App stopped working after publishing to app store in adhoc for testing - ios

My published app stopped working after xcode upgrade. My Xcode version is now 9.0.1. Publishing goes well except an error in the last stop of upload "Missing app store icon. ios apps must include a 1024x1024px app store icon in png format."
but the app quits without throwing any errors on the device. The interesting thing is that it works ok when I attach the device to my mac and runs the application. Doesn't show any errors. Please let me know how can I troubleshoot this issue?

its simple just add an icon of size 1024x1024 to your app icons folder or xcassets file whatever way you have chosen for your icons

Finally I was able to publish the app correctly. It was a mistake in renaming the app. I created a new cordova project with the new name and copied the existing code to the www directory. Now everything works ok.


Xcode 9 Alternate App Icons - Invalid Image Path

I use alternate app icons in my app (which is currently in the App Store). Since upgrading to Xcode 9, I get errors when submitting to the App Store (see screenshots). The alternate icon works properly when running on the simulator/device.
The main app icon is included in the Asset catalog, and the alternate icon is added directly to the project (which I needed to do to get it to work in Xcode 8.3). I've double checked that all the alternate app icon files are part of the app target.
I'm also getting some errors regarding missing required app icon files, which seems suspicious since they're all there as far as I can tell.
I'm using Xcode Server to create my builds, and submitting to the App Store from the integration results page.
Please let me know if you need any other information to help me solve this issue.
EDIT: I created an archive manually using Xcode, and that archive was accepted. Looks like this is an issue with archives created by Xcode Server.

react-native app is crashing on launch screen

When I'm testing my app on develop mode, everything is ok, but when I'm sending a test flight version of app to the app store my app is crashing at Launch Screen and I have to open the app from recent list or open multiple times until the app is running.
I really don't know what is my problem and how can I fix that.
I'm using react-native-navigation for my app.
After hours I found my problem.
In my AppDelgate.m I forgot to remove some line of codes depending on this source
So after updating the AppDelegate.m file and creating a new bundle, Everything is ok.

Codesign verification failed iOS in Xamarin

I'm trying to submit iOS app to App store and I created a production ID and provision profile and followed the steps in in the thread :,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store/
Then i built the application and it built successfully and then i did archive from Build->Archive and it is successful also.
Now when i tried to validate it gave me a message:
info:plist:The following icon is missing from your App bundle:57X57.You must reference this icon in CFBundleIcons or CFBndleIconFiles.
I already selected an icon for the App Icon in plist for the IOS7,8 120x120 since it is targeting 7.0 and later and it is there and i tested on devices and simulator but it asks me to provide 57x57.
I then added a 57x57 icon and rebuilt all and validated again ,it gave me the :
'Codesign verification failed' with no clarification.
I tried to change the app icon source to AppIcons where the icons are moved folder Resources/Images.xcassest/AppIcons.appiconset but still getting the same message .
I tried to rebuilt and checked all names and tested the app over and over again but nothing .
I also want to know if it is possible to validate in xamarin and then submit from Xcode ? I read this somewhere on the net but not steps were provided ?
Appreciate any help

Phonegap 3.4: error ITM-9000 when distribute app to app store

I got an error when I was trying to upload my app to iOS app store. They show me the error like this.
Before I upload the app to store, I use command line
phonegap build ios
Then they generated new files in platforms/ios, after that, I clicked .xcodeproj file to open my project in Xcode.
I test my app on device simulator and it works fine on every iOS device. Then I archive my app to prepare it to be uploaded to app store. But during its uploading, it shows me the error ITMS-9000.
This is my config file in phonegapProject/www/config.xml
and my project in Xcode
project files structure.
any help?
Thank you.
In your product Info in Launch images section if you have "No image specified" in for some screens, please provide appropriate screens for them. Or you can use a asset catalogue to include splash screens and icons.

IOS MDM Server IOS App OTA Deployment

We've built an MDM server using a mac mini.
We have 2 applications to push out to a number of users. One app will push and download on the remote devices with out a problem. The other displays an error "The app could not be installed at this time"
This second application is an older application.. however we are building it for 6.0. In the console we see this.
ipad SpringBoard[65] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/
This app can be built an installed when a device is connected to the build computer. We have all of the signing the same as the first application. We can also archive the app without any errors. What would cause this app to not install, or what should we start with?
Several notes/ideas:
a) Take a look at this (they mention the same problem)
Trouble installing AD-HOC distribution through safari
iOs application crash on install
Ad-hoc distribution fail
b) Can you please post your manifest (if you are installing inhouse apps)?
Please double check that that if you pointing to icons in this manifest, the links are correct.
Ok this took days to figure this out... In my situation at some point another icon was added into the build settings. We did change the name of the bundle so I'm assuming that xcode automatically populates the icon information?
In the info tab check to make sure you only have one property for 'icon files' (to be clear you should have the ability to open the drop down menu and expose sub menus... What I had was 2 'icon file' sections.) After I deleted the second set of icon files it pushed fine.
Hope that helps others figure out a very frustrating situation
