS folder was the most influential in getting this fixed.
Are you sure that you're on 7.6.3? The UI appears to be pre-7.6 (I can tell because the colours haven't been updated).
If you have just upgraded, it's possible that your browser has cached the JS which is used - hard refresh your browser to see if the UI updates.
Umbraco also uses a dependency service to compile all of the used JS/CSS files together into one large one. This service will not be used if your website is in debug mode. Either:
Turn debug mode on in the Web.config
Delete any files in the \App_Data\ClientDependency\ folder as this is where the cached compiled files are kept (these will be regenerated)
My first thought would be file permissions.
Have you run the health check for permissions in the developer section? Need to make sure that your application pool user has write permissions on the Views folder.

Discard hidden folders with Outlook REST Api

When retrieving folders list with Outlook REST API (beta endpoint)
I get the complete list of folders. But I also get some hidden/ignored folders that are not displayed in usual Outlook clients. I would like to ignore such folders as well.
I tried to forge a request using SingleExtendedProperty and PigTagAttributeHidden
https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/me/MailFolders?$select=Id,DisplayName,ParentFolderId,ChildFolderCount,UnreadItemCount,TotalItemCount,SingleValueExtendedProperties&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'Boolean 0x10F4'))
In the results this property is always marked as false even for these "ignored" folders.
Is there another way or fix to achieve this?
I went through the folders reported, and none of them were hidden. Basically they fell into two categories:
System folders like Sync Issues and Conflicts. These aren't hidden, but OWA doesn't show them in it's folder view. OWA handles these specially. The suggestion for a REST app that wants to also handle these specially and not show them is to check the WellKnownName property. All of these have a constant value for that property, so they can be selectively filtered.
Add-in folders. These were created by a module extension add-in. They actually reside in a folder structure like:
/WebExtAddIns (Hidden)
|__/{GUID id of addin} (Hidden)
|__/{Name of module extension tab} (Visible)
The REST API includes the {Name of module extension tab} folder because it's marked visible, even though it's parent folder is hidden. I've reported this to our developers and we are investigating improving this scenario. In the meantime, you can filter these out by making sure that the ParentFolderId matches either the Id of another folder in the folder results OR the ParentFolderId of the Inbox folder.

Create a combined view list in SharePoint 2007

I like to have a main page Web part with a link to each one of the shared documents in our portal.
The problem is that they are from different libraries and also I want the SharePoint to keep track of check in and check outs of the files. When I use, Content Editor to add the links, and then click on the list, it download a copy of file and saved changes do not change the original document.
I thought about creating a modified view in that specific library and filter out just one file. Then put that file in the front page. But, the first problem is that the file is 2 or 3 level deep in hierarchy. Also, even if I manage to do that, what should I do about different files in different libraries?
Please Advise

iOS file browser example

Does anyone have some sample code demonstrating how to make a "file browser" view? I'd like to be able to navigate through directories and drill-down the sub-directories and see files located within the various folders. I want the user to be able to create new directories/files and even select an existing file. Is there sample code out there already available to do this?
I don't know about sample code, but this wouldn't be too complicated to achieve using NSFileManager and a UITableView.
You can obtain arrays of directory contents using the subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error and associated methods of a file manager. These arrays in turn can populate a UITableView. It would be fairly easy to put together a navigation controller that could display a series of table views showing a file hiearchy.
Bear in mind, however, that you'll only be able to access the directories inside your application sandbox, unless you're running on a jailbroken device.
The iOS programming guide says that
You should never present users with the list of files in this directory and ask them to decide what to do with those files. Instead, sort through the files programmatically and add files without prompting.
This is assuming you are trying to implement file browse feature for your documents directory.
I'm an author of FileExplorer which is a file browser for iOS and fulfills most of your requirements.
Here are some of the features of my control:
Possibility to choose files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Possiblity to remove files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Built-in search functionality
View Audio, Video, Image and PDF files.
Possibility to add support for any file type.
You can find my control here.

Sharepoint Doc Lib Content Types

So I would like it when a user creates a new folder in my sharepoint document library that 4 template documents also get added inside the new folder. I get that the user could just click on the document template for each template individual but I want them added all the time.
There doesn't seem to be an option to add template documents to a document lib folder content type.
Sooo.... Is my only alternative to create a custom sharepoint workflow that checks for the folder creation inside my doc lib. (Ideally maybe restricting it to only when a specific folder of my custom content type is created.. ) This seems like a simple workflow to create but I want to make sure that I even need to create one since I haven't actually created a custom sharepoint workflow yet...
You're right; there's no built-in functionality for this. It should be reasonable simple to write a workflow that runs when something is added to a library, checks to see if it is a folder, and adds the items into the folder. It would probably be easiest to have the template documents in another folder somewhere, and then copy them over.
Good luck!
I found this example that helped out a lot:
