Show playlist and other items in Cars display - ios

I noticed in my new car that Apple's Music Player shows functions like Playlist, Search and others in my car's display. My own app uses MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to show album title, track title and other stuff, but I see nothing in the documentation about how to manage these other menu items. I also notice that my car says "Next Track" and "Previous Track" (or something like that), whereas Music Player shows the next and previous track titles.
Here is my question: is this extra functionality exposed in API somewhere? If so where?
(My assumption is that it is SPI, but I hope I am wrong!)
BTW: My car does NOT have CarPlay.

Well, this is Apple. It seems they have not released to the developers the API yet.
You can ask for more informations with your developer account here :
and explain why your application may be supported by Car Play.
Unfortunately we all may have to wait the next WWDC or the next one...

With iOS 12, the CarPlay APIs for writing audio and navigation apps have been finally released. You can develop for both the simulator and the car without Apple's blessing, however to publish such an app, you still need to request the necessary entitlements on a per-app basis.
(Personal addendum: It took me 2 years to get certified for my CarPlay audio app, so you need to have a bit of patience).


Apple keeps rejecting app with AdMob because of bluetooth notification string not correct

Since IOS 13 came to live old 3 party APIs stopped working, In my app i needed to fix few because of that so i needed to fit it to IOS 13.
Since then Apple keeps rejecting my app because of Bluetooth user notification is not correct.
I just don't know what to write there, It is so annoying. I have to add it because of AdMobs and there is nowhere to say what to write over there.
I don't user BT in my app, it is just the AdMobs beacons that needs it probably.
I've tried:
And i will probably will have the same issue with the calendar message also.
When i try to remove it they demand it and then not approving it.... I understand maybe the first one but what wrong with the the second one? why is that no clear enough for them?
see apple docs below:
Explain why your app needs the information. Provide custom text (known
as a purpose string or usage description string) for display in the
system's permission request alert, and include an example. Keep the
text short and specific, use sentence case, and be polite so people
don't feel pressured. There’s no need to include your app name—the
system already identifies your app. For developer guidance, see
Protecting the User's Privacy.
you're not explaining exactly why you need access to bluetooth. you must be specific. saying, "XYZ app needs access to bluetooth to interact with beacons to serve you location based advertisements"
something like that should do. no cutting corners, no trying to put it off on Google, just say it like it is and you'll likely pass through app approval without a problem.

Countries to allow my iOS application in?

I've a question regarding to releasing my iOS application.
Is there anything I should think about when releasing? Should I let ALL countries be able to download the application, if not why?
I mean, I've no idea about all the countries rules regarding to everything. On my IOS app I've a map which you can start and it will track your moves till you press a stop button. And I also have links to "third-party's (To shops, blogs, instagram accounts etc)"
Should I allow my app in all countries? If not, which one should I remove?
This is really an offtopic question, countries you want to distribute your app to depend on your business logic. Unless you have some questionable content (for example China has some strict rules regarding content and maps) or store user data without GDPR (European Union), you're almost certainly good to go.

Is there a URL forwarding to the App Store review creator in iOS 11?

In iOS 10, I was able to forward directly from my app to its App Store ratings page by using the following link:
However, in iOS 11 with its all-new App Store where the review page doesn't exist any longer, this seems to be broken now.
Does anyone know an alternative url that opens up the review creator page directly? Or does Apple want us to stop using such links?
You need to add a name after the app parameter of your url (here I use 'itunes-u') :\(appID)?ls=1&mt=8&action=write-review
Also note that the scheme seems to be working properly so you could instead call :
What you should do is implement the SKStore​Review​Controller for IOS 10.3 and higher.
It's super simple,
import StoreKit
It turns out that the system will automatically limit the display of the dialog to 3 times over a 365-day period, so there’s no logic required to check this.
There is however a recommendation that you show the prompts at ‘logical points’ when it is clear the user has made some sort of engagement within the app.
The guides also say you should allow a week or two between repeated displays of the prompt so users don’t feel like they’re being pestered(this will require some thoughtfulness and implementation on your part).
Jordan Holland
First, according to apple guidelines you shouldn't do this,
but you can just add to itunes link of your game &action=write-review and just open this link.

Statistics of Installation of my app in Apple App Analytics

I'm wondering, if it's possible to get a overview about the Installations on active devices, splitted by versions like I can do it in the google play console.
Yes, you can! But all data is "opt-in" only and usually captures something like 20-30% of your users.
You can see how many users agreed to share the data by clicking on the question mark next to "About App Analytics Data" in the top right corner

iTunes API - How to tell if a song is available on Apple Music?

Apple recently updated the iTunes Affiliate API to redirect all links to Apple Music by default (
This seems to be a total mess at the moment because about 50% of the links will open and show you a beautiful white blank page. Then nothing.
Is there any way to tell if the link will be a hit without throwing users to
The object isStreamable was added and it will return true or false indicating that the track is available in Apple Music or not.
