Updating Existing Assets - Hyperledger Composer - hyperledger

I am trying to create a simple hyperledger chaincode in composer that takes a loan number and if it exists, updates the asset associated else creates a new asset.
My model file looks like this:
asset Loan identified by loanNum{
o String loanNum
o Double balance
transaction createTransaction {
o String loanNum
o Double transAmount
My script looks like this:
function createTransaction(tx) {
var NS = 'org.acme.ra';
var factory = getFactory();
var loanToUpdate
//returns all assets
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
return assetRegistry.exists(tx.loanNum);
if (exists) {
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
loanToUpdate = assetRegistry2.get(tx.loanNum)
loanToUpdate.balance = tx.transAmount;
return assetRegistry2
return updateAssetRegistry.update(loanToUpdate)//broken right here
else {
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
var newLoan =factory.newResource(NS,'Loan',tx.loanNum);
newLoan.balance = tx.transAmount;
return assetRegistry2.add(newLoan);
Script Summary:
Two values are fed to the script, a loan number and a transaction
The script then returns the asset registry and returns the
appropriate bool if the loan number exists already.
If False(loan doesnt exists in asset registry), a new asset will be created using the loan number and balance from the transaction.
If True, the asset registry is returned then I use the .get function and set the results equal to the loanToUpdate variable that is created at the start of the script. I then use the .update(loanToUpdate) function on the asset registry to update the existing asset.
When bool is False the script works correctly and creates a new asset, but when bool is True and the transaction contains loan number that already exists I get the error "Error: Expected a Resource or Concept."
Now that i am getting more experience with this, i think it can be done much easier with built in relationships but ill post my updated functional code below.
Updated Code with Fix:
function createTransaction(tx) {
var NS = 'org.acme.ra';
var factory = getFactory();
var loanToUpdate
//returns all assets
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
return assetRegistry.exists(tx.loanNum);
if (exists) {
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
return assetRegistry2.get(tx.loanNum);
loanToUpdate = updateloan
loanToUpdate.balance = tx.transAmount;
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
return assetRegistry3.update(loanToUpdate);
else {
return getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Loan')
var newLoan = factory.newResource(NS,'Loan',tx.loanNum);
newLoan.balance = tx.transAmount;
return assetRegistry2.add(newLoan);

get on an asset registry returns a promise, so the line
loanToUpdate = assetRegistry2.get(tx.loanNum)
needs to be part of the promise chain and so you need a .then block to process the returned value before you can update it.


Recover single asset history

I'm trying to recover the history of a single asset. The model is defined like the following
namespace org.example.basic
asset SampleAsset identified by assetId {
o String assetId
--> SampleParticipant owner
o String value
participant SampleParticipant identified by participantId {
o String participantId
o String firstName
o String lastName
transaction GetAssetHistory {
o String assetId
event SampleEvent {
--> SampleAsset asset
o String oldValue
o String newValue
I generate a single participant and a new asset referencing to the previous participant. And I proceed to update the asset value variable value. But reading about asset update I found the following:
async function getAssetHistory(tx) {
//How can I get a single asset history using the tx.assetId value??
let historian = await businessNetworkConnection.getHistorian();
let historianRecords = historian.getAll();
When I deploy the bna and I call the function I get the following:
In other functions i use the RuntimeApi but I dont know if businessNetworkConnection is a Runtime API call.
Any idea of how can a get a single asset history?
Any example on internet?
***************** UPDATE
I change the way to recover a particula asset history. Doing the following:
In js file
* Sample read-only transaction
* #param {org.example.trading.MyPartHistory} tx
* #returns {org.example.trading.Trader[]} All trxns
* #transaction
async function participantHistory(tx) {
const partId = tx.tradeid;
const nativeSupport = tx.nativeSupport;
// const partRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.example.trading.Trader')
const nativeKey = getNativeAPI().createCompositeKey('Asset:org.example.trading.Trader', [partId]);
const iterator = await getNativeAPI().getHistoryForKey(nativeKey);
let results = [];
let res = {done : false};
while (!res.done) {
res = await iterator.next();
if (res && res.value && res.value.value) {
let val = res.value.value.toString('utf8');
if (val.length > 0) {
console.log("#debug val is " + val );
if (res && res.done) {
try {
catch (err) {
var newArray = [];
for (const item of results) {
console.log("#debug the results to be returned are as follows: ");
return newArray; // returns something to my NodeJS client (called via REST API)
In model file
transaction MyPartHistory {
o String tradeId
I create a single asset an di update then with other values. But whe I call the MyPartHistory i get the following message:
Error: Native API not available in web runtime
use of the native api is only available when you are running your business network in a real fabric environment. You can't use it in the online playground environment. You will have to setup a real fabric environment and then run playground locally connecting to that fabric in order to test your business network.

List all indexeddb for one host in firefox addon

I figured if the devtool can list all created IndexedDB, then there should be an API to retrieve them...?
Dose anyone know how I get get a list of names with the help of a firefox SDK?
I did dig into the code and looked at the source. unfortunately there wasn't any convenient API that would pull out all the databases from one host.
The way they did it was to lurk around in the user profiles folder and look at all folder and files for .sqlite and make a sql query (multiple times in case there is an ongoing transaction) to each .sqlite and ask for the database name
it came down this peace of code
// striped down version of: https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/devtools/server/actors/storage.js
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {async} = require("resource://gre/modules/devtools/async-utils");
const { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
const promise = require("sdk/core/promise");
// A RegExp for characters that cannot appear in a file/directory name. This is
// used to sanitize the host name for indexed db to lookup whether the file is
// present in <profileDir>/storage/default/ location
const illegalFileNameCharacters = [
// Control characters \001 to \036
// Special characters
const ILLEGAL_CHAR_REGEX = new RegExp(illegalFileNameCharacters, "g");
var OS = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm").OS;
var Sqlite = require("resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm");
* An async method equivalent to setTimeout but using Promises
* #param {number} time
* The wait time in milliseconds.
function sleep(time) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
setTimeout(() => {
}, time);
return deferred.promise;
var indexedDBHelpers = {
* Fetches all the databases and their metadata for the given `host`.
getDBNamesForHost: async(function*(host) {
let sanitizedHost = indexedDBHelpers.getSanitizedHost(host);
let directory = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "storage",
"default", sanitizedHost, "idb");
let exists = yield OS.File.exists(directory);
if (!exists && host.startsWith("about:")) {
// try for moz-safe-about directory
sanitizedHost = indexedDBHelpers.getSanitizedHost("moz-safe-" + host);
directory = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "storage",
"permanent", sanitizedHost, "idb");
exists = yield OS.File.exists(directory);
if (!exists) {
return [];
let names = [];
let dirIterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(directory);
try {
yield dirIterator.forEach(file => {
// Skip directories.
if (file.isDir) {
return null;
// Skip any non-sqlite files.
if (!file.name.endsWith(".sqlite")) {
return null;
return indexedDBHelpers.getNameFromDatabaseFile(file.path).then(name => {
if (name) {
return null;
} finally {
return names;
* Removes any illegal characters from the host name to make it a valid file
* name.
getSanitizedHost: function(host) {
return host.replace(ILLEGAL_CHAR_REGEX, "+");
* Retrieves the proper indexed db database name from the provided .sqlite
* file location.
getNameFromDatabaseFile: async(function*(path) {
let connection = null;
let retryCount = 0;
// Content pages might be having an open transaction for the same indexed db
// which this sqlite file belongs to. In that case, sqlite.openConnection
// will throw. Thus we retey for some time to see if lock is removed.
while (!connection && retryCount++ < 25) {
try {
connection = yield Sqlite.openConnection({ path: path });
} catch (ex) {
// Continuously retrying is overkill. Waiting for 100ms before next try
yield sleep(100);
if (!connection) {
return null;
let rows = yield connection.execute("SELECT name FROM database");
if (rows.length != 1) {
return null;
let name = rows[0].getResultByName("name");
yield connection.close();
return name;
module.exports = indexedDBHelpers.getDBNamesForHost;
If anyone want to use this then here is how you would use it
var getDBNamesForHost = require("./getDBNamesForHost");
getDBNamesForHost("http://example.com").then(names => {
Think it would be cool if someone were to build a addon that adds indexedDB.mozGetDatabaseNames to work the same way as indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames. I'm not doing that... will leave it up to you if you want. would be a grate dev tool to have ;)

How to remove keys with Lua script and StackExchange.Redis

I use StackExachange.Redis to remove keys from Redis DB. It is quite slow to get list by mask *val* and delete then.
Looking for sample code that is runable with .ScriptEvaluate.
Solution found. Created following method that returns number of keys deleted.
public int RedisPurge(string keyContains)
var serializer = new NewtonsoftSerializer();
var cacheClient = new StackExchangeRedisCacheClient(serializer);
var mask = string.Format("*{0}*", keyContains);
var result = cacheClient.Database.ScriptEvaluate("local keys = redis.call('keys', ARGV[1]) for i=1,#keys,5000 do redis.call('del', unpack(keys, i, math.min(i+4999, #keys))) end return keys", null, new RedisValue[] { mask });
return Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString().Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
catch (Exception)
return 0;

q promise and map doesn't change after iteration

I'm using Q Promises to retrieve data from my redis repository. The problem I'm having, is that through each iteration, the array object (localEncounter) I'm using to store data returned from the chained functions is never updated at each iteration. Previously, I tried to solve this with a foreach loop and spread but the results were the same.
How should I correct this so that localEncounter is updated at each iteration, and ultimately localEncounters contains correct data when returned? Thank you.
var localEncounters = [];
var localEncounter = {};
Promise.all(ids.map(function(id) {
return localEncounter, getEncounter(id, client)
.then(function (encounter) {
encounterObject = encounter;
//set the fields for the return object
localEncounter['encounterid'] = encounterObject[f_id];
localEncounter['screeningid'] = encounterObject[f_screening_id];
localEncounter['assessmentid'] = encounterObject[f_clinical_assessment_id];
localEncounter['psychevalid'] = encounterObject[f_psych_eval_id];
//get screening
return getScreening(encounterObject[f_screening_id], client);
.then(function (screening) {
//set the fields for the return object
localEncounter['screeningbegintime'] = screening[f_begin_time];
//get assessment
return getAssessment(localEncounter['assessmentid'], client);
.then(function (assessment) {
//set the fields for the return object
localEncounter['assessmentbegintime'] = assessment[f_begin_time];
//get psycheval
return getPsychEval(localEncounter['psychevalid'], client);
.then(function (psychEval) {
//set the fields for the return object
localEncounter['assessmentbegintime'] = psychEval[f_begin_time];
, function (reason) {
console.log(reason); // display reason why the call failed;
reject(reason, 'Something went wrong creating the encounter!');
})).then(function(results) {
// results is an array of names
console.log('done ');
Solution: I only needed to move the declaration of localEncounter inside the map iterator
var localEncounter = {};
Promise.all(ids.map(function(id) {
Promise.all(ids.map(function(id) {
var localEncounter = {};
This now allows that each id iteration gets its own localEncounter object.

Why am I getting this error in a basic Rails+Ember app?

I am trying to do a simple CRUD app using Ember + Rails and I'm getting the following error when trying to go to the /workouts route.
Error while loading route: TypeError {} ember.js?body=1:415
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
if (!wasApplied) {
Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor);
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor);
var m = meta(this), proto = m.proto;
m.proto = this;
if (initMixins) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var mixins = initMixins;
initMixins = null;
this.reopen.apply(this, mixins);
if (initProperties) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var props = initProperties;
initProperties = null;
var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties;
for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
var properties = props[i];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Ember.Mixin));
for (var keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { continue; }
var value = properties[keyName],
if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) {
var bindings = m.bindings;
if (!bindings) {
bindings = m.bindings = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
bindings[keyName] = value;
var desc = m.descs[keyName];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties.", !(value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty));
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1));
Ember.assert("`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create time, when Ember.ActionHandler is used (i.e. views, controllers & routes).", !((keyName === 'actions') && Ember.ActionHandler.detect(this)));
if (concatenatedProperties && indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) {
var baseValue = this[keyName];
if (baseValue) {
if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
value = baseValue.concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(value);
if (desc) {
desc.set(this, keyName, value);
} else {
if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) {
this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
} else if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
Ember.defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
} else {
this[keyName] = value;
finishPartial(this, m);
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
m.proto = proto;
sendEvent(this, "init");
} has no method 'find'
My code is located here: https://github.com/ecl1pse/ember-workouts
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: Upon further investigation I believe the culprit is
EmberWorkouts.WorkoutsRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
model: -> EmberWorkouts.Workout.find()
This doesn't actually return anything. How do I debug from there?
If I replace that with this
EmberWorkouts.WorkoutsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: -> [{title: 'hi'}, {title: 'damn'}]
The view actually renders content.
How do I get the model to collect from Rails properly?
Ember Data's interface has changed a little with the current release:
You can clear out the store.js file entirely. Ember Data will automatically set up a data store for you using the REST Adapter (unless you tell it otherwise).
Use model: -> #store.find('workout') instead.
I tested this with your app and it works.
If you haven't read through the Ember Data Guide in the last week or two (it's changed a lot), I would spend a few minutes on it.
The fix for this error (as of ember-data 1.0.0.beta.6) for me was to make sure that the JSON returned from the server included an "id" field for each model, BUT not to explicitly declare the id when setting up the Ember DS.Model.
jbuilder template:
json.scans do
json.array! #scans do |scan|
json.id scan.id # This prop has to be there
json.name scan.name
Ember model:
EmberApp.Scan = DS.Model.extend(
// Don't include the id prop here
name: DS.attr("string")
