Change Default Font Size in Power BI? - font-size

New Power BI user here- I cannot sort out how to change the default font sizes on my visualizations...
Any help is appreciated!

There's no global default for font size right now. Each visual has its own options for font size.
Just in case you're not sure how to change the font size on a visual at all (I suspect you do but want to be thorough), select the visual and then:
Choose the Format tab of the visual
Choose which aspect you want to update (title, legend, and axis are common options for example)
Choose the font size
If a visual doesn't have an option for changing a particular font size, you're out of luck. For a custom visual, I'd recommend contacting the author of the visual.
If you'd like a global default font size in the future, there are a few ideas you can vote on that will let Microsoft know. Microsoft do pay attention and prioritize work based on who's voting for what, so I do recommend doing this:
Default Global Font Size:
Set default visualization formats:

Use the Cntrl+Shift++/- keys to increase or decrease view.


Printer paper size in Firemonkey

I am trying to allow the user to select an appropriate paper size for their printer within my own print settings dialog. Does anyone know a workable solution - preferably cross platform but otherwise OSX.
If I use a TPageSetupDialog then when executed it produces an error in the PASever window of Invalidpmobject although the dialog shows but doesn't seem to affect the current printers paper size. There doesn't seem to be any proerties to see what the user selected either.
I need to set the paper size without actually printing as the user needs to be able to adjust things with the new paper size first.
I finally figured out the problem so here is the solution for anyone else with the problem:
Use TPageSetupDialog but you must set valid pagewidth and pageheight values for the current printer before calling it - otherwise you get an error reported in PAServer window and the printer selection box will be set to "any printer" instead of the current printer name.
Unfortunately you cannot derive the paper size directly from the printer pagewidth and resolution because it reports printable area not paper size. So I set a default of A4 whenever the user chooses another printer. I guess you could set the nearest standard paper size to the calculated value from printer.pagewidth/printer.activeprinter.activedpi.x if you want to take care of printers that do not support A4.
The other point to note is that the default page sizes in the TPageSetupDialog component are wrong. Set the units to mm and use width 210000 and height 297000 (note 10 times bigger than the default values) for A4 size that most printers should support.

How to adjust Font Size according text viewable in a TButton.Text using Firemonkey?

I am using buttons to display product names in a matrix using TGridLayout.
The problem is that commonly Items contains 3 or 4 words and in my language (Portuguese) some words tend to be long.
I would like that somehow I could calculate the size of the font, decreasing it, in order to make all the text show up automatically (of course there is also a decrease limit, anything below 9 or 8 point for the font turn to be difficult to read).
The wordwrap property is turned on to have many lines, and use the most possible space for the text.
I don't know if you're programming for an Android/iOS app, but you can't change the fontsize of a button. I've had the same problem, my solution was to make an abbreviation of the words. And then i put labels above it to explain the abbreviations.
Of course you can adjust the font size of a button:

Delphi 5 Form Caption Font Size

I am currently resizing my Delphi5 application from 800x600 to be scalable up to 1440x1080.
The only thing that still looks too small is the Form Caption and the ShowMessage/MessageDlg text.
Am I right in thinking the ShowMessage text is related to the Windows default size?
Is there any way to increase the Form Caption font size? It doesn't seem connected to the Form font size.
The font size of the title bar is handled by windows and is system wide. If you want modify the font or other attibutes you must draw manually the non client area of the form(Windows).
Until Windows XP you can draw directly in the caption(title) bar modifying the font , color and text handling the WM_NCPAINT message, starting with windows vista and the DWM introduction you must use the DwmSetWindowAttribute function with the DWMWA_ALLOW_NCPAINT value in order to use this technique.

Means to get detailed font metrics?

I'm puzzling how to divine more font metrics from iOS. I can accomplish my very long single line of text by paging UIViews while scrolling. I can determine where to break the strings between views by iteratively calculating it with sizeToFont, but I need the inter-character spacing (i.e. advance width) to space them accurately.
Any ideas short of full fixed or monospaced fonts? Thanks.
The Core Text class CTFont gives you some access to glyph metrics. But really, you should try to just use Core Text to do your text rendering instead of asking it for measurements and calculating positions yourself.
CTFont Reference
Core Text Programming Guide

In Delphi, Is there a way to adjust the line spacing of a TMemo?

I'm working with a TMemo component to display some text in a limited space. Currently it's using a truetype font which doesn't ship with windows and is installed by the app when it runs.
On my PC (Running Windows XP), the spacing between each line of text seems to be about eight pixels. On a different PC running Windows 7, the line spacing seems to be about 14 pixels, which is pushing the bottom row of text out of visibility on the memo.
So, My question is really this:
Is this caused by the different versions of Windows? It's all I could think that was different.
Is there some way I can adjust this value so it would be consistent across all instances of the application, wherever it was running?
Alternatatively, is there a different component I could use which might let me tweak this value?
TMemo is a descendent of Windows Common controls and it's behavior depends on current Windows configuration so it is natural to get different results with it.
If you just want to display some information it's better to use components which let you set texts positions and their style precisely like TRichView. This component is not free but it has it's own text rendering engine and let you style texts with CSS like selectors which look the same in different versions of windows.
In addition to Mohsen's answer I'd like to mention LMD ElPack and it's ElEdit component which also has it's own text rendering engine. Unlike TRichView ElEdit is a plain text edit / memo component, so it's a drop-in replacement for TEdit / TMemo. And line height is configurable there
