Mark Jenkins Pipeline as Promoted - jenkins

Last I knew, Jenkins Pipelines did not support promotions, so to work around this, I created a job called "job-name-promotion" which would gather artifacts from the job I wanted to promote, and then mark the corresponding build as "Keep Forever." Is there a way to mark the build that was kept forever as "promoted" somehow? Preferably using one of the Stars that typically denote promotions? Or even better, is there a way to add Promotion Process steps to pipelines now?

Since it appears that pipelines still do not support promotions (as of 11/21/2017), I wrote a custom groovy script to iterate over all the jobs on the Jenkins server, locate the one we wish to promote and add a gold star to the corresponding build number:
import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.GroovyPostbuildAction
def log = manager.listener.logger
build = Thread.currentThread().executable
String jobName = build.project.getName()
// note: these two variables are defined as parameters of the current job
def number ="NUMBER") as int
def buildJobName ="BUILD_JOB_NAME")
Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance()
List<Job> projects = jenkins.getAllItems(Job.class)
for (Job project : projects) {
if (project.getName().equals("platform-lanai-pipeline")) {
log.println("Found it!")
Run usb = project.getBuildByNumber(number)
usb.getActions().add(GroovyPostbuildAction.createBadge('star-gold.png', ''))


How to get the successful build numbers of master branch of another job using groovy

i am new to groovy script. i have 2 jobs deploy_job and build_job. i want successful build numbers of master branch of build_job
I need to write a groovy script in deploy_job that gets the successful build numbers of master branch of build_job.I was not able to find the methods that i can use to get the master branch name with build numbers. The below script displays the build numbers of all the branches(master,feature,bugfix etc)
import hudson.model.*
def builds = []
def job = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItem("build_job")
job.builds.each {
def build = it
if (it.getResult().toString().equals("SUCCESS") ) {
it.badgeActions.each {
want to retrieve the build numbers of master branch only. Any help would be much appreciated

How to abort Jenkins pipeline build if label is not matched

I have a Jenkinsfile multibranch pipeline script, which runs on two different Jenkins systems. Jenkinsfile relies on a specific label name. In one of the systems, the label based agent is available and in another not (intentionally). In the former it runs fine. In the Jenkins system without the matching label, the job just hangs because it cant find a matching agent.
Is there a way to specify an option to abort (or not start) a build if a label is not found?
Some discussion here:
Might not be possible anytime soon
If they are calling in to a shared library then you can check for label being online/available and then fail the build
def computers = Jenkins.instance.computers
for(computer in computers){
labelStr = computer.node.getLabelString()
if labelStr ~= /user input/
System.exit(1); // no label
For a declarative pipeline it may be possible to use when{beforeAgent} to test whether a label exists.
This would only be useful where the agent is specified for a stage rather than the whole pipeline.
...and caveat that this is an as yet untested hypothesis.
Just a workaround, but in order to avoid dependency on shared lib I run the below every X minutes to clean-up culprits from queue:
import hudson.model.*
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each {
if (it =~ /someregex or match all/) {
why = it.getWhy()
if (why =~ /.*There are no nodes with the label.*/) {
println "No node found for $it.task.runId. It's stuck in damn jenkins queue forever and ever. Killing it"

Triggering build information available in child job

I have a job in Jenkins called notification_job which uses the "Build after other projects are built" trigger. The list of jobs will be around 25 and continue to grow. The notification_job needs to know the triggering build's name and build number.
I would like all of the configuration to be done through the notification_job, not through the triggering jobs as that list will grow and become a pain to manage. So how can I retrieve the build name and number in the child job?
Jenkins version is 2.19.3
Thank you,
I was able to pull the data with a groovy script
import hudson.model.Cause
for (cause in build.getCauses()) {
if (cause instanceof Cause.UpstreamCause) {
println cause.getUpstreamProject()
println cause.getUpstreamBuild()

Using the ez-template plugin for Jenkins through the Jenkins Job DSL doesn't apply the template after creation

I am working on automating the creation of Jenkins jobs by using the Jenkins Job DSL (Groovy). Right now, I am trying to automate the creation of a job that uses the ez-template plugin to use an already existing template and apply that to my newly created job. However, after I am done writing the necessary configuration:
job('foo') {
properties {
templateImplementationProperty {
exclusions(['ez-templates', 'job-params', 'disabled', 'description'])
the job gets created alright... except the template is never applied until AFTER I manually hit the save button on the UI in the newly created job. Checking the config.xml of the created job I can see that the xml contains the configuration I specified, but it was never applied.
Looking at the ez-template code, I can see that this is due to the silentSave feature that was implemented in that plugin - it writes configuration to disk without triggering any save events.
I've tried methods available to the Jenkins API but I've had no success there. Any ideas on how I can apply my configuration?
Full disclosure: I'm a co-worker, and was able to help shredmasteryjm solve this. I figured it'd be best to put this out on the net for others.
The Groovy code needed to trigger template implementation contents to be updated is:
import hudson.model.*;
import jenkins.model.*;
import com.joelj.jenkins.eztemplates.utils.TemplateUtils;
import com.joelj.jenkins.eztemplates.TemplateImplementationProperty;
Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance()
Item job = j.getItemByFullName('foo')
TemplateImplementationProperty template = TemplateUtils.getTemplateImplementationProperty(job)
TemplateUtils.handleTemplateImplementationSaved(job, template)
This utilizes the EZ-Templates TemplateUtils class to trigger the actual save event, using the template that the job uses. Of note, if job 'foo' doesn't implement a template, then the 'template' variable will be null, causing this code to error. YMMV
In our case, we needed to also add in some useful information from another question: Access to build environment variables from a groovy script in a Jenkins build step ( Windows)
in order to utilize a parameterized job name. As such our completed script looks like this:
import hudson.model.*;
import jenkins.model.*;
import com.joelj.jenkins.eztemplates.utils.TemplateUtils;
import com.joelj.jenkins.eztemplates.TemplateImplementationProperty;
// get current thread / Executor
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
// get current build
def build = thr?.executable
def hardcoded_param = "parameter_job_name"
def resolver = build.buildVariableResolver
def hardcoded_param_value = resolver.resolve(hardcoded_param)
Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance()
Item job = j.getItemByFullName(hardcoded_param_value)
TemplateImplementationProperty template = TemplateUtils.getTemplateImplementationProperty(job)
TemplateUtils.handleTemplateImplementationSaved(job, template)
FYI ez-templates 1.3.0 now triggers off additional save events such that you do not need the above trick.

Change number of executors on existing Jenkins node by script

I wan't to able to script and change number of executors on a node(not master) that already exists. Preferably by using groovy but if there is a plugin or CLI command that could do the trick that is also interesting.
Snippet of what I am trying to do:
jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes.each { node ->
println node.getNumExecutors()
//How do I set the number of executors for a node?
I managed it using Slave, which is a subclass of Node.
Below a part of a method I use for that, with target_label and target_executors as parameters
def nodes = nodesByLabel(target_label) // requires plugin "Pipeline Utility Steps"
def j = Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) {
def aSlave = (Slave) j.getNode(nodes[i]) // here cast is needed
println aSlave.getDisplayName() + "-" + aSlave.getNumExecutors()
This isn't currently possible — the numExecutors property of a Jenkins node is read-only.
From JENKINS-23534:
[setNumExecutors] is intentionally private since Jenkins does not offer a way to change the number of executors of a SlaveComputer or Slave once created. Instead, you change the configuration, meaning replacing the existing Slave.
You could run the script below to modify the Jenkins config.xml file… then just "Reload Configuration from Disk" in Manage Jenkins.
This works from the http://jenkins:8080/script console.
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
// the path to your jenkins config.xml
filePath = '/opt/sites/.jenkins/config.xml'
fileContents = new File(filePath).text
def config = new XmlSlurper().parseText(fileContents)
config.slaves[0].slave.each {
it.numExecutors = 5
def writer = new FileWriter(filePath)
XmlUtil.serialize(config, writer)
If you want to reload config automatically you could add:
It's pretty painful that you can't change the number of executors on a slave through the Jenkins API. You'll have to delete the slave and recreate it to change the number of executors, so you'll need to make sure that there are no builds running on the slave first.
Another option to do this in an automated way is to use the create-slave and delete-slave commands in the Jenkins CLI (go to the /cli link in your Jenkins instance for CLI documentation).
