Changing SCNNode scale has no effect - ios

I'm new to ARKit and SceneKit. I have a rather complex scene coming from an 3D artist. He replaced some items with SceneKit objects. I now try to change the properties of one of the SCNNodes, in this case the scale property, in another case the position in space, and in yet another I have a SCNText where I change the string property:
feedScaler?.scale = SCNVector3Make(1.0, scale, 1.0)
feedText?.string = String(feedValue)
feedIndicator?.position.y = someNewValue
So, pretty straight forward. When I run the scene though, it seems that the changes here are only commited once, before the scene appears. Then nothing happens. Here's the thing:
the method which updates the properties runs once per frame
I print out the property values of the nodes to the console and they update each frame
the text updates, too, and is the only update which is actually rendered and visible.
Note: There's also animations in that scene that do not play unless I uncheck "Use scene time base". Maybe that is a hint regarding how the Scene's animations are handled...

I found the issue. I used a clone of the scene which caused the references to get lost. The documentation says:
Cloning or copying a node creates a duplicate of the node object, but not the geometries, lights, cameras, and other SceneKit objects attached to it—instead, each copied node shares references to these objects.
When the original gets lost all the references get useless.


Swift/IOS: SCNNode appeared to return to its original position after SCNAction is finished, but its actual position was changed by SCNAction

I am very new to Swift and IOS development so this could be a simple question, but I struggle to find the answer on the internet.
I was trying to animate a static DAE model by running a SCNAction on one of its nodes. However, after the SCNAction was completed (and the node was moved), the node position will appear to go back to its original position immediately (same position when the static DAE model was loaded). But when I print the node's position, I noticed that the node's position was actually changed because of the SCNAction. And when I ran the SCNAction again on the same node, the node will go back to the end position resulted from the last SCNAction and start the SCNAction from there. I wonder why there's such mismatch between the node's actual position and the position appeared in the scene.
Another interesting thing was when I put SCNActions in sequence ([action1, action2]), the node will not return to its original position between actions. But if SCNAction.wait was added in between ([action1, SCNAction.wait, action2]), the node will return to its original position during the wait, and will start action2 again from action1's end position.
I am trying to maintain the positions of all nodes at the end of SCNActions. Is there any way to prevent it from going back to the original position?
Not sure if the question is clear enough. Any thoughts and ideas are appreciated.
Have you verified that the node does not come with an animation from the Collada file? Animations and actions are evaluated one after the other. The actions may override the effect of the animation, until they are done (or paused).
Unlike actions, animations don't write in the model tree (node.position) but only in the presentation tree (node.presentationNode.position).

SKReferenceNode's SKPhysicsBody Off Center and Invisible

I am working on a game, and I am using an alpha mask to create an SKPhysicsBody for the basket + catcher. The SKView has showPhysics set to true.
I can't figure out what in the world the disc is hitting. There is no physics field there. When I recreate the reference node with SKSpriteNodes this works flawlessly. I would like to use a reference node though because it would make it easier to make lots of these quickly. Here is where I set up the reference node:
Here is where I create the scene itself:
I have zero idea at this point what is happening. Clearly there is an error with showing the physics as well, because there is no blue outline there.

Removing SKNodes When Not Visible On Screen

In my game, the size of the level can be larger than the screen of the phone and the camera will follow the player around the level, so there can be a decent amount of content(such as SKEmitterNodes) in the scene that is not visible at any given time. I've been reading through some of the SpriteKit documentation and found this quote in the SMEmitterNode section:
"Consider removing a particle emitter from the scene when it is not
visible onscreen. Add it just before it becomes visible."
Is this something that can be done in my type of game design? I don't want the nodes to be completely removed since they will eventually be put on the screen, but is there a good way for me to add/remove the EmitterNodes (or other SpriteNodes) that are a certain distance from the screen/is this a good idea to do? I'm looking to improve my frame-rate and don't want costly nodes like SMEmitterNodes working while they're not even being displayed, but will adding/removing them as the player moves around reduce the performance?
Here is the idea I currently have: create a rectangle that extends a certain distance around the screen and detect when a node comes into that rectangle, and if it's not already added to the scene, go ahead and add it. Thank you for any suggestions.
SKNodes really aren't a problem because when they are off screen they are not being rendered anyway, just evaluated. So the main thing to worry about with SKNodes are any physics bodies attached to them,
SKEmitterNodes however require some processing power, and that is why apple is recommending not having them emit if they are not on screen. I would just subclass my SKScene class, and do a checks only on SKEmitterNodes whether or not they are in frame, and emit based on that.
So, I would throw all your SKEmitterNodes into a container like an array, and have a loop function to have the node do a CGRectIntersectsRect check based on your camera location and viewable screen size. and if they intersect, add it to the scene, if not remove it from the scene. The array will keep a strong reference so you do not have to worry about it deiniting on you

How to Render Many SpriteKit Nodes at Once?

I am using SpriteKit to render a large (20 x 20) dot grid that looks like this:
I'd like to highlight rows or columns based on user input. For example, I'd like to change rows 1-10 to a red color, or columns 5-15 to a blue color.
What is the most performant way to do this?
I've tried:
Naming each GridNode based on the column it's in (e.g. #"column-4). Then use enumerateChildNodesWithName: with the string as #"column-n", changing the color of each node (by changing SKShapeNode setFillColor:) in the enumerate block.
Giving all the columns a parent node associated with that column. Then telling the parent node to change its alpha (thus changing the alpha of all its children).
Making arrays for the different columns, then looping through each node and changing its color or alpha.
I've tried making the GridDot class an SKEffectNode with shouldRasterize: set to YES. I've tried both an SKShapeNode and a SKSpriteNode as its child. I've also tried taking away the SKEffectNode parent and just render an SKSpriteNode.
Each of these options makes my whole app lag and makes my framerate drop to ~10 FPS. What is the correct way to change the color/alpha of many nodes (without dropping frames)?
At its heart, the issue is rendering this many nodes, yes?
When I faced similar performance problems while using SKShapeNode I came up with this solution:
Create SKShapeNode with required path and color.
Use SKView's method textureFromNode:crop: to convert SKShapeNode to an SKTexture
Repeat steps 1,2 to create all required textures for a node.
Create SKSpriteNode from a texture
Use created SKSpriteNode in your scene instead of SKShapeNode
Change node's texture when needed using SKSpriteNode's texture property
If you have a limited set of collors for your dots, I think this aproach will fit fine for your task.
In contrast to #amobi's statement, 400 nodes is not a lot. For instance, I have a scene with ~400 nodes and a render time of 9.8ms and 9 draw calls.
If you have 400 draw calls though, you should try to reduce that number. To determine the amount of draw calls needed for each frame rendered, implement (some of) the following code. It is actually taken from my own SpriteKit app's ViewController class which contains the SpriteKit scene.
skView.showsFPS = YES;
skView.showsNodeCount = YES;
skView.showsDrawCount = YES;
Proposed solution
I recommend using SKView's ignoresSiblingOrder. This way, SKSpriteNodes with equal zPosition are drawn in one draw call, which (for as many nodes/draw you appear to have) is horribly efficient. Set this in the -viewDidLoad method of the SKView's ViewController.
skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
I see no reason to burden the GPU with SKEffectNodes in this scenario. They are usually a great way to tank your frame rate.
Final thoughts
Basic performance issues mean you have a CPU or a GPU bottleneck. It is difficult to guess which you're suffering from with the current information. You could launch the Profiler, but Xcode itself also provides valuable information when you are running your app in an attached device. FPS in the Simulator is not representative for device performance.

SceneKit - Adding a new SCNNode to the scene causes severe lag

I found out that adding SCNNodes (with SCNGeometry) to the scene causes a severe lag spike.
According to the Time Profiler it has to generate the geometry (at least the functions/methods are called like that). It does that at the time when the node is added to the scene, not when the node is created. Hence, creating a pool with SCNNodes will not work.
Is there a way to get rid of this lag? I'd like to be able to add nodes to the scene without any FPS drop.
The only idea I have so far is adding everything to the scene already and then hiding / un-hiding it, though this is not really a clean solution.
Here's a shot from Time Profiler:
looks like your are adding a node with an SCNShape or SCNText attached to it and these kinds of geometries are expensive to create (you have to discretize and triangulate the Bézier curve, and eventually have to compute and offset curve for the chamfer).
You can try to preload the following methods from SCNSceneRenderer : -prepareObject:shouldAbortBlock:, -prepareObjects:withCompletionHandler:
