iOS flash screen bug - ios

The screen occasionally has a flashing translucent rectangle, the point of this question is I DON'T write any animation code.The Screen appear some black blocks?Why?When I Screenshot ,it will disappear.
please see link


dimmed screen while presenting alerts on iPhone X

I was wondering if there is a way to remedy the following UI issue (pictured below). I find it peculiar that, when I present an alert, the area at the top by the notch is not also dimmed like the rest of the screen. Is this just the way iPhone X works and I can't do anything about it?

iOS Splash Screen is brighter than main screen

I've never faced something like this, as you see in the attached gif the transition from splash screen to main screen with the same background image causes screen to get darker.
Any ideas why is this happening?
Okay..that was weird but I found out that changing the background color of the view for both splashscreen.xib and the next screen to be the same solved it for me.

On apple ipad icon leave some space and because of that it shows some black background color behind that icon. why this?

I have made square shape icon for ipad, and also ipad make icon in rounded shape automatically on app, but in my app, it shows some black background color behind the icon.
please reply me..
are you sure you are using rigt size? Check this. It would be also nice if you put an image here.

How do I remove Gray Bar at bottom of iPad Screen

I recently upgraded my app to iOS10 and now I have this bar at the bottom of an iPad screen:
I have tried various suggestions to remove it without success. It seems to be related to a textField because it will momentarily disappear after keyboard dismissal.
My question is: What is this view and how do I get rid of it?

White bar at the bottom to the view

I have a background image on a view controller, it is shown as expected on the simulator, but on a real device, a white bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. On another view, with another background image, the white bar appears on the top of the screen. Any hint to detect the source of the issue? It doesn't happened on the simulator, it happens only on a real device, it is an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.
