iOS 11 Navigation issue when status bar is hidden - ios

When status bar hide that time how to set navigation height on iOS 11? I used custom navigation & its worked for below version of iOS 11. I set navigation height 48 below version of iOS 11 & its worked fine but not worked on iOS 11. I tried to fix this issue from many days but still not getting any idea.
Thanks in Advance


Xcode 10.1 issue with uicontrols on Navigation bar are not appearing in certain devices

Navigation bar uicontrols are not appearing in certain devices on iOS 11 and iOS 12, if the code is compiled on Xcode 10.1.
Works perfectly fine if the code is compiled on Xcode 9.2.
Found simmilar ssue reported - Xcode 10 NavigationBar icons not appearing on some devices
but the suggested solution to change the settings did not solve the issue.
Wondering someone else has seen the same issue.
There is no issue with XCode 10.1 navigation bar. By mistake made the following change in one common place before presenting all my UIViewControllers which made all the navigation bars go transparent and the text in white and the icons in white disappered.
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[SSCTheme colorFromPalette:PaletteColorWhite]];
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setTranslucent:NO];
Sorry for raising this issue.

Issue with Navigation Bar on iOS 10

I am working on an application which needs to be supported from iOS 10. I see the strange issue with navigation bars with Xcode 9.2 and 9.3. I added a view controller on the storyboard and when executing the application on iPhone 5 with iOS 10, I don't get to see the navigation bars, but the same is working on another device with iOS 11. But I can see the navigation bar on storyboards when selected topbar as transculent navigation bar and also embedded in a navigation controller. So what might be the issue?

Why Bar button item tint color changing in ios 6.0?

I am making my application support both iOS 6 and iOS 7 .
I am using Xcode 5 with iOS 7 SDK.
When I create the storyboard, the buttons in the navigation bar are in iOS 7 style.
But when I run it in iOS 6.0, it shows tint color in the background as following.
I want the iOS 7 style in iOS 6.
Is there any way to do that?
Yes You can make Navigation bar in iOS 6 look like Navigation bar in iOS 7
Just Go To This link :
Navigation bar in iOS 6 look like bar in iOS 7
And for more information Just Follow Apple documentation for iOS 7 UI Transition Guide

MVYSideMenu IN iOS 7 hides status bar

I am using MVYSideMenu in my application. It is working really good, the problem is that in iOS7 when the menu is open, the status bar is mixed with the menu. I have solved this by setting the TableView y position 20 pt down, but this solution is not the best, because in iOS 6 it is different. I am new in iOS and even more in iOS 7.
You can hide the status bar setting UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO in Info.plist

UINavigationBar position is not the same depending on iOS version ( 7 and 6 )

I'm updating my app to iOS7 and I noticed that I had to re-adjust all my manually placed UINavigationBars so that they come under the status bar.
Now that all bars have been manually moved in the IB below the status bar I've a problem that it looks great on iOS7 but in any other version there is a pronounced gap between the status bar and the UINavigationBar.
Could anyone advice me why is this problem happening between iOS versions and how to overcome it?
