I am trying to document an api written in Dart with dartdoc.
The dart files i am trying to document are not in a "/lib" folder so when i launch dartdoc at the root of my api i get the following message:
Documented 0 libraries in 0.2 seconds.
dartdoc could not find any libraries to document. Run `pub get` and try
Success! Docs generated into /home...
But the only documentation i get is the text written in the readME.md file.
My structure is something like this:
I read about official dartdoc documentation and searched there but found no solution to my problem.
I am looking for a way to generate documentation for those dart files.
bitnami server.js in the course
The teacher has the following directory for server.js in Bitnami. But I don't have this directory and I can't even find documentation for this
You teacher is using a really old version of Parse (from 2016). The new Bitnami Parse solution includes the Parse files inside the /opt/bitnami/parse directory. You can find the server.js file in there.
If you want to perform any change in the configuration in the solution, we suggest you take a look at our documentation or our community forums in case you have any questions.
Doxygen now allows to link md files to other md files with regular markdown syntax:
How do I link between markdown documents in doxygen?
I have the following file structure:
Linking from README.md to other.md is straigforward:
[My link](Docs/other.md)
However linking from other to Readme is not working:
[My back link](README.md)
Since doxygen generates its links relative to where it is run, and I am running doxygen on MyDir, that should be the correct relative path. I also tried
[My back link](../README.md)
Just in case, but no luck.
I found the command of dartdoc, when I run it, I get the api documantation for Dart. How can I generate the documantation for flutter just like docs.flutter.io?
Run from the project root directory the command line command
dart doc
pub global activate dartdoc
See also https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/dartdoc
By default docs are only generate for the public API in lib/.
Code in lib/src/ is considered private if not exported from files in lib/
In OpenCV source dir, there is a doc dir. But, this dir contains no pdf files. How can I get files like "opencv_tutorials.pdf", "opencv_cheatsheet.pdf"?
You need doxygen for this. You can install it from http://www.doxygen.nl and then run the doxygen executable on the doxyfile.in. This should generate documentation files in html, pdf (if you have latex installed), etc.
Note that you'll probably find all the tutorials and PDFs you'll need online as well. Using these generated files have the risk of being outdated very soon.
I have created some local libraries in my dart lib directory.
These libraries are visible in dart packages for each newly created folder in the web directory. However, when I attempt to access them using the dart's package nomenclature eg package:reg/name.dart, the system always generates an error.
I think I am missing something.
I have read http://pub.dartlang.org/doc/package-layout.html but this did not help me either.
You need to ensure that the name you're using as the package matches that in pubspec.yaml.
Eg. if in pubspec.yaml you havename: my_app and your file is at lib\my_library.dart then you need to use import 'package:my_app/my_library.dart';.