TFS vnext optional copy of folder step - tfs

In my build I need to occasionally copy a folder. i.e. If the folder's not there it's not a fail.
Currently I've used the copy task with "Continue on error" set which makes it look like my build has only partially succeeded.
I've also tried the "Command Line" task with robocopy/xcopy specified thus:
xcopy c:\here\ c:\there\ 2>NUL
Any tips on how I can fix this? e.g. inline powershell might do.

There is no way to change Partially Succeeded build to Succeeded status for now.
Instead of using the built-in Copy-File task. You could create your own task and overwrite the error info by yourself. How to create your own extension as your demands please follow this tutorial.
It's able to use Logging Commands to Log error or warning issue to timeline record of task.


Getting only partial Shelveset in vNext Build

I'm facing the following issue. We have a Gated Check-In setup which means changes are not directly checked-in, but a Shelveset is created and a build is run against that shelve. Only if the build is successful, the changes are checked in.
Now we setup the build definition to only map as few things as needed to build, as we want to keep the time it needs to run at a very minimum. The problem now is that if you include in your change anything that is not mapped, the build will fail in the GetSources task, as it fails to unshelve and gives a folder mapping error.
For a better understnanding, imagine the following structure:
- MyRepository
-- Sources
--- MyCodeFiles
-- Documents
--- SomeDocuments
So in the BuildDefinition we only map the Sources directory, as this contains the files we need to build. You now have to make sure to never include any change outside of Sources, for example within Documents, otherwise the Build will immediately fail.
I already searched and found the description of the unshelve command:
According to this description it should be possible to specifiy the itemSpec that
Identifies the file or folder revisions to unshelve into the current workspace
So it seemes like the unshelve command would actually support to "partially" unshelve. However I did not see any way on how to achieve that with a vNext build, as I could not find any infos on how the GetSources task is working.
Is there something I missed or is this with the current implementation simply not possible to achieve?
I'm afraid to say you haven't missed anything, it's just not possible in the current implementation. There is a more detailed discussion here:

TFS Online - Dont Zip empty folder

We're using TFS-Online to One-Click-Deploy our Software.
From time to time it happens, that we need to use some special scripts, we store in a folder. This basically means, most of the time said folder stays empty.
If i now go and trigger a build, i have there followings tasks
Now the question:
Is there any way to suppress these two tasks if the folder to be zipped/deleted is empty?
The tasks are the built in ones.
Note: This is NO on-premise TFS
You could specify conditions for running a task in VSTS. Express the condition as a nested set of functions. The agent evaluates the innermost function and works its way out. The final result is a boolean value that determines if the task is run or not.
In your case, a solution should be:
Add a powershell task prior to the Archive Files task.
Use the powershell task to judge the folder is empty or not.
If the folder is empty then fail the powershell task.(Remember to check Continue on error or always run option)
Add a condition for both Archive File and Delete File task such as Only when all previous tasks have succeeded
After this, those two task will not run when the special folder is empty during the build pipeline.
More details please refer this thread Specify conditions for running a task.

Way to make Jenkins ignore failure of post build step

I have a nice plugin called Zulip notification in Jenkins, this plugin posts the results to Zulip so people there can see whats happening. Our Zulip server is a bit unstable and goes offline every now and again, and then all the nightly builds fail.
Is there a way to configure a post build step as "best effort"? To try to run the step, but ignore failure. It's obviously nonessential in the "compile the code" view of the world.
I have looked at the "Flexible Build Step" plugin, and it seems to be able to run other plugins fine, but i dont see any "ignore error" kind of option..
Current thinking re a solution: Perhaps there is a way to get the flexible build step plugin to check if the url is online?
Ok my workaround is to use the "flexible build step" and run a batch file (thanks to this answer) to determine if url is up:

MSBuild error 1 has ended this build

I am trying to integrate Gulp in TFS builds and web deploy using the article given here as reference. When I build the solution using the command (Alt+B+R), an output directory gets successfully created by gulp. But, when I try to queue a new build by right-clicking my build definition, the build fails with the following error.
Can anyone help to get rid of this error?
According to the error TF42097: A work item could not be saved due to a filed error.
The build uses the Default Template (or a customization) and has the Create Work Item on Failure option turned on, however the Bug work item has been modified in a way that means the build is unable to create it – which could be as simple as making a field mandatory.
How you fix this depends on how the Bug work item has been restricted. Work item fields that have been made mandatory should have a value specified in the build process template, and if that value should vary depending on the build definition you will need to expose it as an argument in the definition.
A workaround for this situation:
Adding in a PropertyGroup <SkipWorkItemCreation>true</SkipWorkItemCreation> will stop it from attempting to create the work item.
A similar question from MSDN for you reference.

TFS 2012 Build "Access to Path Denied"

I’m using TFS 2012 Build and running into an error
Access to the path is denied
The solution being built contains about 15 projects of which a number are using the Castle.Components.Validator.2.5.0 assembly. I have seen other posts that talk about the TFS Build Access Denied errors, but they generally refer to having simultaneous builds running. In this case only one build runs at a time. Also, the error occurs when the server is restarted or the build has not run for some time.Once a build is run and fails, the next one succeeds and each one after that succeeds again until the build hasn’t been run for a while or the server is restarted. Although we can get around this, it is a manual headache. Here is the error:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets (3513): Unable to copy file "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Sources\packages\Castle.Components.Validator.2.5.0\lib\NET40\Castle.Components.Validator.dll" to "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Binaries\Castle.Components.Validator.dll". Access to the path 'D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Binaries\Castle.Components.Validator.dll' is denied.
When looking at the log file you can see that the build is trying to copy the file twice. Because the first one has a lock on the file, the second one fails and thus the build fails. Here is a snippet of the log file that shows what is happening:
Copying file from "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Sources\packages\Castle.Components.Validator.2.5.0\lib\NET40\Castle.Components.Validator.dll" to "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Binaries\Castle.Components.Validator.dll".
Copying file from "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Sources\packages\Castle.Components.Validator.2.5.0\lib\NET40\Castle.Components.Validator.dll" to "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Binaries\Castle.Components.Validator.dll".
Copying file from "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Sources\packages\MvcContrib.Mvc3.FluentHtml-ci.\lib\MvcContrib.FluentHtml.dll" to "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Binaries\MvcContrib.FluentHtml.dll".
Copying file from "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Sources\packages\RhinoMocks.3.6\lib\Rhino.Mocks.dll" to "D:\Builds\12\Foo\Check-In Build\Binaries\Rhino.Mocks.dll".
Any help on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
As others mentioned, this happens when performing multithreaded builds with a common destination directory and the file copy task happens to encounter a simultaneous conflict with a copy task running for a different project.
Normally this should result in a "file used by another process" exception (which is handled and retried by the file copy task) but sometimes the file operation results in an "Access is denied" exception instead. (I'm still not sure why)
Some suggest that you should "solve the duplication", but I don't see that as being feasible for cases where all the projects need to directly reference a library like log4net.
Obviously one way to prevent the issue is to explicitly run msbuild with /p:BuildInParallel=false or /m:1 or /maxcpucount:1 (or omit the argument entirely) to force single-threaded mode.
However, in TFS 2013, the default build template automatically always passes /m (use all cores) to msbuild, which silently overrides any single-thread setting you can manually pass in. (Determined by my own experimentation and examining diagnostic logs)
Another workaround I attempted was to manually pass /p:AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions=none to msbuild, which prevents all pdb and xml files from being copied from referenced libraries. (Since for a while I only ever saw xml files having this issue.) But then I kept having problems with log4net.dll.
The ultimate workaround that I used was one I discovered by decompiling the source code for Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Copy:
if (hrForException == -2147024891)
if (!Copy.alwaysRetryCopy)
this.LogDiagnostic("Retrying on ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED because MSBUILDALWAYSRETRY = 1", new object[0]);
If error -2147024891 (0x80070005 access is denied) occurs, the Copy task will check a special variable to see if it should retry. That value is set via an environment variable:
Copy.alwaysRetryCopy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDALWAYSRETRY") != null;
After setting the environment variable MSBUILDALWAYSRETRY = 1 (and restarting the build server), the problem went away. And I also periodically started seeing "Retrying on ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED..." as warnings in the build logs, proving that the setting was taking effect, (instead of the builds merely coincidentally succeeding).
(Note that this environment variable is not well documented, use as appropriate.)
Update: Apparently TFS 2015 no longer overrides your /m:1 with /m (even on legacy/XAML build definitions), which should make /m:1 a valid fix again.
It looks like there are two projects copying the same file. Depending on the timing, they sometimes happen at the same time, resulting in the failure. You have to trace the node id back to find the source project. See for more details and code that may track it down for you.
As Buck Hodges and Nimblejoe have rightly said, this is mostly due to TFS running multiple MSBuild processes by default to build your projects.
You can override it in the build definition in Process -> 3. Advanced -> MSBuild Arguments by adding the MSBuild argument /p:BuildInParallel=false
This can also happen if you have a build agent's folder open.
I also had same problem. I got error messages that related to cannot copy since access to path denied. In my case all my dll's and xml files and so on are place at
D:\TFS\Example\Bin\Debug folder.
I right clicked on Bin folder and clicked Properties and saw that Read-only check box is checked under Attributes.
I un-checked Read only check box and cliked Apply and clicked OK on the new popup that is shown.
I went back to Visual Studio and build my solution which was giving me error messages.
Voilaa.. This time it build successfully without errors.
I donot know whether this is perfect but I did this to solve my issue.
To work around this problem I had to remove the "ReadOnly" flag on the source directory
Then in the build definition set Clean Workspace
to None
Like Ziggler, I solved this problem with building a project by removing the 'read only' property of the bin folder in my project. It is only happening to XML files stored in a /packages/ directory that is common to the solution that contains this project. The 'bin' folder is not checked into source control. I am still stumped as to the root cause of the problem.
I found the same problem which occurred after the build tried to overwrite files in the "Working Directory" it had created in a previous attempt to build. (set in the Agent)
I resolved this by manually deleting the output folder it created (in my case [Working Directory]\Binaries) before attempting the build.
This can be done automatically by changing the Build Definition. Under Process---2.Basic---Clean Workspace set this to the Outputs option
Here's a variation of this problem which I had to deal with:
I couldn't figure out why my build kept failing on an "Access to the path is denied" error, even though I had added things like /p:BuildInParallel=false and /p:OverwriteReadOnlyFiles=true to the MSBuild Arguments of my XAML build. The cause turned out to be a "Post-build event command line" in my Project's properties.
After changing
the error went away.
One possible cause is if you have the bin or obj folders for class libraries checked-in into TFS. Deleting the bin or obj folders of the projects from TFS will resolve this issue if that is the case.
I was having this problem and chose to ignore it because I didn't want to sacrifice build performance for the sake of getting rid of some benign error messages by NuGet. However, I seem to have stumbled across a solution while trying to solve another problem, and I think it is related. I think the order of fetching of NuGet packages is related to the build order of projects in the solution. So if this has somehow become disjointed, then NuGet may be the first casualty before you run into build errors where you start getting "Metadata file 'XXX.dll' could not be found" errors which annoyingly require you to build again until the build succeeds (as described here).
So, I believe the solution is to follow the steps described in the accepted answer to the aforementioned question. Or, follow the more comprehensive steps in one of the alternative answers. In other words, disable building of all projects, restart VS, then re-enable building of all projects. This will (normally) resolve build order. And that should hopefully resolve the NuGet issue. Please let me know if this fixes it for anyone.
I had this issue, with TFS 2015.
It turned out to be because the build Agent was running under the default (NETWORK SERVICE) credentials, which didn't have write permissions on the target folder.
Once I'd removed the Agent and reinstalled it with credentials it worked.
It did have me trawling through the logs for a while, checking and unchecking the multi-proc box and even restarting the build server in my hunt.
Check the obvious stuff first...
For me, it was that the build agent wasn't started in an administrator powershell.
MSBuild arguments:- /tv:14.0 /t:Rebuild /m:1 /p:RunCodeAnalysis=false /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false /p:OverwriteReadOnlyFiles=true /p:BuildInParallel=false /p:AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions=none
strong text
Set false to Clean workspace
Go to build agent and remove read only from mapped folder.
as a lot of people have already stated before, this happens when building projects in parallel. Project A and B both referencing 3rd Party Library C (Copy Local) will cause this when they are build at the same Time - side by side.
The real problem is, that TFS Build 2012 and below are configured that when building a solution, the whole output of the solution is copied to a single folder. Thats where the pains of parallel builds are having their origins.
Since TFS 2013 you can easily solve this by setting the "Output location" in the build definition to "PerProject". This forces the build services to behave like a local msbuild run where the setings regarding the output locations are read from the corresponding project files. So the output is written to the bin folders under each project.
For TFS 2012 and below this article (+linked articles) will help you getting the same result as with TFS 2013:
I resolved a very similar issue by closing all open instances of Visual Studio, re-opening the solution and building it again.
