Seach when input is not empty and with delay for typing complete - angular2-forms

I want to call service only when user input is not empty and ith some delay so user finish the typing.
Below is the code. Please help.
searchByName(event) {
this.facilityService.searchFacilityName( => this.facilities = facilities);
searchFacilityName(name) {
return this.http.get('http://localhost:8000/searchFacilityByName/' + name)
.map((response:Response) => response.json())
(error: Response) => {
return Observable.throw('Something went wrong. Please try again.')

This will be helpful,
if(this.testForm.controls.searchText.dirty && this.testForm.controls.searchText.valid) {
} });

You need to specify a time limit first i.e. amount of time you want to wait after the last keyup event to make sure that the user has stopped typing.
After that you can try this
<input type='text' [ngModel]='userInput' (keyup)='checkTimeLimit()' (keydown)='typeCheck = typeCheck + 1'>
In your component:
typeCheck = 0;
timeLimit = 5000; // It is the time limit after which you consider that user has stopped typing (5s)
checkTimeLimit() {
const temp = this.typeCheck;
setTimeout(() => {
if (temp === this.typeCheck) { // It checks whether the user has pressed another key before the specified time limit
this.typeCheck = 0;
}, this.timeLimit);


.Net Maui app completion handlers and iOS HealthKit not working with HttpClient

This works perfectly in Android.
public async Task<double> UploadData()
double steps = 0.0;
await _healthData.GetSteps((totalSteps) =>
SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("totalSteps = " + totalSteps);
MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
steps = totalSteps;
SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("UploadData steps = " + steps);
var fitness = new Fitness();
fitness.Steps = steps;
await _restService.SaveItemAsync(fitness, true);
return steps;
In iOS, totalSteps is correct, but steps is still 0 when fitness.Steps = steps runs. Bottom line, I can't get the totalSteps value from inside the _healthData.GetSteps((totalSteps) operation. The Android Google Fit and iOS HealthKit API calls run with completion handlers.
At this stage, I'm just trying to figure out how to upload data (steps, calories, active minutes, distance) to my server.
Does anyone know how to make this work? I can display all the data (steps, calories, active minutes, distance) in a View using an ObservableCollection.
I got this to work by embedding the calls like so.
_healthData.GetHealthPermissionAsync((result) =>
if (result)
_healthData.FetchSteps((totalSteps) =>
_healthData.FetchMetersWalked((metersWalked) =>
_healthData.FetchActiveMinutes((activeMinutes) =>
_healthData.FetchActiveEnergyBurned((caloriesBurned) =>
var fitness = new Fitness();
fitness.Steps = totalSteps;
fitness.Calories = caloriesBurned;
fitness.Distance = metersWalked;
fitness.Minutes = activeMinutes;
_restService.SaveItemAsync(fitness, true);

Focus tab and change page with service worker

We need a little help with a service worker. What we want to do is to click on notification, to execute service worker code and to check if the site is yet opened in a tab: if the site is not opened, we want to open a new tab and to navigate to a predefined url, if it is opened, we want to focus tab and then to navigate to a predefined path of the site.
We tried the code below but it doesn't work, cause we get some errors such as 'the service worker is not the active one' and so on.
Any help is really appreciated
event.waitUntil(clients.matchAll({type: 'window' }).then(function (clientList) {
let openNewWindow = true;
for (let i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++) {
const client = clientList[i];
if (client.url.includes('localhost') && 'focus' in client) {
openNewWindow = false;
.then(function (client2)
{ return client.navigate(openUrl)});
// });
if (openNewWindow) {
return clients.openWindow(openUrl);
I don't know if you still need a solution, but we did it like this.
After click, we look for the right registration by a lookup. Because our solution has many different customers, and there can be multiple registrations.
When we found it, we send a message. Somewhere else we have a listener on those messages to handle the rounting with the angular app.
If there is no tab opened, we use winClients.openWindow(url)
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => handleClick (event));
const handleClick = async (event) => {
const data =
const winClients = clients;
const action = event.action;
clients.matchAll({includeUncontrolled: true, type: 'window'}).then(clients => {
let found = false;
let url = data.fallback_url;
if (action === 'settings') {
url = data.actions.settings;
clients.every(client => {
if (client.url.includes(data.lookup)) {
found = true;
client.postMessage({action: 'NOTIFICATION_CLICK', message_id: data.message_id, navigate_url: url});
return false;
return true;
if (!found) {

control Electron instances

Wanted to check how many instances are running and control the number of instances running in one exe electron bundle. Let us say I wanted to allow only three instances running for the one exe bundle. I am not able to do this.
Current Behavior:
Only one and remaining can block. Or open for any number of instances. We need to control only three instances running, not more than that.
const { app } = require('electron')
let myWindow = null
const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
if (!gotTheLock) {
} else {
app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (myWindow) {
if (myWindow.isMinimized()) myWindow.restore()
// Create myWindow, load the rest of the app, etc...
app.on('ready', () => {
You can try with the following code to know how many windows have been opened.
const count = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length;
To check visible windows, you can try the following code
let count = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()
.filter(b => {
return b.isVisible()
Once you get the number of instances, based upon the condition for number of instance, ie. if it is more than 3, you can quit using app.quit().
You can make each instance write to a file (increment a counter for example) when the instance starts and when it exits. (decrement the counter). You should check that file to see if the maximum number of instances are running
import { app } from "electron";
import path from "path";
import fs from "fs";
const INSTANCE_COUNT_FILE_PATH = path.join(
// utils to read/write number of instances to a file
const instanceCountFileExists = () => fs.existsSync(INSTANCE_COUNT_FILE_PATH);
const readInstanceCountFile = () =>
parseInt(fs.readFileSync(INSTANCE_COUNT_FILE_PATH, "utf-8"));
const writeInstanceCountFile = (value) =>
fs.writeFileSync(INSTANCE_COUNT_FILE_PATH, value);
const incInstanceCountFile = () => {
const value = readInstanceCountFile() + 1;
const decInstanceCountFile = () => {
const value = readInstanceCountFile() - 1;
// logic needed to only allow a certain number of instances to be active
if (instanceCountFileExists() && readInstanceCountFile() >= MAX_APP_INSTANCES) {
} else {
if (!instanceCountFileExists()) {
} else {
app.on("quit", () => decInstanceCountFile());
Note: this is solution is somewhat hacky. For example, the quit event is not guaranteed to fire when the Electron app exits

On Change not working for second time

I'm Calling onchange function from HTML. It works as expected for the first time. But Second time, its not. Not even the debugger is getting hitted in the function.
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Attachment.AttachmentFile, new { type = "file", onchange = "GetAttachmentFileName()", style = "display:none" })
function GetAttachmentFileName() {
if ($("#Attachment_AttachmentFile").val() != null && $("#Attachment_AttachmentFile").val() != "") {
var filename = $("#Attachment_AttachmentFile").val().split('\\').pop().replace(" ", "");
$("#attachmentFileerror span").css("display", "none");
var fileSize=0;
var maxFileSize = 10240000 // 10MB -> 10000 * 1024
fileSize = $("#" + "Attachment_AttachmentFile")[0].files[0].size //size in kb
$("#Filesize").html("Please choose file less than 10MB");
$("#Filesize").css("display", "block");
$("#Filesize").css("display", "none");
You may want to consider explicitly clearing out the contents of your file <input> when the file that was added was too large. This should reset the onchange() event so that it will trigger again (as it will only be triggered if the actual file name is different) :
$("#Filesize").html("Please choose file less than 10MB");
$("#Filesize").css("display", "block");

How to prevent multiple instances in Electron

I do not know if this is possible but I might as well give it a chance and ask.
I'm doing an Electron app and I'd like to know if it is possible to have no more than a single instance at a time.
I have found this gist but I'm not sure hot to use it. Can someone shed some light of share a better idea ?
var preventMultipleInstances = function(window) {
var socket = (process.platform === 'win32') ? '\\\\.\\pipe\\myapp-sock' : path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'myapp.sock');
net.connect({path: socket}, function () {
var errorMessage = 'Another instance of ' + pjson.productName + ' is already running. Only one instance of the app can be open at a time.'
dialog.showMessageBox(window, {'type': 'error', message: errorMessage, buttons: ['OK']}, function() {
}).on('error', function (err) {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// try to unlink older socket if it exists, if it doesn't,
// ignore ENOENT errors
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw e;
net.createServer(function (connection) {}).listen(socket);;
There is a new API now: requestSingleInstanceLock
const { app } = require('electron')
let myWindow = null
const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
if (!gotTheLock) {
} else {
app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (myWindow) {
if (myWindow.isMinimized()) myWindow.restore()
// Create myWindow, load the rest of the app, etc...
app.on('ready', () => {
Use the makeSingleInstance function in the app module, there's even an example in the docs.
In Case you need the code.
let mainWindow = null;
//to make singleton instance
const isSecondInstance = app.makeSingleInstance((commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (mainWindow) {
if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore()
if (isSecondInstance) {
