Facebook SDK - Access Wall Posts - ios

I'm facing some unusual problem, I'm integrating Facebook SDK in my iOS app, The main purpose of the app is to access Wall Posts (public), I have successfully integrated SDK & everything works for me (for my facebook id) but when I give the app to someone else he/she can't access his/her wall posts access-token & everything is the same. The unusual part is if I add that same user in Roles Section of Facebook Developer section of my app, the apps works for them too.
Keep in mind I haven't released my app to public so I'm using a beta version of my app & so is every body else in my team.
My question is, is this the normal way of giving access to someone so that they can use our app or am I doing something wrong?

As long as your app is in development mode, only people having a Role in the app (Admins/Developers/Testers) will be able to use it.


Sharing / Twitter not working as usual

When trying to share a picture on Twitter from an iOS app (of mine) -- already on the appStore -- I keep getting this message:
But the reality is that I am already logged in to a Twitter account.
I can switch to the Twitter app, confirm that I am logged in and come back to the current app.
Am I doing something the wrong way with Twitter?
Or is possible that something is not working with the app itself?
I need to say that this kind of sharing used to work without problems.
So this might be due to some recent change in the iOS.

App Invites with Facebook on iOS App

I'm trying to set up App Invites on an iOS app I developed. However, when I invite others to use the app, they do not get any notifications.
Right now, the App Link I obtained redirects me to a link starting with itunes.apple.com, but the screen is blank. In addition, when I run the didCompleteWith Results function, I get "didComplete = 1;". I am not sure why the invitation is not working and why the person on the other end is not getting a notification. I have a hunch it could have to do with my App Link, but I am honestly not sure at all. I am trying to use Facebook's purely Mobile API since I do not have a website for my app. Also, it is not released on the App Store.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

How does foursquare app on iOS auto log me in?

Background: I was looking for a good copy for my app to use facebook login.
I searched for top apps which uses fb login and foursquare was one of them. I haven't use the app in a while. I downloaded it again and click open. They have updated the app and displays a series of screens about new tutorials and features. At the end of it, it automatically log me in and knows who I am. I'm confused about this. I did not click on any 'login with facebook' or enter any credentials.
I also went to www.foursquare.com and after a few seconds, the website reloads and logs me in. The profile is the same as my iOS one.
Another detail that interest me is that the email address I use for foursquare is not the same as my facebook one. I check my fb apps and foursquare is not listed there so there is no connection between fb and foursquare in my limited knowledge.
I deleted the app, reinstall, and open it and it immediately know who I am.
How does it work?

Registering and posting Facebook achievements from an iOS app

I have an existing iOS app on the App Store that includes Game Center achievements. Since it also has a working Facebook Connect implementation, I'd like to leverage the social channels available through the new Achievements Graph APIs with my apps.
I have created the corresponding achievement pages ready to be registered with Facebook as achievements for my app. From what I have read, since the app auth token has to be used to submit achievements and scores, I'm doing all of this on my server using some PHP scripts so I don't have to ship my secret key with my app binaries. I'm planning to have my iOS app call a script on my server when submitting achievements or scores.
I am using the same FB app that I use for the native iOS app. Obviously I want it to start generating stories and timeline events when the user unlocks achievements or reaches a new high score.
However I am running into a big stumbling block when trying to register the achievements for the FB app. I get the following error with the script that does the registration :
OAuthException: (#15) This method is not supported for native apps
I seem to be doing everything right, sending a POST to the /<appid>/achievements API with the URL for the achievements, etc.
In an effort to work around limitations on these API by Facebook, I have also enabled the existing mobile app to also be a "Website" and "App on Facebook" in the developer settings. To no avail.
So my question is... am I missing something to enable achievements that could be submitted from an iOS app through an intermediary server? I don't mind setting up canvas pages and so on if necessary, but I'd rather not have the users re-authenticate as a wholly separate app just so they can post achievements and scores to their Facebook stream.
What I'm trying to achieve is at most ask the user for additional permissions on the existing app on their devices, if necessary. It should be possible to invoke a script on my server that will push the achievements to Facebook when needed - but how ?
Is the only way to do this to use a separate FB app that is not set as a native mobile app at all, or can it be a combination native/Web app?
It means you've probably configured your application on Facebook's side as 'Native/Desktop' instead of 'web'.
In this configuration your app secret is untrusted because it's assumed you've shipped it with the client code - there's no reason your IOS app won't work in 'web' mode, so use that instead
(I'm assuming you haven't actually shipped your app secret in client code - if you have, it's a huge security problem unless your app is set to 'Native/Desktop')

Name of deleted FB app still appearing

Using my FB account I created an FB app for use by an iOS native app to post to the user's wall. This FB app was for development/testing purposes. Now that development is nearing completion, I have asked the client to create a new FB app using his own FB account, for the iOS app to use. The client has done so, and I have also deleted my development FB app, and switched the iOS app to use the production FB app's ID and secret.
However, now when the iOS app posts to FB, the post still shows something like the following, below the post content: "Get <Development App Name> - 9 minutes ago via <Production App Name>". I have not idea why the development app name is still appearing, even though it has already been deleted, and the iOS app has switched to the production app's ID and secret. The only thing that links the two is that the iOS app's bundle ID and app store ID are the same. Anyone else seen this before?
It sounds like you're talking about an Action link attached to the post, not to Facebook's text attributing the Post to your app. This isn't something in your app settings, it's part of the API call you made to Facebook to make the post.
E.g. on this example http://imgur.com/EUq13 - the 'Donate Now' link is added by the app itself in the API Call which makes the post
Check the code you're using to actually make the post and check you don't have the old app name and URL in the API call
