Youtube embed: Hide title/subscribe/comments when logged in to youtube/google - youtube

I'm using showinfo=0 to hide the title, etc. in an embedded youtube video. This works fine for users not logged in to youtube/google, but logged in users see title, subscribe, comments, video owner's image, "watch later", etc. See screenshot here:
I've never noticed this before and wondering if it's a new "feature" from youtube/google. Would love to find a way to hide this info for all users viewing the embedded video, regardless of if they're logged in to youtube/google or not.

As per Google states on its YouTube Player API Docs on 23rd of August 2018:
Note: This is a deprecation announcement for the showinfo parameter.
In addition, the behavior for the rel parameter is changing. Titles,
channel information, and related videos are an important part of
YouTube’s core user experience, and these changes help to make the
YouTube viewing experience consistent across different platforms.
You can read full document here
Seems like Google does not want to disable/hide video related information like
Relative Videos (if the rel parameter is set to 0, related videos will
come from the same channel as the video that was just played.)
Video Info (showinfo parameter is deprecated and will be ignored after
September 25, 2018.).
So the bottom line is, the rel parameter has now changed and you can no longer disable this. Instead of this you can use other Video players Like
HTML Video Player
Hope This Helps!.


No ads on embedded youtube-videos

I have a page where I help people study for the Swedish SAT-test. In that page I embed solution-videos that content-creators have put up on youtube.
To help these content-creators I do not want to remove the ads on my embedded videos. Despite this it looks like the videos are not displaying any ads when embedded.
Go to, scroll down and click on the "Aristofanes"-label in the card with heading "Resurser". The video will start playing embedded without commercials.
If you click on the "YouTube"-link on the embedded video to go to the channel you'll instantly get the commercial. Or if you go to the youtube-link:
You also get the commercial.
Is there anything I can do to make the videos show ads, OR is there any setting the content creator have to change so I could guide them and ensure the videos I host get monetised?
According to this page the problem could be:
Requirements for ads on embedded videos
Ads appear on brand safe sites: YouTube works diligently so that our advertisers' brands appear on sites that reflect our respective core values.
Is there any documentation on how one would go about checking if ones page fill the requirement of being a brand-safe-site.
I've asked about this in the Youtube Support Community but have not yet gotten a good answer (in my opinion).

Show playlist and other items in Cars display

I noticed in my new car that Apple's Music Player shows functions like Playlist, Search and others in my car's display. My own app uses MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to show album title, track title and other stuff, but I see nothing in the documentation about how to manage these other menu items. I also notice that my car says "Next Track" and "Previous Track" (or something like that), whereas Music Player shows the next and previous track titles.
Here is my question: is this extra functionality exposed in API somewhere? If so where?
(My assumption is that it is SPI, but I hope I am wrong!)
BTW: My car does NOT have CarPlay.
Well, this is Apple. It seems they have not released to the developers the API yet.
You can ask for more informations with your developer account here :
and explain why your application may be supported by Car Play.
Unfortunately we all may have to wait the next WWDC or the next one...
With iOS 12, the CarPlay APIs for writing audio and navigation apps have been finally released. You can develop for both the simulator and the car without Apple's blessing, however to publish such an app, you still need to request the necessary entitlements on a per-app basis.
(Personal addendum: It took me 2 years to get certified for my CarPlay audio app, so you need to have a bit of patience).

iTunes API - How to tell if a song is available on Apple Music?

Apple recently updated the iTunes Affiliate API to redirect all links to Apple Music by default (
This seems to be a total mess at the moment because about 50% of the links will open and show you a beautiful white blank page. Then nothing.
Is there any way to tell if the link will be a hit without throwing users to
The object isStreamable was added and it will return true or false indicating that the track is available in Apple Music or not.

Facebook custom photo and video sharing action in iOS

I have video and photo sharing working fine in an iOS app using UIActivityViewController.
Now I want to upgrade it so that the app posts a custom OpenGraph story to the timeline. Something like "User posted Video from MySuperApp".
I've got the all the iOS side written, and I've got a Facebook app created and configured in the project, login, etc.
I'm a bit frustrated by the rest of the documentation, though:
The submission guidelines speak about a "user generated photos" permission that doesn't seem to be available anywhere in the app settings, or anywhere else in the documentation. Is that still required? Is there a similar permission for videos?
It says "Photos must be original and can only be those taken with a camera by the person who is publishing them". The app allows adding annotations/drawings on top of a photo. Does that still count as "original"? And I guess the normal image controls allow selecting images from an album, so I have no way to enforce this, do I? (Other than writing a completely custom camera control, I guess...)
The API allows to "stage" a photo for a story. Is it possible to stage a video, or do I need to upload it externally? Can I refer to a video in a user's album in a story?
Is it possible to use FBDialogs to post a story about a video, or do I need to write my own?
Current status: I wrote my own UIActivity to share on Facebook and my own activity view controller.
Making a custom story about a photo is straightforward, and covered by documentation and examples, but to summarize:
stage photo, returns url
create object, returns id
create action (returns id)
Make sure you set "explicitly_shared" to true, so the action appears in the timeline. It is a good idea to follow their recommendations for error handling as well, otherwise it is a pain to debug.
I am not further with videos, though. Uploading a video is easy ([FBRequest requestForUploadVideo]), but that returns an id. So far I have not been able to use this id in either an object or an action. Querying the graph API for that id doesn't return any information. The video appears on the timeline by itself as well.
I'm tempted to just ditch the custom story about the video.
Okay, based on the feedback here and on the Facebook group I have to assume that it is not possible to upload and share a video as part of a story. I'm going to strip the feature down to just upload the video to the album.

Moderation / Submission Settings of Youtube Direct

I have been trying to change the Submission Mode to NEW but it still on NEW OR EXISTING even after clicking on Save Changes button. I don't want users to submit existing videos and the "Submit an Existing Video" button should not be there. Any suggestions?
There's an unfortunate bug in the way that YouTube Direct uses Guice that causes the configuration object to get cached and reused as long as the JVM that is running YouTube Direct remains active. In practice, this normally means that the new settings will take effect after a couple of hours.
In general, our focus is on YouTube Direct Lite right now. If you'd like to learn more, please see
You can customize the JavaScript code directly to not display the Existing Video tab in YouTube Direct Lite.
