Webservice endpoint is given by glassfish and wildfly but not in jetty - wsdl

I'm developing an application in Java using vaadin, JPA, maven and JAX-WS technologies.
When I publish the application in the glassfish server I can see the generated wsdl using this url:
When I publish the application in the wildfly server I can see the generated wsdl using this url:
When I publish the application in the jetty server I can't find to which endpoint is deployed, but I can use the webapp by using this url:
Could you help me?

If you are using JPA and JAX-WS via Java EE API dependencies relying implementation bundled in Glassfish / Wildfly, which are Java EE compliant application containers, that would explain the observation. That is because Jetty is not Java EE container and does not contain implementation e.g. for JAX-WS out of the box.


How to implement full text search in fuseki web app deployed on apache tomcat

How to implement full text search in fuseki web app deployed on apache tomcat.
Please describe all the steps.
I am using fuseki-web-app maven version 4.1.0 and apache tomcat 9.

Spring boot remote address in standalone Apache Tomcat instance

I have a spring boot 1.2 web application is deployed on standalone tomcat.
I need to authorize an url based on remote IP.
In case of embedded tomcat , we can use
server.tomcat.remote_ip_header= x-forwarded-for
How do we configure, when deployed in standalone tomcat.
Note :
I did try RemoteIpValve of tomcat by setting remoteIpHeader="x-forwarded-for" and it did not work and My tomcat is behind a web Application firewall.
without changing tomcat settings etc, can we tell spring security to look for remote ip in x-forwarded-for(in stand alone tomcat deployement)
You can use Remote IP Filter available with Tomcat. There are many such filters available.
Please see (Tomcat Documentation](http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/filter.html#Remote_IP_Filter)
You can configure these filters in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml which will be available for all web application or you can do it in web applications web.xml.

Rightfax Integration with JAVA API

I am trying to do some POC on Rightfax integration with JAVA API. Installed all required components in Rightfax Server (JAVA/XML API) and configured the IIS (took care while installing the rightfax server)
while running the sample java program getting following message
Msg: Failed to load XML into DOM tree.
Could someone help me if there is any configuration is missing in Rightfax server side or at IIS
//Create a outbound fax object
RFaxSubmit faxSubmit= new RFaxSubmit();
//set XMLNS and make sure you have XML_FAX_SUBMIT_schema.xml in your classpath.
This file must be available on your RightFax server, # this location \RightFax\Production\xml\schemas\XML_FAX_SUBMIT_schema.xml
download this file or ask server support and add it in your classpath.

Spring 3.1 Web services working example

Please suggest me with some useful links that have step by step spring web services sample examples implementation. Do I need to install some plugin in Spring Tool Suite.
As said by #evandongen, Spring 3.1 features REST web services. SOAP web services can be implemented with Spring-WS, which currently is in version 2.1.3. The Spring-WS manual has a tutorial which shows you step-by-step how to implement a SOAP web service.

Enterprise OSGi vs. EJB

i have an application server (JBoss) with some EJBs deployed. Now i must develop an OSGi application which i would like to reuse with my application server. I know that new application servers allows to deploy OSGi bundles in the application server itself.
These are my questions:
Could i simple deploy my OSGi bundles into the application server instead of EJBs?
Do OSGi services scale as well as EJB or should i better use EJB for performance-critical parts of the application(Is there are any "OSGi service thread pool" in application server)?
Will the OSGi service be the bottleneck for EJB-Based application if used together?
Thanks, Slava
If you were using GlassFish, you could do use best both the worlds, as GlassFish can automatically make your EJBs that are part of your OSGi bundle available as OSGi services. See
For more info, ask in glassfish forum at users#glassfish.java.net
