React Native app flashing white after launch screen on iOS 11 - ios

We have more than 5 React Native apps published apps, and all app flashes to white between the launch screen and the first screen of the app. This creating wired behaviour and only noticeable on iOS 11.
We are using react-native-router-flux for navigation. I believe this issue is related to react-navigation because apps like UberEATS and Airbnb, which are also developed with React-Native are working fine. These apps have their own navigation library I think.
Anyone else noticed this problem? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciate.

I was able to fix this issue by adding custom splash screen, credits goes to react-native-splash-screen.
This issue is fixed in Xcode 9.2.


Is there a way to solve the iOS 14 Widget flicker issue?

I'm experiencing a strange graphic issue (flickering) for iOS 14 widgets on the Home Screen and also in the Widget Gallery. The problem seems to occur after an app update gets installed. During development I thought this is a problem with the iOS Simulator, but now users reporting this issue, after I released an app update.
Was someone experiencing the same problems? Is there a fix for it or is it a bug from Apple?
Here are 2 videos showing the problem. Once on the Home Screen and once in the Widget Gallery. Home Screen flickering
Widget Gallery flickering
I’m having the same issue. “Color Widgets” flickers and it’s irritating at times.
This is an issue with iOS 14.0. (This issue was there in the betas, not sure why apple didn’t fix it)
I guess Apple will get it fixed it in the next iOS update since a lot of users are complaining.
Seems iOS 14 issue but while development you can avoid this by removing Widget from home screen before adding new version in simulator/device.

Flutter ios app icon unchanged while switching apps

so I'm releaseing my Flutter app, after changing the app icon the app icon shows as expected in the main screen and in notification center, but when switching apps, the app icon still shows the Flutter logo, any idea how to correct this? Thanks in advance!
Restart your iphone once and run the app again this should solve, for me i also faced the same the above trick worked for me.

iOS 9 "Back-To-App" button quickly disappears

I made an iPad app using Flash Builder and Adobe AIR and it has been working fine. Recently I updated to iOS 9.2, I noticed that when I launch my app from Safari, the button of "Back to Safari" only shows for less than half a second and quickly disappears. I tried this function in other apps, such as launching any app from iTunes, that button always sticks there for a long time.
I did some research and haven't found anything so far. I am hoping to get some help here. Thank you in advance.

Ionic Tabs in iOS displays part of the icon at the bottom of tab

I am developing a mobile app in ionic that uses tabs.
When I transfer from one tab to the other(click the other tab) a portion of the icon is being displayed at the bottom of the tab for less than a second. It's like a flicker that disappear after a second.
It only happens on iOS. Before I was also using the same project and it doesn't happen. I'm not sure what was the cause since I did a lot(I was trying to fix the bugs in iOS9)... I updated my ionic, cordova and downloaded the latest xcode(I have 2 xcode in my workspace, I'm testing it in 6.3 and 7.0). I'm using an iPhone with iOS 8.1.
Pleases see the image below:
I got a similar issue with my tabs on iOS9. By looking at the console while running on the iOS simulator, I saw some $digest loop error.
This is a bug specific to iOS 9 caused by ngRoute. Applying the patch provided by Ionic did the trick.
Here is the related issue:
And here is the patch:

Keyboard animation issue on iOS 7 devices

I was working with Xcode 4.6 with iOS 6 SDK for building our iOS app. Recently we migrated to Xcode 5 which comes with iOS 7 built-in. After migrating to iOS 7 SDK, lot of weird things are happening e.g. status bar issue, keyboard animation mess up and UIImagePickerController status bar issue.
I am not finding any solution for the weird keyboard animation issue. When I tap the username text field in my login screen, entire view is going up till the text field and its not scrollable also. Its totally screwed up. Please note that mine is a hybrid application built using cordova library. So, all the UI elements are designed in HTML5. Below are two screenshots for the key board issue.
Please suggest me how to fix this… Thanks in advance….
That seems to be a problem in web view's on iOS7. We have the same problem.
It seems fixed in iOS 7.1.
