iOS: When VoiceOver is turned ON using the Accessibility shortcut of triple clicking Home Button, the screen gets turned off - ios

The accessibility elements are being read correctly in the background, i.e the labels being read can only be heard but cant see the screen as it blacks out, just the screen goes dark. Anybody come across the issue?
Verified this is in iOS 11 with iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 plus.
(Project is in Swift although it must not matter)

Found out that with 3 finger triple tap on screen , the above setting gets disabled. And the Accessibility Voice Over starts to work as normal, i.e reading the labels with the screen turned ON.


Keyboard buttons disappear and keyboard rendered wrong on iOS9

I'm getting reports of keys disappearing or becoming invisible on iPhone native keyboard and have also seen this happen on my iPhone 4S. The keyboard is setup for dark appearance decimal pad.
The bug is typically accompanied by this message.
Can't find keyplane that supports type 8 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-DecimalPad; using 4131139949_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default
The problem seems to go away if I background the app and open another app and then come back.
As you can see in the screenshot the background of the keys also seems to be wrong for "dark" setting.
Snapshot of missing keys

iPad mini Keyboard issue with ios8.x version

Sometime when I try to enter a text in textfield or textview , the key board comes up too large to fit on screen. so only part of the key board and keys are visible. I can turn the I pad sideways and make the missing keys visible, but then the keys won't work anyway. i have not done any keyboard customization in my app. I don't know whether it is an app issue or OS issue. Have you ever faced this type of issue?
Can you please help me to resolve this issue?
Device:iPad mini
OS Version=8.4.
The accessibility settings are turned off on this iPAD. Customers have reported the app is crashing if they press any key after G , after keyboard is zoomed in like shown in the attached picture.

How to simulate double-touch on home button in iPhone 6 simulator (for Reachability)? [duplicate]

The iPhone 6 Plus has a "one handed mode" that Apple describes as "Keep everything within reach" on their iPhone design page.
The mode is enabled by double touching (but not pressing) the home button. When enabled the screen shrinks to roughly half its normal height.
Is there a way to enable this mode in simulator for testing how it looks and transitions?
I'm running Xcode 6 GM and have not been able to uncover anything. Worst case, can someone post the exact dimensions on device so it can be emulated via the resizable iPhone simulator?
Update: According to John Gruber's review, the feature is available on the iPhone 6 Plus and 6, and is not a "mode" so much as a momentary shortcut. Maybe since it only lasts for one tap it won't be important to do extensive testing. He shared a screenshot showing the corresponding size difference:
The simulator doesn't seem to have this capability, but it doesn't matter since it just moves your app's entire view down and uses the home screen background to fill the top. Devs don't need to do anything to their apps in regards to it.

How to stop iOS simulator hiding xcode

I am trying to follow some tutorials online. Every time i run the iOS simulator my xcode seems to minimise and focus goes to the simulator on the desktop
Is it possible to stop this and have the simulator load on top of the Xcode window?
Focus will switch over but Xcode itself doesn't minimise. However, if you're running Xcocde full screen (you have clicked on the <-> arrow in the top right of the screen) then you will switch to a different screen - this is standard behaviour for all maximised apps. Clicking on the green full screen icon in Xcode will make the window take up all available space but without taking a separate screen, which will give the behaviour that you want -- though note this is for 10.9; I seem to recall that clicking the green button on later versions of OSX may automatically trigger the full/separate screen mode.

iOS simulator somehow broken with rotation and controls placement

When I decide iOS simulator should show anything but normal iPhone, something very odd happens.
If e.g. iPad is placed landscape left to right, it places content layout all wrong. This also happens in its own iOS before any apps is run. See screenshots:
Tried to reset content and settings, but still no luck:
