Spring 3.1 Web services working example - spring-ws

Please suggest me with some useful links that have step by step spring web services sample examples implementation. Do I need to install some plugin in Spring Tool Suite.

As said by #evandongen, Spring 3.1 features REST web services. SOAP web services can be implemented with Spring-WS, which currently is in version 2.1.3. The Spring-WS manual has a tutorial which shows you step-by-step how to implement a SOAP web service.


Swagger UI not accessible following WebDeploy

Been struggling with this for a bit and looking for some advice.
I have .NET 5.0 api web application with swagger ui that works locally (https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html), but when I deploy via WebDeploy it says it's successful but I cannot access the web page (404)
I was expecting to be able to access it at https://mysite/swagger/index.html
I have an accompanying project that uses the api that I am deploying with WebDeploy with virtually the same configuration and it works ok.
The API is up and running, I just can't get to the web interface.

Integrate Spring Rest Services with Spring Security JWT deployed separately

I have a Spring JWT Project and Spring Rest Services which are deployed separately. I have to do authentication and authorization stuff by calling Spring JWT Service. I'm new to this though but I have good understanding. Any one having idea how to achieve this.
Spring 4.x, Spring Security 4.x and Hibernate 5.x with Java based configuration

JavaMelody and Spring Security

I have been developing a web app using Spring Boot and Spring Security among other things.
Everything was working well till I integrated with JavaMelody. Now, every REST API call annotated with #PreAuthorize is giving a HTTP status 404.
How can I configure JavaMelody for working with Spring Security? I followed the official guide to integrate JavaMelody in a Spring Boot app (https://github.com/javamelody/javamelody/wiki/UserGuideAdvanced#spring-boot-app) and so JavaMelody is working, but... I did not find any info about my situation.
Updated Spring Boot to 1.4.1 and now it is working.

Grails Spring Security integration with WebSphere Global Security

I recently developed a Grails application which uses Spring LDAP and Spring Security for authentication using LDAP. Its working great. But now I am trying to make it work with WebSphere 8.5 Application global security settings.
I have configured WebSphere Global Security with LDAP information and test connection and login works with LDAP users. But now I want to integrate the same with Grails.
I tried few options but it's not really going anywhere and did not find much information online.

Can Ruby on Rails be deployed on Azure Web Sites?

Can I deploy Ruby on Rails on Azure Web Sites?
Not yet. Only .NET and PHP are supported as of now.
It looks like Microsoft have increased their Azure offering:
Microsoft Azure: Ruby Developer Center
Windows Azure SDK for Ruby (Github, docs)
This project provides a Ruby package that makes it easy to access and manage Windows Azure Services like Storage, Service Bus and Virtual Machines.
Ruby on Rails Web application on an Azure VM
This tutorial describes how to host a Ruby on Rails-based web site on Azure using a Linux virtual machine. This tutorial assumes you have no prior experience using Azure. Upon completing this tutorial, you will have a Ruby on Rails-based application up and running in the cloud.
Their Documentation Centre now (April 2014) lists the following platforms:
iOS, Android, Windows
It's in preview now. I just received notification of this: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/169385-web-apps-formerly-websites/suggestions/5582607-add-deploy-support-for-ruby-rails-sinatra-app
