How to force UITabBar compact design when in landscape on iPhone X? - ios

So, I'm having a problem with the UITabBar on iPhone X.
The problem is that the tab bar doesn't adjust the icons when it is in landscape mode, like the UITabBarController.
1 - I've set the safe area settings.
2 - I've put the tab bar inside a UI view.
But this only fixes the tab bar misplacement on iPhone X.
My problem is better described in the image below:
When running on iPhone 8 (anyone but iPhone X) the tab bar works like expected. But when running (the same view, with no changes) on iPhone X, the adjustment simply doesn't happen when in landscape mode. Is there a code that I should explicitly "tell" to the tab bar adjust?


UITabBar image incorrectly positioned on iPad when inside splitview + navcontroller

I have a hierarchy like so:
In storyboard, on iPhones (in all orientations), and when using iPad split screen with another app (see screenshot below with contacts side by side) this all works great.
However, when the iPad app has the full screen, my tab bar images are horizontal instead of vertical.
Anyone know of a way to force the tab bar to change the orientation of it's images so it's vertical? It's almost like the OS doesn't recognize that it should be using the compact traits for this mode on iPad.
Further details:
This is an iPad 9th Gen simulator on iOS 15.4. and is also present on a real iPad (5th gen iOS 15).
I am using SF Symbols for the image in the tab bar
I am using the technique described here so that I can have more fine grained control over whether any given view should be shown in the master nav/tab view or if it should show up in the detail view.
I am using .allVisible for the preferredDisplayMode, tried changing it to primary over with no luck.

screen breaking in iPhone x for higher iOS versions.there is no storyboards design done through code

In my project tabbar(it's like below the navigation bar i have 4 buttons in my tabbar) is going to top after app launches it's happening in iPhone x for higher iOS versions.we are not using storyboards,design done through codeing.check below screenshots.
In the first screenshot u can't see search bar and above tabs[location,search,deals this is the problem.
if u observe second one u can see address bar and above tabs for lowerversions it was working.
This is breaking screen for higher versions above ios11
This is for lower versions design is fine

iOS App is offset from the top of the Screen

I am developing an app (objective c) with a navigation controller. For some reason the whole app is offset from the top of the device. See below, can anyone give me some pointers as I have no idea.
Hiding the Navigation bar makes no difference, either in the storyboard or in code. The storyboard constraints all seem correct, as the title below the navigation bar moves up and down when showing and hiding the navigation bar.
This problem occurs on iPhone SE and iPhone 7, the iPad 2 is ok. The xCode version is 8.1
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to use launch.storyboard in your Project or you need to add launch screens image in your Asset Folder for all the sizes, then this black screen from top and bottom will be removed.
In App Icons and Launch Images setting, you need to set asset and launch screen file. so this black bar will disappear.

UITabBar overlaps the navigation bar when editing items in landscape mode

I'm currently developing an iOS application in which I need to use a tab bar. While testing it on a small device (iPhone 4s) I found that If I rotated the device into landscape mode the title is overlapping the title bar.
Before rotation :
After rotation :
Is there a way I can fix this ? I don't have acces to this view because it is managed by the UITabBar.

How to set full screen mode in iPod

I am using full screen layout in my iOS App, its working fine in iPhone and iPad.
But app showing strange behaviour in iPod. When I run app in iPod half inch black screen comes in top and bottom bar.
In my storyboard setting I have following
status bar -> none
top bar ->none
bottom bar -> none
Also set the value in info.plist
view-status bar controller -> No
How I can set full screen layout for iPod?
Add Default-568h#2x.png it for 4-inch iPhone5 or iPod
if u r using storyboard, there is one option to design view for 3.5 and 4 full screen.
if you are selecting 3.5 or 4 screen, go to size inspector and adjust the origin and Autosizing as per the screen shot below.
Note: This is just an example for how to set design in 3.5 and 4 screen
// check the screen shot below
