Can admin role get other users permissions in Spring-security ACL Grails - grails

I am trying to make a proof of concept application that allows the user with administration permission to grant and revoke permissions of other users. While granting and revoking works with only username (unique identifier) getting the permission to display in the UI proves to be out of my reach. Is it possible to get a list of other user's permissions from within a service method?
I've tried to search the web but I couldn't find any solution that would apply to my problem. I have tried using SwitchUserAuthorityChanger, RunAsManager and aclService.readAclsById. None of those worked.
I am using Grails 3.3.2 with Spring-Security 3.2.0 and ACL 3.2.0.
Cheers folks!

I ended up solving this myself. I'll post the answer here in case some poor soul would run into a similar problem.
After digging a bit in the ACL database tables, I created a separate service in which I get AclObjectIdentity by its id, I get users sid. Using these variables I find all related variables from AclEntry. After that its just a matter of getting permissions by their mask.
Here is the method in case it might help anyone:
def getPermissions(Object domainObject, String sid) {
Map<String, String> returnValue = [
"status": "success"
def aclObject = AclObjectIdentity.findByObjectId(
def userAclSid = AclSid.findBySid(sid)
if (null == userAclSid || null == aclObject) {
returnValue["status"] = "failed"
return returnValue
def aclEntries = AclEntry.findAllBySidAndAclObjectIdentity(userAclSid, aclObject)
returnValue["permissions"] = []
def tempMap = [:]
if (null == aclEntries) {
returnValue["permissions"] = "null"
return returnValue
def counter = 0
for (entry in aclEntries) {
int mask = entry.mask
BasePermission permission
for (BasePermission perm in PermissionEnum.toList()) {
int test = 1 << mask
if (perm.getMask() == test) {
permission = perm
def permString = PermissionEnum.getPermission(permission)
tempMap["$counter"] = permString
returnValue["permissions"] = tempMap
return returnValue


Invalid Access Token/Missing Claims when logged into IdentityServer4

I have a standard .NET Core 2.1 (MVC and API) and Identity Server 4 project setup.
I am using reference tokens instead of jwt tokens.
The scenario is as follows:
Browse to my application
Redirected to Identity Server
Enter valid valid credentials
Redirected back to application with all claims (roles) and correct access to the application and API
Wait an undetermined amount of time (I think it's an hour, I don't have the exact timing)
Browse to my application
Redirected to Identity Server
I'm still logged into the IDP so I'm redirected immediately back to my
At this point the logged in .NET user is missing claims (roles) and no longer has access to the API
The same result happens if I delete all application cookies
It seems obvious to me that the access token has expired. How do I handle this scenario? I'm still logged into the IDP and the middleware automatically logged me into my application, however, with an expired (?) access token and missing claims.
Does this have anything to do with the use of reference tokens?
I'm digging through a huge mess of threads and articles, any guidance and/or solution to this scenario?
EDIT: It appears my access token is valid. I have narrowed my issue down to the missing user profile data. Specifically, the role claim.
When I clear both my application and IDP cookies, everything works fine. However, after "x" (1 hour?) time period, when I attempt to refresh or access the application I am redirected to the IDP then right back to the application.
At that point I have a valid and authenticated user, however, I am missing all my role claims.
How can I configure the AddOpenIdConnect Middleware to fetch the missing claims in this scenario?
I suppose in the OnUserInformationReceived event I can check for the missing "role" claim, if missing then call the UserInfoEndpoint...that seems like a very odd workflow. Especially since on a "fresh" login the "role" claim comes back fine. (Note: I do see the role claim missing from the context in the error scenario).
Here is my client application configuration:
services.AddAuthentication(authOpts =>
authOpts.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
authOpts.DefaultChallengeScheme = OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddCookie(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, opts => { })
.AddOpenIdConnect(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, openIdOpts =>
openIdOpts.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
openIdOpts.Authority = settings.IDP.Authority;
openIdOpts.ClientId = settings.IDP.ClientId;
openIdOpts.ClientSecret = settings.IDP.ClientSecret;
openIdOpts.ResponseType = settings.IDP.ResponseType;
openIdOpts.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true;
openIdOpts.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
openIdOpts.SaveTokens = true;
openIdOpts.ResponseMode = "form_post";
settings.IDP.Scope.ForEach(s => openIdOpts.Scope.Add(s));
// Add Claim Mappings
openIdOpts.ClaimActions.MapUniqueJsonKey("preferred_username", "preferred_username"); /* SID alias */
openIdOpts.ClaimActions.MapJsonKey("role", "role", "role");
openIdOpts.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience = settings.IDP.ClientId,
ValidIssuer = settings.IDP.Authority,
NameClaimType = "name",
RoleClaimType = "role"
openIdOpts.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnUserInformationReceived = context =>
Log.Info("Recieved user info from IDP.");
// check for missing roles? they are here on a fresh login but missing
// after x amount of time (1 hour?)
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnRedirectToIdentityProvider = context =>
Log.Info("Redirecting to identity provider.");
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnTokenValidated = context =>
// this addressed the scenario where the Identity Server validates a user however that user does not
// exist in the currently configured source system.
// Can happen if there is a configuration mismatch between the local SID system and the IDP Client
var validUser = false;
int uid = 0;
var identity = context.Principal?.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
if (identity != null)
var sub = identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "sub");
Log.Debug($" Validating sub '{sub.Value}'");
if (sub != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sub.Value))
if (Int32.TryParse(sub.Value, out uid))
using (var configSvc = ApiServiceHelper.GetAdminService(settings))
var usr = configSvc.EaiUser.GetByID(uid);
if (usr != null && usr.ID.GetValueOrDefault(0) > 0)
validUser = true;
catch { }
Log.Debug($" Validated sub '{sub.Value}'");
if (!validUser)
// uhhh, does this work? Logout?
// TODO: test!
Log.Warn($"Unable to validate user is SID for ({uid}). Redirecting to '/Home/Logout'");
context.Response.Redirect("/Home/Logout?msg=User not validated in source system");
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnTicketReceived = context =>
// TODO: Is this necessary?
// added the below code because I thought my application access_token was expired
// however it turns out I'm actually misisng the role claims when I come back to the
// application from the IDP after about an hour
if (context.Properties != null &&
context.Properties.Items != null)
DateTime expiresAt = System.DateTime.MinValue;
foreach (var p in context.Properties.Items)
if (p.Key == ".Token.expires_at")
DateTime.TryParse(p.Value, null, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal, out expiresAt);
if (expiresAt != DateTime.MinValue &&
expiresAt != DateTime.MaxValue)
// I did this to synch the .NET cookie timeout with the IDP access token timeout?
// This somewhat concerns me becuase I thought that part should be done auto-magically already
// I mean, refresh token?
context.Properties.IsPersistent = true;
context.Properties.ExpiresUtc = expiresAt;
return Task.CompletedTask;
I'm sorry folks, looks like I found the source of my issue.
Total fail on my side :(.
I had a bug in the ProfileService in my Identity Server implementation that was causing the roles to not be returned in all cases
humph, thanks!

Grails channel security causing a redirect loop

I am new to Grails and I am working on an exisiting application. I am trying to force the anyone using our website to allways be on https. I added the Spring Security Core plugin
compile "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:2.0.0"
and I just added
grails.plugin.springsecurity.secureChannel.definition = [
When I try to go on localhost:8080/myapp, it redirects me to https://localhost:8443/myapp, but I get a "This webpage has a redirect loop ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" message.
I added print statements in my SecurityFilters.groovy, and I can see the infinite loop going
baseFilter(controller: "*", action: "*")
before = {
println "baseFilter"
// If auth controller then ok to continue
if (controllerName.equals("auth"))
return true;
// If no subject (user) and not auth controller then user must authenticate
if (!session.subject && !(controllerName.equals("auth")))
params.targetUri = request.forwardURI - request.contextPath
if (params.action=="profile") {
params.targetUri=params.targetUri + "?page=" + params?.page
else if (params.action=="results") {
println "baseFilter: Redirecting: PARAMS = $params"
redirect(controller:'auth', action:'login', params: params)
return false;
It's just:
baseFilter: Redirecting: PARAMS = [action:auth, format:null, controller:login, targetUri:/login/auth]
Over and over.
I've tried many other things I found on Stackoverflow and other websites, but they either do not work, or are too complicated.
Thank you.
Ok, so this isn't the answer to the question, but I managed to achieve what I was trying to do, which was to force SLL, and redirect any attempts to use http. I did this by using the shiro plugin, which was already being used by my application. In the Buildconfig.groovy, just add compile ":shiro:1.2.1" to you plugins. In the config.groovy I added the following properties:
security {
shiro {
filter {
loginUrl = "/login"
successUrl = "/"
unauthorizedUrl = "/unauthorized"
filterChainDefinitions = """
/** = ssl[443]
You can modify your filterChainDefinitions to only force ssl on certain urls. I just used /** because I always want SSL.

Logic block in Grails URLMappings

My site has urls like ''.
Sometimes users will try urls like
''. I'd like to have some
logic in my url mappings to deal with this.
With the mappings below when I hit the page , with or without the
unneeded www, I get:
2012-03-01 14:52:16,014 [http-8080-5] ERROR [localhost].[/ambit] -
Unhandled exception occurred whilst decorating page
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL mapping must either provide a
controller or view name to map to!
Any idea how to accomplish this? The mapping is below.
static mappings = {
name publicMap: "/$action?/$id?" {
def ret = UrlMappings.check(request)
controller = ret.controller
userName = ret.userName
static check =
{ request ->
def tokens = request?.serverName?.split(/\./) as List ?: []
def ret = [controller:'info']
if(tokens.size() > 3 && token[0] == 'www')
ret.userName = tokens[1]
ret.controller = 'redirect'
ret.action = 'removeWWW'
else if(tokens.size() == 3)
ret.userName = tokens[0]
ret.controller = 'info'
return ret
Honestly, like DmitryB said, the best way to do this is via the web server, whether it's IIS, Apache, or Tomcat.
Having said that, I feel the best way to accomplish this in Grails would be using filters.
You could create something like this in your ~/conf directory:
public class StripFilters {
def filters = {
stripWWWFilter(controller: '*', action: '*') {
before = {
def tokens = request.serverName.tokenize(/\./) ?: []
if(tokens.size() > 3 && tokens[0] == 'www') {
def url = request.request.requestURL.toString().replace('www.', '')
redirect([url:url, params: [userName: tokens[1]], permanent: true])
return false
This should do the trick.

Grails test user account creation manually

I am working in grails application, I was been asked to create a test user for our site. I did write the code in admin controller and gave the link in his page. The code worked and also I can see the details of this test user. But when I try to login using test user details, I am not able to login.
def createTestUser = {
String timeStr = System.currentTimeMillis() + ''
//def user = userService.createQuickUser(timeStr + '', timeStr, 'test-user') // TODO requires supajam-domain 2011.12.5.1
def user = userService.createQuickUser(timeStr + '', 'test-user')
user.passwd = timeStr
user.dailyNews = false
user.offers = false
user.emailConfirmed = true
user.enabled = true true)
This was the code. If anybody can please help, I would be thankful to them.
This similar question has some debugging tips:
Grails spring security login issue: /auth?login_error=1
i liked putting log.debug() statements in the authfail() if blocks.
if (exception instanceof AccountExpiredException) {
msg = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig.errors.login.expired
log.debug "exception - ${msg}" // added this

How to check whether user is following me not using TweetSharp.TwitterService.ListFollowers()

Is there some function in TweetSharp that could be used in a similar way to my 'IsFollowingMe' below?
I'd like to check whether a user is following me before I attempt to send some private message.
TweetSharp.TwitterService service;
string screenName = "#some_one";
string someMessage = "Some Message";
if (service.IsFollowingMe(screenName))
service.SendDirectMessage(screenName, someMessage);
First option to such approach is to use:
TweetSharp.TwitterService service;
TwitterCursorList<TwitterUser> followers = service.ListFollowers();
and then iterate through the result to find out if user is following my account. But this will eventually be ineffective when there are a lot of followers.
Another option is to execute service.SendDirectMessage and then check if the result is null or not. I tested such approach with success - however my application logic prefers to check in advance if sending is possible and based on this information should do different actions.
The answer is as follows:
TweetSharp.TwitterService service;
string fromUser = "#mr_sender";
string toUser = "#some_one";
string someMessage = "Some Message";
TweetSharp.TwitterFriendship friendship =
service.GetFriendshipInfo(fromUser, toUser);
if (friendship.Relationship.Source.CanDirectMessage.HasValue &&
service.SendDirectMessage(screenName, someMessage);
I could able to solve this using below way.
var twitterFriendship = service.GetFriendshipInfo(new GetFriendshipInfoOptions() { SourceScreenName = "source_name", TargetScreenName = "target_name"});
After that, you can check like below
if(twitterFriendship.Relationship.Source.Following && twitterFriendship.Relationship.Target.FollowedBy)
service.SendDirectMessage(new SendDirectMessageOptions() { ScreenName="target_name",Text="message"})
