dimmed screen while presenting alerts on iPhone X - ios

I was wondering if there is a way to remedy the following UI issue (pictured below). I find it peculiar that, when I present an alert, the area at the top by the notch is not also dimmed like the rest of the screen. Is this just the way iPhone X works and I can't do anything about it?


iOS flash screen bug

The screen occasionally has a flashing translucent rectangle, the point of this question is I DON'T write any animation code.The Screen appear some black blocks?Why?When I Screenshot ,it will disappear.
please see link

Weird back arrow on navigation bar

I was given a picture of how the navigation arrow back button look like on specific devices (iPhone SE, 5) and I have no clue what might cause this issue.
It should be standard back arrow icon instead. I was not able to reproduce it on simulators and I am wondering if someone can encounter with same bug.

Top navigation is not coming properly - iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution

My App is iPhone only and it works great on iPhone device. It got rejected by Apple with below message:
iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone
resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
When I run my app on iPad it's cutting part of the navigator at the top. Attached is the screen print.
Anyone got any clue how to fix it?
I think you navigation bar is covered because its position is lower than the 20point reserved for the status bar. To check its position, click on the navigation item or bar, go to Size Inspector and under View, you will see the X & Y positions. Or you can set constraints for it. I hope this helps.
Actually I solved this problem long back but missed to update the solution here. I was getting this issue on iPad because it doesn't use status bar as like iPhone for iPhone app. So I did leave the status bar space at the top of the view controller. Also, this issue occurs only for standalone ViewController and if we use Navigation ViewController, issue is automatically resolved.

iOS UIAlertController appears bigger than normal

I bought an iOS application template, but I was wondering why the UIAlertController and the status bar do not appear like normal. It appears bigger than the default design.
Why is this happening and how can I solve it?
If your app is not optimized to fit iPhone6/6Plus screen, then it's UI will behave as if it is iPhone5/5s and everything will look bigger than usual.
That might be the reason for zoomed status bar and UIAlertController.

Why is iOS simulator displaying blank screen when I rotate device?

Getting through some introductory swift and playing with Xcode and I basically just have a page with some color squares, background color etc. Doesn't do anything. Problem is when I compile the code it will run in simulator just fine and show everything perfect, BUT when I rotate the device, everything disappears and it only gives me a blank white screen. Rotating right or left does it. The only view that shows it is the original upright view (for all iPhone devices that I tested on through the simulator).
Xcode 6.1.1 and iOS Simulator 8.1 are being used on my MacBook Air with OSX 10.9.5.
In the App general page, I have already checked under Deployment info that Landscape Right and Left are both checked on. Storyboard is set on Any H and Any W.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and it has been pretty difficult searching since I'm still new to iOS development I'm not sure I'm using the right words or whatever because I can't find an answer.
App displays properly in iOS Simulator, Portrait View but no other views work and will display blank white screen instead.
In order to see if your views are actually being drawn and just off screen as others have suggested capture the view hierarchy. Go to 'debug' in the menu, then in 'view debugging' click capture view hierarchy. This will pause your app and create a 3D representation of all view on your screen which you can move around by clicking and dragging.
Are your views actually being drawn? If yes are they drawing off screen? If yes then you need to fix your constraints.
It sounds like you haven't set your constraints appropriately. Try setting the top and leading constraints for each of your views to something less than 320 (should cover all device sizes). Fix your warnings, then try again. I believe the views are simply off the screen.
You don't have the correct auto-layout UIConstraints set in interface builder. Check the document outline view in interface builder and ensure that you have appropriate constraints set on each view.
Auto Layout issues occur when you create conflicting constraints, when you don’t provide enough constraints, or when the final layout contains a set of constraints that are ambiguous.
Check this Apple documentation out, it will show you step by step how to resolve your (common) issue.
