How do I delete a node from Jenkins?
Jenkins operates in Docker Swarm mode.
When I am trying to remove the offline container, swarm keeps generating new containers
You can try:
Using Jenkins Pipeline:
node("master") {
println "Cleaning up offline slaves..."
hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves.each {
if(it.getComputer().isOffline()) {
println "Deleting ${}"
println "Done."
Using SH
# This script should be run on the Jenkins master. We set up a job in Jenkins to run this once a week on master.
function jenkins-cli {
java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 "$#"
for slave in slavename1 slavename2 slavename3; do
if [[ `curl -s "http://localhost:8080/computer/${slave}/api/xml?xpath=*/offline/text()"` = "true" ]]; then
echo "$slave is already offline. Skipping cleanup"
echo "Cleaning up docker on $slave"
echo "Taking $slave offline"
jenkins-cli offline-node $slave -m "Scheduled docker cleanup is running" && \
echo "Waiting on $slave to go offline" && \
jenkins-cli wait-node-offline $slave && \
while [[ `curl -s "http://localhost:8080/computer/${slave}/api/xml?xpath=*/idle/text()"` != "true" ]]; do echo "Waiting on $slave to be idle" && sleep 5; done && \
echo "Running cleanup_docker on $slave" && \
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $slave -i /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa "sudo /usr/local/bin/cleanup_docker"
echo "Bringing $slave back online"
jenkins-cli online-node $slave
There are a lot of snippets with which one can list existing nodes in Python. Removing slave nodes works like this:
request = urllib.request.Request("https://insert_jenkins_url/computer/insert_node_name/doDelete", data=bytes("", "ascii"))
#according to the following is ugly
context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
base64string = base64.b64encode(bytes('%s:%s' % ('insert_user_name', 'insert_api_token_with_roughly_35_characters'),'ascii'))
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string.decode('utf-8'))
with urllib.request.urlopen(request, context=context) as url:
I have a Jenkins stage as:
stage("Deploy on Server") {
steps {
script {
sh 'sshpass -p "password" ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" username#server "cd ../../to/app/path; sh && exit;"'
and some scripts on my server (centos):
declare -i result=0
echo "Step 6: result = " $result
# 7. if restart fail, restart /versions/*.jar "sh"
if [ $result != "0" ]
echo "Deploy done. Final result: " $result
nohup java -Xms8g -Xmx8g -jar app-name-1.0-allinone.jar &
Because I execute the script from the Jenkins, the problem is that it will cling on Jenkins console and will log all application events there, instead to create a nohup file in the patch where my app is deployed.
In some examples I found that it is recommended to use nohup directly in ssh command, but I can't do this because I need to execute a script (with all the steps, nohup can't doing that) and not directly a command.
exit cmd will be ignored because the previous command will never be closed.
Finally, I found the solution. One problem was in, because is needed to force from cmd to specify the log file. So, nohup is ignored/unused, and the command become:
java -Xms8g -Xmx8g -jar app-name-1.0-allinone.jar </dev/null>> logfile.log 2>&1 &
Another problem was with killing the previous jar process. Be very carrefour, because using project name as path in jenkins script, this will create a new process for your user and will be accidentally killed when you will want to stop your application:
def statusCode = sh returnStatus: true, script: 'sshpass -p "password" ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" username#server "cd ../../to/app/path/app-folder; sh;"'
if (statusCode != 0) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
echo "FAILURE"
if pgrep -u username -f app-name
pkill -u username -f app-name
# (app-name is a string, some words from the running cmd to open tha application)
Because app-folder from Jenkins script and app-name from are equals (or even app-folder contains app-name value), when you'll try to kill app-name process, accidentally you'll kill the ssh connection and Jenkins will get 255 status code, but the script from server will be done successfully because it will be executed independently.
The solution is so simple, but hard to be discovered. You should be sure that you give an explicit name for your search command which will find only and only the process id of your application.
Finally, must be as:
if pgrep -u username -f my-app-v1.0.jar
pkill -u username -f my-app-v1.0.jar
in my Mac, wget command working. How to fix this issue?
Error Message
line 1: wget: command not found
Full Pipeline Script
node('master') {
def home = sh(script: "echo $ANDROID_HOME",returnStdout: true).trim()
def SDKPath = "$home/Android/sdk"
stage("Preparing SDK"){
// Check SDK Downloaded
def isSDKDownloaded = sh(script: "test -e && echo true || echo false",returnStdout: true).trim()
if(isSDKDownloaded == "false"){
// Download SDK
sh "wget ''"
// Check if SDK is Extracted
def isExtracted = sh(script: "test -e $SDKPath/tools && echo true || echo false",returnStdout: true).trim()
if(isExtracted == "false"){
sh "mkdir -p $SDKPath"
//Unzip SDK
sh "unzip -d $SDKPath"
// Install SDK Tools
sh "yes | $SDKPath/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'build-tools;28.0.3' 'platform-tools' 'platforms;android-27'"
sh "ls $SDKPath/licenses"
// See installed And Available SDK
sh "$SDKPath/tools/bin/sdkmanager --list"
// Accept All SDK Licences
sh "yes | $SDKPath/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses"
def selectedBranch = SELECTED_RELEASE_BRANCH
stage('Checkout') {
git branch: selectedBranch, url: ''
// Remove Existing local properties
sh 'rm ||:'
// Write sdk.dir Path into local properties file
sh "echo 'sdk.dir=$SDKPath' >>"
stage('Setup Tools') {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'android_keystore', variable: 'KEYFILE')]) {
sh "cp \$KEYFILE app/key.jks"
stage('Build Release APK') {
sh "./gradlew clean assembleRelease"
stage('Upload to Play Store') {
androidApkUpload googleCredentialsId: 'key', apkFilesPattern: '**/*-release.apk', trackName: 'alpha'
stage('Cleanup Credential') {
sh "rm app/key.jks"
This is probably due to the $PATH environment variable which is different between your user and the user running Jenkins. Your user may be altering its $PATH by expanding it in the shell resource file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc).
Not to worry, you can use the full path.
To find out the full path to wget, run this on the machine that runs the pipeline (the one labelled master):
% which wget
(Your path may naturally be different.)
Now use the full path:
// Download SDK
sh "/usr/local/bin/wget ''"
I am trying to create a Jenkins pipeline where I need to execute multiple shell commands and use the result of one command in the next command or so. I found that wrapping the commands in a pair of three single quotes ''' can accomplish the same. However, I am facing issues while using pipe to feed output of one command to another command. For example
stage('Test') {
sh '''
echo "Executing Tests"
URL=`curl -s "http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/command_line" | jq -r '.public_url'`
echo $URL
RESULT=`curl -sPOST "[redacted]/execute/?apiKey=[redacted]&startUrl=$URL" | jq -r '.code'`
echo $RESULT
Commands with pipe are not working properly. Here is the jenkins console output:
+ echo Executing Tests
Executing Tests
+ curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/command_line
+ jq -r .public_url
+ URL=null
+ echo null
+ curl -sPOST[redacted]/execute/?apiKey=[redacted]&startUrl=null
I tried entering all these commands in the jenkins snippet generator for pipeline and it gave the following output:
sh ''' echo "Executing Tests"
URL=`curl -s "http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/command_line" | jq -r \'.public_url\'`
echo $URL
RESULT=`curl -sPOST "[redacted]/execute/?apiKey=[redacted]&startUrl=$URL" | jq -r \'.code\'`
echo $RESULT
Notice the escaped single quotes in the commands jq -r \'.public_url\' and jq -r \'.code\'. Using the code this way solved the problem
UPDATE: : After a while even that started to give problems. There were certain commands executing prior to these commands. One of them was grunt serve and the other was ./ngrok http 9000. I added some delay after each of these commands and it solved the problem for now.
The following scenario shows a real example that may need to use multiline shell commands. Which is, say you are using a plugin like Publish Over SSH and you need to execute a set of commands in the destination host in a single SSH session:
stage ('Prepare destination host') {
sh '''
ssh -t -t user#host 'bash -s << 'ENDSSH'
if [[ -d "/path/to/some/directory/" ]];
rm -f /path/to/some/directory/*.jar
sudo mkdir -p /path/to/some/directory/
sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/some/directory/
sudo chown -R user:user /path/to/some/directory/
Special Notes:
The last ENDSSH' should not have any characters before it. So it
should be at the starting position of a new line.
use ssh -t -t if you have sudo within the remote shell command
I split the commands with &&
node {
FOO = world
stage('Preparation') { // for display purposes
sh "ls -a && pwd && echo ${FOO}"
The example outputs:
- ls -a (the files in your workspace
- pwd (location workspace)
- echo world
I'm trying to set up a Jenkins Pipeline to build and deploy my first Go project using a Jenkinsfile and docker.image().inside . I can't figure out how to get go to pick up the dependencies in the vendor/ directory.
When I run the build, I get a bunch of errors:
+ goapp test ./...
src/dao/demo_dao.go:8:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go_appengine/goroot/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath/src/ (from $GOPATH)
...why isn't it picking up the Vendor directory?
When I throw in some logging, it seems that after running sh "cd /workspace/src/" the next sh command is still in the original ${WORKSPACE} directory. I really like the idea of the Jenkins file, but I can't find any decent documentation for it.
(Edit - there is decent documentation here but dir("/workspace/src/") {} doesn't seem to work within docker.image().inside)
My Docker file resembles:
FROM golang:1.6.2
# Google's App Engine Go SDK
RUN wget -q -O && \
unzip -q -d /usr/lib/ && \
ENV PATH /usr/lib/go_appengine:/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
ENV GOPATH /usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath
# Add Jenkins user
RUN groupadd -g 132 jenkins && useradd -d "/var/jenkins_home" -u 122 -g 132 -m -s /bin/bash jenkins
And my Jenkinsfile:
node('docker') {
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
try {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
stage 'Build and Test'
env.WORKSPACE = pwd()
"-v ${env.WORKSPACE}:/workspace/src/ " +
"-e GOPATH=/usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath:/workspace") {
// Debugging
sh 'echo GOPATH: $GOPATH'
sh "ls -al /workspace/src/"
sh "cd /workspace/src/"
sh "pwd"
sh "go vet ./src/..."
sh "goapp test ./..."
stage 'Deploy to DEV'
docker.image('nalbion/go-web-build').inside {
sh "goapp deploy --application go-demo --version v${v} app.yaml"
timeout(time:5, unit:'DAYS') {
input message:'Approve deployment?', submitter: 'qa'
stage 'Deploy to PROD'
docker.image('nalbion/go-web-build').inside {
sh "goapp deploy --application go-demo --version v${v} app.yaml"
} catch (err) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
// send notifications
throw err
I managed to get it working by including the cd in the same sh statement:
.inside("-v ${env.WORKSPACE}:/workspace/src/ " +
"-e GOPATH=/usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath:/workspace") {
sh """
cd /workspace/src/
go vet ./src/...
goapp test ./...
Problem statement:
Can sign repos from inside normal terminal (also inside docker). From jenkins job, repo creation/signing fails. Job hangs.
Jenkins spawns docker container to create/sign deb repository.
Private and public keys all present.
gpg-agent installed on the docker container to sign the packages.
~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file has "use-agent" enabled
Can start gpg-agent using jenkins on the docker container.
Can use gpg-preset-passphrase to cache passphrase.
reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb ${_repo_name} ${_pkg_location}
to fetch the passphrase from gpg-agent and sign the repo.
from inside a jenkins job, the command "reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb ..." hangs.
starting gpg-agent:
function start_gpg_agent {
export GPG_TTY
if [ -r "${GNUPG_PID_FILE}" ]
source "${GNUPG_PID_FILE}" count=$(ps lax | grep "${GPGAGENT}" | grep "$SSH_AGENT_PID" | wc -l)
if [ $count -eq 0 ]
if ! ${GPGAGENT} 2>/dev/null then
$GPGAGENT --debug-all --options ${BASE_PATH}/sign/gpg-agent.options \
--daemon --enable-ssh-support \
--allow-preset-passphrase --write-env-file ${GNUPG_PID_FILE}
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
echo "INFO::agent started"
echo "INFO::Agent could not be started. Exit."
exit -101
$GPGAGENT --debug-all --options ${BASE_PATH}/sign/gpg-agent.options \
--daemon --allow-preset-passphrase --write-env-file ${GNUPG_PID_FILE}
options file:
default-cache-ttl 31536000
default-cache-ttl-ssh 31536000
max-cache-ttl 31536000
max-cache-ttl-ssh 31536000
saving passphrase.
/usr/lib/gnupg2/gpg-preset-passphrase -v --preset --passphrase ${_passphrase} ${_fp}
finally (for completion), sign repo:
reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb ${_repo_name} ${_pkg_location}