Switch from main queue to current NSOperation Thread - ios

I want to download and process a image from Firebase to local directory on secondary thread and then update the UI. The problem is firebase returns in completion on main thread and not on the thread on which my NSOperation is being executed. I want to switch back to the thread on which my NSOperation is working. Is there a way I can achieve it ?
Download Meta Data from Firebase Realtime DB
Process and Store in Local Db
Update UI
Download image From Firebase to temp location
Once properly downloaded move to appropriate Directory
Update UI
Below is the sample code and have mentioned thread on which the completion is called.
[photosDetailReferenceDB observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot * _Nonnull snapshot) {
//Main Thread
[self.downloadQueue addOperationWithBlock:^{
//Bg Thread 2
[[[FirebaseHelper sharedManager].storageuserRef child:serverPath] writeToFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:tempPath] completion:^(NSURL * _Nullable URL, NSError * _Nullable error) {
//Main Thread
// Here I want to switch back to Thread 2.
// Since yet I have to move the image back to proper directory and update the image status in core data.

It helps to stop thinking in terms of threads and start thinking in terms of queues.
Specifically, the thread of execution is, beyond the main thread, irrelevant. What is relevant, though, is the queue upon which the code is executed and whether or not that queue concurrent or serial execution.
So, in your case, the FirebaseHelper's callback to the main queue would immediately dispatch a block or operation to your background computation queue.
It may be as simple as dispatch_async() in the pure GCD queue case or, since you are using NSOperation, adding an operation to the appropriate NSOperationQueue.
If I add an operation to NSOperationQueue it would be different then
the one already executing. Firebase will be returning 100's of object
that means there would be 100's of NSOperations already and this would
lead to create another sub operation for each of them
If your operation queue is serial, then the operations will be executed one after the other, effectively as if it were the same thread (the actual thread of execution is irrelevant).
However, you don't want to have 100s or thousands of operations in flight, even in a serial queue.
You need to separate the work from the execution of the work. That is, you need to store a representation of the work that needs to be done in your data model and then pick off bits of work to be executed as your work queue or work queues (if parallelization makes sense) are emptied.


dispatch sync of main queue related query [ios, swift]

so i know we should never call dispatch_sync on main queue, as its a serial queue.
so the below code will crash in xcode:
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
print("hello world")
but i am not able to understand 100% why it is going to crash or deadlock ?
can someone explain with some drawing because i don't have 100% proof explanation that why it is going to crash or deadlock.
i know main queue is serial queue. so it executes tasks one by one. suppose we have task A running on main queue and if i add another taskB on main queue then task B only starts after taskA finishes.
and i also know that main queue should only perform UI specific tasks.
but its just i don't have 100% proof explanation of why above code will crash / deadlock.
can someone explain with some kind of simple drawing.
i know main queue is serial queue. so it executes tasks one by one. suppose we have task A running on main queue and if i add another taskB on main queue then task B only starts after taskA finishes.
and i also know that main queue should only perform UI specific tasks.
Not correct. The UI must only be updated on the main queue but you can do whatever you want on the main queue. You can handle data on the main queue if it fits that particular application. If you're handling a lot of data and don't want to freeze the UI, then you would want to get off the main queue.
but its just i don't have 100% proof explanation of why above code will crash / deadlock.
// doing work...
DispatchQueue.main.sync { // stop the main thread and wait for the following to finish
print("hello world") // this will never execute on the main thread because we just stopped it
// deadlock

DispatchQueue crashing with main.sync in Swift

Please explain to me why I am getting this crash?
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
in this
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
This is my code.
override func viewDidLoad() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
NEVER call the sync function on the main queue
If you call the sync function on the main queue it will block the queue as well as the queue will be waiting for the task to be completed but the task will never be finished since it will not be even able to start due to the queue is already blocked. It is called deadlock.
Two (or sometimes more) items — in most cases, threads — are said to be deadlocked if they all get stuck waiting for each other to complete or perform another action. The first can’t finish because it’s waiting for the second to finish. But the second can’t finish because it’s waiting for the first to finish.
You need to be careful though. Imagine if you call sync and target the current queue you’re already running on. This will result in a deadlock situation.
Use sync to keep track of your work with dispatch barriers, or when you need to wait for the operation to finish before you can use the data processed by the closure.
When to use sync?
When we need to wait until the task is finished. F.e. when we are making sure that some function/method is not double called. F.e. we have synchronization and trying to prevent it to be double called until it's completely finished.
When you need to wait for something done on a DIFFERENT queue and only then continue working on your current queue
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
With GCD, you can dispatch a task either synchronously or asynchronously.
A synchronous function returns control to the caller after the task is completed.
An asynchronous function returns immediately, ordering the task to be done but not waiting for it. Thus, an asynchronous function does not block the current thread of execution from proceeding on to the next function.
#sankalap, Dispatch.main is a serial queue which has single thread to execute all the operations. If we call "sync" on this queue it will block all other operations currently running on the thread and try to execute the code block inside sync whatever you have written. This results in "deadlock".
As per Apple documentation on executing dispatch_sync on a queue you're currently on will crash your code:
Calling this function and targeting the current queue results in
Because the current queue is the main queue, when you continue to call sync on the main queue, the system will understand that current main queue must wait some code complete in current queue, but no code at current queue (main queue), so you wait forever:
Apple document: Calling this function and targeting the current queue results in deadlock.

Can we update UI from background Thread?

Hello iOS experts just to clear my concept I have a bit confusion about UI updation from Main Thread. Apple requirements are that all UI related stuff should be carried out in main Thread.So to test:
Case1: I dispatch a task to a global dispatch concurrent queue asynchronously . After some processing I update my UI stuff directly from the concurrent queue (background thread), working fine using the below code.
dispatch_queue_t myGlobalQueue;
myGlobalQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(myGlobalQueue, ^{
// Some processing
// Update UI;
Case2: Than i tried the Apple required way, dispatch a block to global dispatch concurrent queue asynchronously. After some processing I update the UI stuff in Main thread using below code:
dispatch_queue_t myGlobalQueue;
myGlobalQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(myGlobalQueue, ^{
// Some processing
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// UI Updation
Now in both cases I am getting the same result. Now listen my questions
Questions: 1: In case1 are we still in Main Thread not in background thread ? If so than why Apple doc say:
Concurrent queues (also known as a type of global dispatch queue) execute one or more tasks concurrently, but tasks are still started in
the order in which they were added to the queue. The currently
executing tasks run on distinct threads that are managed by the
dispatch queue. The exact number of tasks executing at any given
point is variable and depends on system conditions.
Now if we are on Main Thread than this is a contradiction with the bold part of Apple Doc.
2: In Case1 if we are in background thread, than why Apple require to get Main Thread for UI Updation, Even though we can update UI from background Thread too?.
Kindly read my question fully and suggest me if I am doing something wrong. Your help and time would be greatly appreciated.
To 1)
This simply says, that tasks from the same queue can run on distinct threads. It does not say, that a task cannot run on a specific thread. (But I really do not expect to run a task on the main thread.)
To 2)
Apple does not say, that updating the UI from a different thread will fail in every case, but can fail. You shouldn't do it: One time it will fail.
You should read this:

Why we need the synchronous operation in ios

I want to know As we all know how asynchronous task are necessary for concurrency but Wanted to know why we need the synchronous tasks. while we can achieve the same with the normal usage of function.
Thanks & regards
When you calls something synchronously, it means that 'the thread that initiated that operation will wait for the task to finish before
continuing'. Asynchronous means that it will not wait for finish the task.
synchronous calls stops your current action and returns when the call returned. with asynchronous calls you can continue.
synchronous is the opposite of asynchronous code, and therefore is ordinary code.
At the end, if asynchronous is totally out of scope then you will not emphasize the word synchronous.
It helps to synchronise threads, as the name suggests.
consider a typical usage of GCD async and sync (pseudo)
async background_thread {
//1 call webservice or other long task that would block the main thread
sync main_thread {
//2 update UI with results from 1
//3 do something else that relies on 2
now if 2 was in an async and you needed to do something at 3 that relies on the updates at 2 to have happened, then you are not guaranteed (and most likely wont) get the behaviour you are expecting. instead, you use a sync to make sure that the task is completed before continuing the execution in the background thread.
If you are asking now, why not just take out the sync/async around 2 so it executes in order anyway? the problem is, the UI must not be updated on a background thread otherwise the behaviour is undefined (which usually means the UI lags a lot). So in essence what happens is the background thread waits at 2's sync until the main thread gets round to executing that block, then it will continue with the rest of the execution on the background thread.
If you were dealing with a task that doesnt require the main thread (or some other thread) to execute properly, then yes you may as well take out the sync at 2.
This is just one example of how a sync is useful, there are others if you are doing advanced threading in your app.
Hope this helps
Typically it's because you want to do an operation on a specific different thread but you need the result of that operation. You cannot do the operation asynchronously because your code will proceed before the operation on the other thread completes.
Apple has a very nice example:
func asset() -> AVAsset? {
var theAsset : AVAsset!
self.assetQueue.sync {
theAsset = self.getAssetInternal().copy() as! AVAsset
return theAsset
Any thread might call the asset method; but to avoid problems with shared data, we require that only functions that are executed from a particular queue (self.assetQueue) may touch an AVAsset, so when we call getAssetInternal we do it on self.assetQueue. But we also need the result returned by our call to getAssetInternal; hence the call to sync rather than async.

iOS dispatch_get_global_queue nested inside dispatch_get_main_queue

I've inherited a codebase that's using the following structure for threading:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), { () -> Void in
//Several AFNetworking Server calls...
I'm not very experienced with threading, so I'm trying to figure out what the possible intention behind this structure. Why grab the main queue only to access another queue immediately? Is this a common practice? For a little more context, this code is executed in an UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification, making several necessary service calls.
Is this structure safe? Essentially my goal is to make the service calls without blocking the UI. Any help or input is appreciated.
So I think this is an interesting few lines that somebody decided to write, so let's break down what's happening here (I may be breaking things down too much, sorry in advance, it just helps my own train of thought)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), dispatch_block_t block)
This will put the block as a task on the main queue (which you the code is already running in), then immediately continue executing the code in the rest of the method (If he had wanted to wait for the block task to finish before continuing, he'd have made a dispatch_sync call instead).
The main queue is serial, so it will perform these tasks exactly in this order:
go ahead and execute the block after the end of the current method (the end of the run loop for the current task)
execute any other tasks that may have been asynchronously added to the main queue before you dispatch_async your block task into the queue
execute the block task
Now block just dispatches another task to the high priority global queue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), block2)
The DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH is a concurrent queue-- so if you were to dispatch multiple tasks to this queue, it could potentially do them in parallel, depending on several system factors.
Your old co-worker wanted to make sure the networking calls in block2 were done ASAP
Because block is calling dispatch_async (which returns immediately), block task finishes, allowing the main queue to execute the next task in the queue.
The net result so far is that block2 is queued into the high priority global queue. After it executes, and your network calls complete, callback methods will be called and yadayada
...So what is the order of what's happening?
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), { () -> Void in
//Several AFNetworking Server calls...
1) moreCode executes
2) block executes (adds block2 with network calls onto global queue)
3/4) Next task in main queue executes
4/3) Network task in global queue executes
The order of which would happen first may vary between 3 and 4, but that's concurrency for you :)
So unless old coworker wanted moreCode to execute first before adding the network calls to a global queue, you can go ahead and remove that initial dispatch_async into the main queue.
Assuming it looks like they wanted the network calls done ASAP, there probably is no reason to delay the addition of those networking tasks into a global queue.
Open to any input ^^. My experience involves reading all of the documentation on GCD today, then deciding to look at some GCD tagged questions
