iTunes API - How to tell if a song is available on Apple Music? - ios

Apple recently updated the iTunes Affiliate API to redirect all links to Apple Music by default (
This seems to be a total mess at the moment because about 50% of the links will open and show you a beautiful white blank page. Then nothing.
Is there any way to tell if the link will be a hit without throwing users to

The object isStreamable was added and it will return true or false indicating that the track is available in Apple Music or not.


App Tracking Transparency on Flutter was rejected by Apple

I need help us
I have an problem with publish my flutter app on Apple Developer. My binary was rejected any times and i does't any more ideas about this.
The support team of apple developer says this problem:
Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
We noticed your app accesses web content you own where you collect cookies. Cookies may be used to track users, but you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before collecting data used to track.
Starting with iOS 14.5, apps on the App Store need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before collecting data used to track them.
But, i implemented according of docs. For showing permission request dialog i have used this library:
I'm confused because it already implemented everything that was requested.
App Tracking Transparency implemented
Permission is displayed to the user, who selects YES or NO.
App Tracking Information is updated here in the App Store Connect section, including Third Party Cookies.
My app accesses external links in a WebView and for that reason they are questioning the use of "App Tracking". But I implemented everything as requested by them.
My biggest question is if I'm forgetting something that may have gone unnoticed.
Anyone who can help me, please?
The same thing exactly happened with me twice and in both time the issue was resolved by simply sending them a video recording of the app showing the Yes/No App Tracking Transparency dialog. They just want to know when it appears to user if you implemented everything correctly. So try sending them a video recording in the resolution center as a response to that message.
App Store Review team is always questioning the "App Tracking Transparency dialog". Even if this dialog is the first thing that appears after the app launch. (I think they just haven't launched the app).
There's no need to make a video, just add the text "The App Tracking Transparency dialog is appearing after app launch" and they will approve the app.

How do you request a passcode entry when linking out from an app

My app keeps failing Apple's review process because it's rated for kids, yet links out to websites without parental controls. I was wondering if there is anything I can put in the HTML link that will force the use to put in their passcode (or thumbprint) before jumping to the link?
I have no idea where to start with this. Google has turned up nothing.
When you click a link in the app, instead of taking you straight to safari, it instead asks for a passcode first. This would satisfy the parental controls issue.

Communicating with other apps and getting data from them

On the click of a button in my app I want to launch the youtube app and check if a user is signed in and retrieve his youtube channel address and save it somewhere in my app. At first I though I could have the button open safari and take the user to the youtube sign in page and once he signs in ill copy the url of his homepage, but I dont think this possible and if it is there will be a lot of problems that I have to take into account.
Anyone got any ideas on how this could be done?
Since iOS uses app sandboxing you can't retrieve information from other apps, unless they explicitly call your app back.
You may use Youtube API to achieve what you want. The user would log in Youtube within your app, then you get the user's channel info.

Show playlist and other items in Cars display

I noticed in my new car that Apple's Music Player shows functions like Playlist, Search and others in my car's display. My own app uses MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to show album title, track title and other stuff, but I see nothing in the documentation about how to manage these other menu items. I also notice that my car says "Next Track" and "Previous Track" (or something like that), whereas Music Player shows the next and previous track titles.
Here is my question: is this extra functionality exposed in API somewhere? If so where?
(My assumption is that it is SPI, but I hope I am wrong!)
BTW: My car does NOT have CarPlay.
Well, this is Apple. It seems they have not released to the developers the API yet.
You can ask for more informations with your developer account here :
and explain why your application may be supported by Car Play.
Unfortunately we all may have to wait the next WWDC or the next one...
With iOS 12, the CarPlay APIs for writing audio and navigation apps have been finally released. You can develop for both the simulator and the car without Apple's blessing, however to publish such an app, you still need to request the necessary entitlements on a per-app basis.
(Personal addendum: It took me 2 years to get certified for my CarPlay audio app, so you need to have a bit of patience).

A way to check if iOS app exists in App Store?

I'm working on episodic game for iOS and would like to have a menu with links to all the episodes. When the menu is shown, I want to check if the episodes are available in App Store or not, and depending on the answer enable a button to take the user to the game's App Store page.
Is there any way of checking the existence of an app in the App Store?
All the questions I found were about checking if the user had INSTALLED certain other app on their device, but all I want to know is if it exists in App Store.
I already tried canOpenURL but that returned true for any App Store url such as
(Docs say "It does not guarantee that the full URL is valid.")
Thanks in advance!
You can use Apple API as follows:
Where "term" would be the search criteria. This will give you a JSON encoded result.
For full documentation you can check Apple Search API
Hope this is what you're looking for.
Or you just need to your App's appstore URL to and if it returns correct response mean your app is there on appstore
OK, first thing I'd do is listen to #AdamRichardson. It might be a better idea to release each episode as an in app purchase rather than a new app?
However, if you want to do your AppStore thing then I'd do it by having a server with data on it that you can inspect.
On the server have an API that returns a list of your Apps that are available on the app store.
This way you don't need to go to the app store to check you can just update your server.
