Sharing / Twitter not working as usual - ios

When trying to share a picture on Twitter from an iOS app (of mine) -- already on the appStore -- I keep getting this message:
But the reality is that I am already logged in to a Twitter account.
I can switch to the Twitter app, confirm that I am logged in and come back to the current app.
Am I doing something the wrong way with Twitter?
Or is possible that something is not working with the app itself?
I need to say that this kind of sharing used to work without problems.
So this might be due to some recent change in the iOS.


Problems activating Facebook Ads in iOS App

I am trying to integrate Facebook Ads in my iOS App.
I have the SDK installed and I also already receive test-ads. So everything seems to work fine.
On the Facebook page inside the Monetization Manager there is a 4 step tutorial on what I need to do.
was Choosing the ad format -> Banner -> Done
Integrating the SDK (I'd say it's done cause I see Test-Ads inside my app) but here's the problem... Cause there is no Checkmark there.
Is the payment info. That's done.
Would be the Review that I'd like to do, but that seems to be deactivated...
So... It also says there, that I need to be logged in to facebook on my phone with an associated Account. I am!
I don't know what else I'd need to do in order for Facebook to recognize that I already successfully displayed a Test-Ad and I just can't find any contact phone number to ask somebody.
Any hints are very much appreciated.
Btw. I already tried yesterday evening (in case the activation process simply takes longer...)
I finally found the Problem after trying every single Setting on the Facebook page...
The problem was that I added my device as Test-Device.
So after removing FBAdSettings.addTestDevice(FBAdSettings.testDeviceHash()) it was working.
Did cost my a lot of time and nerves :) But now everything works as expected!

IOS Deeplinking- Pass msg from email to your app

Existing user of the app will send email to other user.
Other user may have app installed or not installed on their device.
The email will contain some token. Now I want to pass that token to my app. I have read that by deep-linking, its possible. But how will I handle the case when other user have not installed my app yet in their IOS device.
Any help is appreciated.
What you're describing is called Deferred Deep Linking (Deep Linking refers to using a link to open your app, even directly to a specific piece of content, and Deferred means that it works even if the app isn't installed first).
Unfortunately there's no native way to accomplish this yet on either iOS or Android. URL schemes don't work, because they always fail if the app isn't installed. Apple's new Universal Links in iOS 9 get closer, but you'd still have to handle redirecting the user from your website to the App Store
A free service like (full disclosure: they're so awesome I work with them) can handle all of this for you though. Here's the docs page covering exactly how to create email links like you described:

Facebook Messenger App Link [iOS]

I'm creating an iOS application where I'd like to integrate Facebook Messenger for users to message each other. I've tried deeplinking via fb-messenger://user-thread/{user-id}, which works as intended. When I open the URL via my app, it switches over to Facebook Messenger. However, as this type of link seems undocumented by Facebook, I'd rather not risk using it as they might change it at any given time.
I've then looked into Facebook App Links, but as they're very few examples of how to actually use it, I'm not completely sure how to use it for a simple case of switching from my own app to messenger with a user-id as a parameter.
Any comments on this matter will be much appreciated.

Facebook SDK - Access Wall Posts

I'm facing some unusual problem, I'm integrating Facebook SDK in my iOS app, The main purpose of the app is to access Wall Posts (public), I have successfully integrated SDK & everything works for me (for my facebook id) but when I give the app to someone else he/she can't access his/her wall posts access-token & everything is the same. The unusual part is if I add that same user in Roles Section of Facebook Developer section of my app, the apps works for them too.
Keep in mind I haven't released my app to public so I'm using a beta version of my app & so is every body else in my team.
My question is, is this the normal way of giving access to someone so that they can use our app or am I doing something wrong?
As long as your app is in development mode, only people having a Role in the app (Admins/Developers/Testers) will be able to use it.

Initiate Facebook Group Chat from iOS App

I want my app to create a new Facebook group chat with certain people that opens either on Facebook's site in Safari or in the native Facebook app when the user presses a button. I want Facebook to handle the whole chat and my app only to initiate it somehow in the cleanest and least involved way possible. My app already uses the Facebook SDK to open an active FBSession, so I've already got login credentials.
Looking around online and in Facebook's docs, I can't find anything that suits my needs. The closest thing I found was in this answer containing a list of Facebook app URLs you can connect to that open the Facebook app to certain pages. There's "fb://chat/(initWithUID:)" and "fb://messaging/compose/(initWithUID:)". However, not only is there no explanation on how to use these, but people say that Facebook has changed these URLs (and does not have any documentation on them), so they don't work anymore unless I reverse-engineer new URLs (which could change again). Ugh, so close!
I also found examples on starting chats with the Facebook Chat API, but that involves logging into Facebook using some networking framework then writing my own GUI and model for sending messages, which I am only prepared to do as a last resort. There should be some way to let the Facebook app or website do all that. Does anyone know how I can do this?
I've found something very close, but I still don't see a way to make my app initialize it with the desired group of friends:
The Facebook SDK has a message dialog that can appear for sending messages to friends. This isn't exactly what I wanted but is good enough because it means that all the programming is already done for me by Facebook, and users should be able to see these messages on and the Facebook apps.
