TFS 2017 notifications not working - tfs

I am using tfs 2017. In the alert settings I have configured gmail smtp and when I try send test mail it works, mails are sent to the email address. I have configured notifications and set the delivery settings for the same. But the emails are not getting sent when ever I make any changes in any work item.
Could any one help out to resolve this issue?

First, for on-premises TFS, you must configure an SMTP sever in order for team members to see the Notifications option from their account menu and to receive notifications. Double this setting and make sure your SMTP server worked
According to your screenshot you are trying to manage notifications for a team:
Deliver to Specific team members
Roles Assigned To(New) Assigned
To(Previous ), Previous Assignee, Current Assignee
Make sure your account is applied to those roles for the changed work item.
And in this case,
by default, email notifications will be sent to your preferred email address: You could check and update your address in your user profile, check if the E-Mail address is the one you would like to use.
Besides, also try to change the Deliver to Team email address and directly input your E-Mail Address. Then test again.


Issue watchers not receiving email notifications on JIRA software

Issue watchers not receiving email notifications on JIRA software : I have watched several issue on our JIRA software, However I am not receiving any email when there is an update going on. What am I missing?
Please check the notification scheme applied to your project. As a project admin, you're capable to see the notification rules. For Jira Server, you can check this link: https://jira_domain/plugins/servlet/project-config/PROJECTKEY/notifications
You might need to check with your Jira administrator to adjust the notification scheme.
Also bear in mind, if you update a Jira issue by yourself, you might not be getting notifications by default. See your Preferences under your profile:
(My Changes: Do not notify me)
Another potential problem might be watchers' e-mail addresses - are they correct? Is your SMTP server able to send e-mails to these watchers' addresses? Problems might typicallly happen if recipients' e-mail addresses are in different domain and your SMTP is not configured properly to send e-mails to external domains.

TFS not always emailing pull request notifications

I have a project in TFS. The last two pull requests, we got emails for "xxx has approved the code" but not the subsequent emails for "xxx marked the pull request as completed" The pull requests in question were both approved and completed. The emails do not appear to have been caught in Outlook's spam filter.
The subscription for all projects is "A pull request I created or am a reviewer on is updated"
Version: 15.117.26714.0
Is there a way to diagnose why TFS email notifications are so flaky? This isn't the first complaint I've gotten about TFS email notifications being unreliable.
Have tested TFS 2017.2 instance but could not reproduce the issue on my side. Both approved and completed E-mail sent correctly.
So the issue seems not be able to stable reproduce. For now, there is no way to trouble shoot this directly. You could check the event log in TFS sever to see if you got any error or warning info there.
To narrow down the issue, you could analysis both address the E-mail achieved and sent.
Notifications are sent to your preferred email address, which you can
change from your account preferences. Change the preferred one
and use another to see if issue still exists.
The received notifications are sent by the configured SMTP
server. Try to specify another SMTP Server and the email address
to use for sending emails.
One possibility for this issue, the action of approved and completed pull request were too closely. This may cause TFS only trigger one E-Mail. Do it slowly and try again. Based on my testing, in this case, the E-Mail are sent not in sequence, the completed came first then the approved one.
Moreover, you could also explicitly add a subscription with "A pull request I created or am a reviewer on is updated" just for the project you are working on, which may do the trick.

TFS 2018 Email Notifications not sending out

I have been working on a new TFS 2018 install and I have everything setup with the exception of email notifications. I setup in the admin console the SMTP relay information and when i click test and enter in my email, I get the test notification. Now when i switch to the TFS web console and I create a new work item and assign it to a user the user never gets an email. I have verified that the team notification are on and there is a notification setup for when a work item is assigned. Is there something Im missing, is there a log I need to enable to show if there are errors sending emails out?
any help would be great.
Firstly, please make sure you have created the subscriptions correctly and the SMTP server is OK. See Manage notifications for a team.
Based on my test, teams who are not part of Contributors group are not able to receive email notifications.
So, if your project team is not a member of the Contributors group, just add the team to the group. Then try it again.
Another workaround is using the email address directly when creating the subscriptions. This should be related to the AD sync issue. Refer to this thread for details: .
Without Active Directory, TFS will not send team alerts. Users can set
their preferred email address, which TFS will then sync to Active
Directory as the "[Member's default email address]". If no Active
Directory is found, that sync won't work, which means their default
email is blank. Blank email means no alert sent (which means no error
about the sending failing either).

Integrating JIRA Service Desk with PagerDuty

I would like to create a PagerDuty incident every time a customer creates an issue of a certain type (Fault) on JIRA Service Desk. So I have created a JIRA user with the email address provided by PagerDuty, an incident was created when JIRA sent the invitation to PagerDuty, which seems to indicate that when JIRA sends an email, PagerDuty gets it. Then I added an automation rule (issue notifications did not work as I didn't find a way to send a notification only when an issue of a certain type is created), to notify my special user every time an issue is created with the Fault type.
But when I create an issue of this type, nothing seems to be sent to PagerDuty. I have tested sending an email directly to the email address of PagerDuty user and it worked. I have tested notifying another user when an issue is created in JIRA Service desk and it worked too. So I don't know what's wrong but I can't get the email to be sent to PagerDuty from JIRA Service Desk. Any idea of what I missed?

Jenkins email-ext plugin not sending mail

I have Jenkins version 1.480.3 installed on my machine and Email-Extention Plugin 2.30.2.
Test mail from "Manage Jenkins" section works fine. When I add editable email notification to my jobs, I am not receiving it.
Also tried configuring "Triggers" in editable email notification advanced section. That also didn work. Console logs of build shows email has been triggered.
Can someone help me on how to debug this?
At first you have to create a template http://url-to-jenkins/emailexttemplates/.
In the field "Project Recipient List" you can add some emails (comma separated).
You can also insert global variables (Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Global properties) with:
${ENV, var="PATH"}
The "Advanced Settings..." option provides a trigger management, just add "Recipient List" and now you should get some emails by Jenkins.
It appears that, in some version Extended E-mail Notification become own SMTP Server configuration.
So check your configuration under "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure System" -> "Extended E-mail Notification" and make sure that fields "SMTP Server" and " Default user E-mail suffix" are filled properly.
Make sure also that the configuration is consistent with "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure System" -> E-mail Notification.
Fill out fields "SMTP Server" and " Default user E-mail suffix" under "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure System" -> "Extended E-mail Notification"
Wasted few days.
Also tried to Downgrade the email-ext plugin to 2.25
but this Doesn't help.
Test mail sended, In Console Log was Sending email to: mymail
But stiil have no messages.
I found solution that help me....
I used gmail. So I Verifeid my gmail account via cellphone, than I fill Security Settings and gave Access to my account from unreliable sources.
Then I fill that mail into Use SMTP Authentication in Global Settings.
That worked for me :)
Check if you have SSL enabled under SMTP Auth settings. For me, I was able to see a successful trigger, but email was never sent.
I spent hours trying to resolve this issue, I've implemented everything mentioned here, and didn't work for me, the solution that worked for me was to uninstall the plugin and install it again!
Downgrade the email-ext plugin to 2.25
This is a long shot. But chrome was auto filling my SMTP Authentication password, so when I changed any setting and clicked save, the password would also be overwritten.
Hopefully I can save someone else a headache!
Short Description of problem that I was facing:
When I was sending test mail from Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
-> E-mail Notification, I was able to successfully send and receive emails but there is no such option to test email in Extended E-mail
Notification tab
While running a job, when I was sending email in post-build step via E-mail plugin, I was able to successfully send and receive emails but with same settings, I was getting following error on sending mail via Extended E-mail:
MessagingException message: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at 535 5.7.8
I went almost crazy searching for resolution of this issue.
I tried every resolution mentioned on this page but no success. I even tried downgrading the plugin to 2.25 but I was still getting error when sending email via Extended E-mail plugin. Everywhere on internet also the only solution mentioned to solve this problem was to "Allow less secure apps" and to check if credentials are valid, which in my case were valid since I was able to successfully send mail via normal email plugin.
After struggling for a few days, I finally found the silly thing that was causing this issue.
I had to type-in email ids into each and every box in:
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Extended E-mail Notification.
Copy-pasting email ids or domain names is causing this annoying and time taking issue. So, in case if you fall in such a situation, please make sure you have handwritten email ids in each column and not copy pasted.
Following configurations for "Extended E-mail Notification" worked for me:
Email Extension Plugin : 2.69
SMTP server :
Default user E-mail suffix: <left this blank>
Enabled Use SMTP Authentication
User Name: <email id of account through which email is to be sent>
Password: <Password of account through which email is to be sent>
Advanced Email Properties : <left this blank>
Use SSL : Enabled
SMTP port: 465
Charset: UTF-8
Also, I had enabled less secure apps.
Hope this saves someone's time!!
Sometime after 2.66, if the From field is not set in the project, it doesn't seem to be falling back to the system email address. I believe this ticket is tracking the issue.
i performed the following action (after hours and hours of investigation)
and at the end it worked for me.
Unistalled the Extended mail plug in.
Deleted from .jenksins the plugIn (it remains also after Unistall).
Reinstalled the Extended mail plug In and enabled it.
Restart Jenkins.
In the Jenkins Configure System, in the Extended E-mail Notification section,
I set a new credential access to my gmail account
(also the previous credential stored were correct but i preferred to generate a
new one with a different description).
And then... Finally afteer several time on this matter it works for me!.
Try to use Extended E-mail Notification > Enable Debug Mode (selected). It will show you more logs in the Job Run Console section.
In my case, it showed me in the logs that credentials copied from regular email-ext (AK_AWS_SES_CREDENTIALS/****** (Migrated from email-ext username/password)) were not able to connect to AWS SES SMTP service.
