can't run Ext JS Kitchen Sink example - extjs6.5.1

Je suis nouveau sur extjJS6 and i try to run examples, i have a problem to run this treeMap, i put all code (Model, View, controller) in one js file, is that can cause an error? When i run i don't find exceptions but there are two message in my console:
GET http://localhost/Ext/app/ViewController.js?_dc=20170104130840 net::ERR_ABORTED
GET http://localhost/Ext/d3/hierarchy/TreeMap.js?_dc=20170104130840 net::ERR_ABORTED
Someone had test this example?


PSPNet evalution issue

I am working on PSNet and When I reached on third step evaluation and run the code with command ./ I have facing these errors shown in Image and also code is:
Error using importdata
unable to open file.
Error in eval_sub (line 3)
list = importdata(fullfill(data_root,eval_list));
Error in eval_all (line_35)
I am working on laptop cpu don't have gpu etc
Please guide me

How to trace basic LUA errors?

I'm a beginner at LUA so I'm having some trouble with it. I'm using the code for a Minecraft mod called Computercraft, but to me it's a great introduction to programming.
I've been searching the web to find out why my code of not even 26 lines is failing, but I couldn't find it sadly.
Here's the code:
monitor = peripheral.wrap("right")
monitor.print("Current mode:")
monitor.print("Dust gaat naar furnace")
print("Dust gaat automatisch naar de furnace toe")
print("Wil je dat de dust naar de chest gaat in plaats van de furnace?")
while input == ja
print("Oke :)")
monitor.print("Current mode:")
monitor.print("Dust gaat naar chest")
print("Okeuu dan niet jongee")
I know that I have used 'end' 2 times. This is because I get an error when I remove one.
The error I get when I run the program is:
bios:14: [string ".temp"]:22: '<eof>' expected.
The error I get when I remove the first 'end'.
The error I get when I remove the second 'end'.
Okay well after some advice i managed to get rid of the error.
Thanks to all the people that responded! c:
Now i got an other error though lol.
As suggested i made a new post about it: Basic LUA problems
The :22: is telling you that the error has occurred around line 22 of the script, which is the else. If you have a look at the Lua reference guide you will see that else belongs with an if statement, not a while statement.
Your code should probably be as follows, as a while doesn't make sense here
if input == ja
... code ...
... other code ...

Dust partials rendering error in DocPad

I'm using DocPad with docpad-plugin-consolidate and dustjs-linkedin.
My document file is src/documents/test.html.dust:
layout: ltest
Main content!
The following template src/layouts/ltest.html.dust works fine:
Content is {content}
I want to use dust partials in my layout template in the following way:
Content is {content}
And place templates header.dust and footer.dust somewhere nearby. But I got an error:
warning: Something went wrong while rendering: ltest.html.dust
A task's completion callback has fired when the task was already in a completed state, this is unexpected
warning: Something went wrong while rendering: test.html.dust
A task's completion callback has fired when the task was already in a completed state, this is unexpected
error: An error occured:
Error: A task's completion callback has fired when the task was already in a completed state, this is unexpected
How to fix this error?
I created the simplest example to show the error (on Windows):
npm install docpad#6.64
mkdir test
cd test
docpad run
; No Skeleton (20) selected; exit after run
docpad install consolidate
npm install dustjs-linkedin
docpad run
; visit _http://localhost:9778/test.html
Here are the files:
layout: ltest
Main content!
Content: {content}
Until now everything works fine.
But with the following files everything goes wrong.
Content: {content}
This is header
There are no errors, but output has no transformations.
With debugger I found that (in dust.js 753) the function Chunk.prototype.partial is called with proper parameters and processed fine, but result is lost somewhere.
So the problem is that DocPad failed to work with partials files in dust templates.
Can you post the header and footer templates?
Also, you have a typo in ltest.html.dust where it says "footet" instead of "footer". Don't know if that will make a difference though.

got SIGSEGV while calling 'require ("lsqlite3")' with lua 5.1.5

I had built lua 5.1.5 and lsqlite3-0.8.1. all of them run well on my RedHat Linux.
and then I ported them to my MIPS development board. lua and other modules (such as luafilesystem, md5, cgilua and wsapi) run well. but lsqlite3 does not work.
when I execute require("lsqlite3") in lua command line, it returns error messages in below:
Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio
do_page_fault() #2: sending SIGSEGV to lua for invalid read access from
00000000 (epc == 00000000, ra == 2ac36144)
Segmentation fault
can any one give me any help to fix it? Thanks!
I got few progress in solving this problem, I rebuilt the LUA with gcc compile option '-Wl,-E' and rebuilt lsqlite3 later. I executed require ("lsqlite3") in lua command line, and it didnt print any message. I continued running some other database operation commands and found them all been successfully executed. As it seemed the problem had been solved, I should be very happy about it.
but another more strange problem raised.
If I put sentence require("lsqlite3") into a file, and then execute the file in this way:
lua file
it still printed error messages like this:
do_page_fault() #2: sending SIGSEGV to lua for invalid read access from
2ada054c (epc == 2ada054c, ra == 2abdceac)
If I put more database operation sentences into a file, and then run this file by lua. Lua can give correct result of query operation and insert values to table correctly, but always print error messages showed above.
If I run sentences in the file one by one in lua command line interface, it never print this error message.
It seems to give the error message when executing the 'require' function. But if I put require("lfs") into a file and run this file by lua, it never print error message.
I am confused that whait is the difference between the lua command line execution and lua script.
There are three places in lsqlite3.c where sqlite_int64 is used (never long long directly). When you build sqlite3 some type will be used for 64 bit integers; lsqlite3 will use the same type by including sqlite3.h for the definition of the type.

Get "Response code = 500" error randomly when running cucumber

For some reason I keep getting a response code of 500 when I run cucumber, even though all the tests pass. The error occurs randomly for different tests, every time I run it. Sometimes all tests pass as well.
I thought it was a memory issue, so I tried restarting my computer, but that didn't do anything.
An example of the error is:
And I follow "link" # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:33
Failed. Response code = 500. Response message = Internal Server Error. (ActiveResource::ServerError)
./app/controllers/companies_controller.rb:23:in `show'
./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:14:in `with_scope'
./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:34:in `/^(?:|I )follow "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^"]*)")?$/'
features/manage_sites.feature:256:in `And I follow "link"'
It seems related to the tagging feature. I was using the #wip tag, and when I moved it around, it would cause the sporadic 500 errors. Removing all #wip tags makes all the tests pass.
I could be wrong though. I'll need to try and replicate it consistently.
Would anybody be able to help?
