I wan to make a Jenkins (2.x) view that displays only currently running jobs (or something very close to that).
Please note that I am talking about an instance >1000 defined jobs where at a single moment we expect to have 5-30 running ones.
Looking at the node/works sidebar is far from ideal as it involves scrolling a narrow column with a height of >20 screens,... almost impossible to get a "clean view" of the situation.
You should use View Job Filters plugin which allow you to filter job view,
Filter by Build Statuses of Currently building jobs.
My team has a lot of nodes connected to our Jenkins instance. Over 50 at the moment. Which creates a long vertical list of every node when looking at the Jenkins UI, under "BUILD EXECUTOR STATUS" on the left of the home screen.
Is there anyway to group these nodes together to make that list less ridiculous?
The list I'm talking about is here:
I'd like to make custom drop down folders like WINDOWS, APPLE, LINUX and have all the related nodes be in those lists instead of showing everything in one long list.
Is this possible? Or is making a custom view still my only option?
I am using the Java GAPI client to work with Google Cloud Dataflow (v1b3-rev197-1.22.0). I am running a pipeline from template and the method for doing that (com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Templates#create) does not allow me to set labels for the job. However I get the Job object back when I execute the pipeline, so I updated the labels and tried to call com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs#update to persist that information in Dataflow. But the labels do not get updated.
I also tried updating labels on finished jobs (which I also need to do), which didn't work either, so I thought it's because the job is in a terminal state. But updating labels seems to do nothing regardless of the state.
The documentation does not say anything about labels not being mutable on running or terminated pipelines, so I would expect things to work. Am I doing something wrong and if not what is the rationale behing the decision no to allow label updates? (And how are template users supposed to set the initial label set when executing the template?)
Background: I want to mark terminated pipelines that have been "processed", i.e. those that our automated infrastructure already sent notification about to appropriate places. Labels seemed as a good approach that would shield me from having to use some kind of local persitence to track stuff (big complexity jump). Any suggestions on how to approach this if labels are not the right tool? Sadly, Stackdriver cannot monitor finished pipelines, only failed ones. And sending a notification from within the pipeline code doesn't seem as a good idea to me (wrong?).
We have many build pipelines running in Jenkins, each for separate projects and with multiple jobs (test, integration, deploy, quality, performance, release etc).
I am looking for some sort of radiator that will provide an aggregate single-page view of all pipelines, indicating if any have single jobs broken.
However, having looked around I can't find anything suitable. Has anyone seen anything similar at all? Would appreciate some pointers before attempting to build one...
As per #Gerolds suggestion above, the Categorized Jobs View plugin is able to aggregate a number of select jobs and therefore provide a single-page view on multiple pipelines (see attached).
Radiator? Click on the + right of your view's tab on your Dashboard. There's a view of type Radiator:
Shows status with high visibility, suitable for display in an extreme feedback system. You can choose which jobs are to be displayed in which view, in the same way as the list view.
And there's also the Categorized Jobs View:
Besides showing items in the list format, allows creation of categories of jobs
I wanted to ask if you can show build queue that will be executed on a slave. I have many slaves and I can check the global queue but I would like to see a queue dedicated to one slave. Every build fits in regular expression like : "(jobName)_(slaveNumber)".
I could not find any solution from jenkins settings so I wanted to use queue API and get the json that is provided up there then filter the results by this regular expression and display them on one jenkins page. But it turned out that jenkins does not allow to use javascript in description.
Is there a workaround? Or there is some kind of fancy button that will display build queue per slave? I would like to use as simple way as possible so installing "Anything Goes" won't be the solution I want.
have you tried REST api for computers AKA nodes AKA slaves? It shows current load statistic.
The company I work for uses a large Jenkins server with a large number of slaves to handle the build and testing for a particular product. The large number of slaves, many with numerous executor slots, makes for a very long list of slaves/executors in our typical Jenkins view.
Many users have asked if this view could be compressed, down to just a list of slaves with only those executors that are active appearing. For example; assume that Slave A has 2 executors, both idle and Slave B has 2 executors, one active. The display would look like this:
Slave A (2 available)
Slave B (1 available)
1: Building Job A
Instead of the typical view (using the same example):
Slave A
1: Idle
2: Idle
Slave B
1: Idle
2: Building Job A
I search for a plugin that would do this, or any native behavior, but didn't see anything like this. Does anyone know if it is possible and if so, how?
When you create a view, you can also set the view to show only the slaves that are relevant to the view.
Every user can also create their own views and set their own default view.
It is not exactly what you asked, but AFAIK this is the only way to limit the number slaves displayed.
We have exactly the same issue recently. So I made a simple plugin for it. It basically has a switch to either show or hide all the offline nodes. If anyone still needs it or want to add more features, you can go to this link and download the plugin.