Change number of executors on existing Jenkins node by script - jenkins

I wan't to able to script and change number of executors on a node(not master) that already exists. Preferably by using groovy but if there is a plugin or CLI command that could do the trick that is also interesting.
Snippet of what I am trying to do:
jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes.each { node ->
println node.getNumExecutors()
//How do I set the number of executors for a node?

I managed it using Slave, which is a subclass of Node.
Below a part of a method I use for that, with target_label and target_executors as parameters
def nodes = nodesByLabel(target_label) // requires plugin "Pipeline Utility Steps"
def j = Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) {
def aSlave = (Slave) j.getNode(nodes[i]) // here cast is needed
println aSlave.getDisplayName() + "-" + aSlave.getNumExecutors()

This isn't currently possible — the numExecutors property of a Jenkins node is read-only.
From JENKINS-23534:
[setNumExecutors] is intentionally private since Jenkins does not offer a way to change the number of executors of a SlaveComputer or Slave once created. Instead, you change the configuration, meaning replacing the existing Slave.

You could run the script below to modify the Jenkins config.xml file… then just "Reload Configuration from Disk" in Manage Jenkins.
This works from the http://jenkins:8080/script console.
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
// the path to your jenkins config.xml
filePath = '/opt/sites/.jenkins/config.xml'
fileContents = new File(filePath).text
def config = new XmlSlurper().parseText(fileContents)
config.slaves[0].slave.each {
it.numExecutors = 5
def writer = new FileWriter(filePath)
XmlUtil.serialize(config, writer)
If you want to reload config automatically you could add:

It's pretty painful that you can't change the number of executors on a slave through the Jenkins API. You'll have to delete the slave and recreate it to change the number of executors, so you'll need to make sure that there are no builds running on the slave first.
Another option to do this in an automated way is to use the create-slave and delete-slave commands in the Jenkins CLI (go to the /cli link in your Jenkins instance for CLI documentation).


Jenkins pipeline queue gets full when all agents are offline

I am using a Jenkins pipeline script and when all nodes are offline, the builds keep on queuing up. How do I stop Jenkins from adding jobs to the queue while all slaves are offline?
pipeline {
triggers {
pollSCM('H/3 * * * 1-5')
Is your agent's availability configured to 'Keep this agent online as much as possible' ?
One way to tackle this situation is, run the below script on master node and build your pipeline(s) only if at least one of the nodes is online. You can pass the online node name to your downstream job as a parameter.
def axis = []
for (slave in jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getNodes()) {
if (slave.toComputer().isOnline()) {
axis += slave.getDisplayName()
return axis
Above script source: Jenkins: skip if node is offline
Other links that may help are:
Monitor and restart your slave nodes -
I found this script handy in some situations:
I'm not into pipeline jobs, but for regular freestyle jobs, this kind of queueing will only happen if your builds are parameterized. Seperate builds are needed then to ensure that the project will run seperately for each and every parameter value (it does not matter whether the value is actually different).
So, removing build parameters in your project might solve the problem.

Mark Jenkins Pipeline as Promoted

Last I knew, Jenkins Pipelines did not support promotions, so to work around this, I created a job called "job-name-promotion" which would gather artifacts from the job I wanted to promote, and then mark the corresponding build as "Keep Forever." Is there a way to mark the build that was kept forever as "promoted" somehow? Preferably using one of the Stars that typically denote promotions? Or even better, is there a way to add Promotion Process steps to pipelines now?
Since it appears that pipelines still do not support promotions (as of 11/21/2017), I wrote a custom groovy script to iterate over all the jobs on the Jenkins server, locate the one we wish to promote and add a gold star to the corresponding build number:
import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.GroovyPostbuildAction
def log = manager.listener.logger
build = Thread.currentThread().executable
String jobName = build.project.getName()
// note: these two variables are defined as parameters of the current job
def number ="NUMBER") as int
def buildJobName ="BUILD_JOB_NAME")
Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance()
List<Job> projects = jenkins.getAllItems(Job.class)
for (Job project : projects) {
if (project.getName().equals("platform-lanai-pipeline")) {
log.println("Found it!")
Run usb = project.getBuildByNumber(number)
usb.getActions().add(GroovyPostbuildAction.createBadge('star-gold.png', ''))

How to abort Jenkins pipeline build if label is not matched

I have a Jenkinsfile multibranch pipeline script, which runs on two different Jenkins systems. Jenkinsfile relies on a specific label name. In one of the systems, the label based agent is available and in another not (intentionally). In the former it runs fine. In the Jenkins system without the matching label, the job just hangs because it cant find a matching agent.
Is there a way to specify an option to abort (or not start) a build if a label is not found?
Some discussion here:
Might not be possible anytime soon
If they are calling in to a shared library then you can check for label being online/available and then fail the build
def computers = Jenkins.instance.computers
for(computer in computers){
labelStr = computer.node.getLabelString()
if labelStr ~= /user input/
System.exit(1); // no label
For a declarative pipeline it may be possible to use when{beforeAgent} to test whether a label exists.
This would only be useful where the agent is specified for a stage rather than the whole pipeline.
...and caveat that this is an as yet untested hypothesis.
Just a workaround, but in order to avoid dependency on shared lib I run the below every X minutes to clean-up culprits from queue:
import hudson.model.*
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each {
if (it =~ /someregex or match all/) {
why = it.getWhy()
if (why =~ /.*There are no nodes with the label.*/) {
println "No node found for $it.task.runId. It's stuck in damn jenkins queue forever and ever. Killing it"

Multiple concurrent builds of the same project in Jenkins

On my team, we have a project that we want to do continuous-integration-style testing on. Our build takes around 2 hours and is triggered by the "Poll SCM" trigger (using Perforce as the server), and we have two build nodes.
Currently, if someone checks in a change, one build node will start up pretty much right away, but if another change gets checked in, the other node will not kick in, as it's waiting for the previous job to finish. However, I could like the other build node to start a build with the newer checkin as soon as possible, so that we can maximize the amount of continuous testing that's occurring (so that if e.g. one build fails we know sooner rather than later).
Is there any simple way to configure a Jenkins job (using Poll SCM against a Perforce server) to not block while another instance of the job is already running?
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the project it's not possible to simply break the project up into multiple build jobs that get pipelined across multiple slaves (as much as I'd like to change it to work in this way).
Use the "Execute concurrent builds if necessary" option in Jenkins configuration.
Just to register here in case someone needs it, in the version I'm using (Jenkins 2.249.3) I had to uncheck the option Do not allow concurrent builds in the child job that is called multiple times from the parent job.
The code is more or less like that:
def subParallelJobs = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < LIST_OF_PARAMETERS.size(); i++) {
def jobParams = [ string(name: 'MY_JOB_PARAMETER', value: MY_PARAMETER_VALUE) ]
subParallelJobs.put("MY_KEY_USING_THE_PARAMETER_TO_MAKE_IT_UNIQUE", {build (job: "MY_CHILD_JOB", parameters: jobParams)})

Running Jenkins job simultaneously on all nodes

TLDR: I want to be able to run job simultaneously on multiple nodes in Jenkins pipeline. [ for example - build application x on nodes dev, test & staging nodes based on aws ]
I have a large group of nodes with the same label. I would like to be able to run a job in Jenkins that executes on all of the nodes with the same label as well as doing so simultaneously.
I saw a suggestion to use the matrix configuration option in Jenkins, but I can only think of one axis (the label group). When I try and run the job, it seems like it only executes once instead of 300 times (1 for each of the nodes in that label group).
What should my other axis be? there some plugin to do this? I had tried the NodeLabel Parameter Plugin, and choosing "run on all available online nodes", but it does not seem to run the jobs simultaneously.
Parameterized Trigger Plugin
NodeLabel Parameter Plugin
For the job you want to run, enable Execute concurrent builds if necessary
Create another job besides the job you want to run on all slaves and configure it
Build > Add build step > Trigger/call builds on other projects
Add ParameterFactories > All Nodes for Label Factory > Label: the label of the nodes
The matrix build will work; use "Slaves" as the axis and expand the "Individual nodes" list to select all of your nodes.
Note that you will need to update the selection every time you add or remove a slave.
For a more maintainable solution, you could use the Job DSL plugin to set up a seed job that has the template for the build, then loops over each slave and creates a new job with the build label set to the name of the slave.
There is two plugins that you need: Paramitrized Trigger Plugin to be able to trigger other jobs as build step of your main job, and NodeLabel Plugin (read the BuildParameterFactory section for descrition of what you need) to specify the label.
The best and easiest way to accomplish this is using Elastic Axis plugin. 1. Install the pulgin.
2. Create a Multi Configuration job.(Install if not present)
3. In the job configuration you can find new axis added as Elastic axis. Add the label as shown below to get the job run on multiple slaves.
Taking a few of the above answers and adjusting them for 2.0 series.
You can now launch all a job on all nodes.
// The script triggers PayloadJob on every node.
// It uses Node and Label Parameter plugin to pass the job name to the payload job.
// The code will require approval of several Jenkins classes in the Script Security mode
def branches = [:]
def names = nodeNames()
for (int i=0; i<names.size(); ++i) {
def nodeName = names[i];
// Into each branch we put the pipeline code we want to execute
branches["node_" + nodeName] = {
node(nodeName) {
echo "Triggering on " + nodeName
build job: 'PayloadJob', parameters: [
new org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.NodeParameterValue
("TARGET_NODE", "description", nodeName)
// Now we trigger all branches
parallel branches
// This method collects a list of Node names from the current Jenkins instance
def nodeNames() {
return jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes.collect { node -> }
Taken from the code
Rundeck might be a tool better suited to your needs. Can be setup to run several jobs in parallel and has a plugin for Jenkins:
Rundeck is designed to integrate with larger systems. We generate the resource file from our configuration management database. Very easy to do see the documentation:
Additionally plugins available for amazon and/or systems like puppet and chef:
I was looking for a way to run docker system prune on all nodes (with label docker). I ended with a pretty simple scripted pipeline, which AFAIK will only need the pipeline plugin to work:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def nodes = [:]
nodesByLabel('docker').each {
nodes[it] = { ->
node(it) {
stage("docker-prune#${it}") {
sh('docker system prune -af --filter "until=1440h"')
parallel nodes
Note: Requires Pipeline Utility Steps
What this does, it is looking for all nodes with label docker, then iterates over it and creates an associative array nodes with one step per found node (to be precise, what this is doing is cleaning all old docker stuff older then 60 days). parallel nodes starts to execute in parallel (on all found nodes simultaneously).
Hope that this will help someone.
Got it - No need for any special plugin!
I've created a parent job that triggers/call another build ,
And when I'm calling him I pass him the Label that I wan't the child job to run on.
So basically the parent job Only triggers the job I need ,
and the child job will run as many times as the number of slaves in that Label
(In my case 4 times).
Enable This project is parameterized, add a parameter of type Label, enter an arbitrary name for the label and select a default value such as a label covering a number of nodes or a conjuction (&&) of such labels. Enable Run on all nodes matching the label, keep Run regardless of result, keep Node eligibility at All nodes.
Solution: You can succinctly parallel the same build across multiple Jenkins nodes
This can be useful for building the same project on different environments ( for example: build node applications on test ,dev and staging environments )
pipeline {
agent { docker { image 'node:14-alpine' } }
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
def parallelTasks() {
def labels = ['test', 'dev', 'staging'] // labels for Jenkins node types we will build on
def builders = [:]
for (x in labels) {
def label = x
builders[label] = {
node(label) {
sh """#!/bin/bash -le
echo "build app on ${label} node"
cd /home/app
npm run build
parallel builders
