How to draw on a photo immediately after taking it, then use that image for further operation in Xamarin forms - ios

I want to allow user to click image from camera and then edit that captured image before uploading it to server (similar to image editor that comes when we are uploading whats app status or sending images on whats app), I am not getting any hints how to do this in Xamarin forms.
Any help will be appreciated.

Hi you can use the media plugin which does quite what you want image and videos manipulations works fine with xamarin forms hope this help


How can I show as an option to open my custom iOS camera editing application for capture picture from any web browser or third party application?

I want to show my application as a suggestion in document picker popup.
I am using intents extension to show my application as a suggestion in document picker popup but that is not useful for me. So please help me .
I create a single application related to capture image from camera and add some editing functionality.
So, My question is that. I want to show my application as a suggestion application to capture image from any browser camera click option or any third party image capture application for capturing and editing image from my application.
You can do these things using photo editing extension. See the following posts

Accessing Images from gallery and showing in iOS app gallery

I have around 1000 ’s of Images, I want show them in my app. What are the possibilities to do that..
The ideas which I’m thinking
1.Saving all images in phone gallery. accessing images form gallery… but It seems not possible as each iOS app has its own sandbox.
2.Saving in my bundle which will increase the memory size.
In android there is a control called “ViewPager”, how can i achieve the same control in iOS ….
Tried scrollview with paging technique but crashes due to memory ....
Please guide me…..
I dont think you can show images from the gallery directly to your application . But you can store it into document directly , for that you have to first pick images from the gallery . you can refer
How to load photos from photo gallery and store it into application project?
And next time when you start application you can load images from the document directory so you dont need to go to the gallery again .

Changing old UI on Xcode to new UI

This is a newbie question. But I would like to change my old UI (pngs) on my current project to some new updated ones that are of similar size. Is there anyway to drag and drop the UI directly without affecting the actions so the buttons still work the same on the app. Or do you have to recode everything when you change UI? I'm not really sure the steps I need to do, but I have all the new UI ready to go. Can anybody guide me through these steps?
Another question is, I have a video editor and want to test out a video player in the simulator at run time, but right now I can see my music or video files because I don't have any in the simulator. How do I import these files into a project to test it out (on the computer), I know the camera roll on a phone would work.
If anybody can give me some guidance, I would greatly appreciate it. I know these are newbie questions.
If the new images are the same size of the old images, just rename the new images exactly like the old images and then overwrite the old images at the project's path.
And for the video files, drag the video files directly to the iOS simulator. The video will open in the Safari, click the share button in the tab bar of the safari and hit "Save Video".

iOS - Image picker like the Facebook App?

Does anyone know of a control for iOS applications that looks similar to the image picker found in the Facebook app for iOS? It allows for multiple image selection, transitioning over to the camera, only displaying selected images, etc. I haven't located anything that is close to this control anywhere, but figured someone here might.
It is known as GrabKit, It is a free control under MIT lisence.
You may download it from here and next time please make sure to do proper research on google before asking questions.

Putting info on BlackBerry homescreen

We're developing some application and want to display some information on the device homescreen like Weather Plus application does.
Could you tell me how i can do the same thing? Thank you!
From what I've seen in the Weather Plus video demos, the app doesn't (or can't) paint on the current background image, but you can choose an image to be the homescreen background with all the weather info painted on it. It also doesn't need a custom theme, so I'm pretty sure they just use the HomeScreen.setBackgroundImage() method.
As far as the image generating is concerned, my best bet would be opening the background image picked by the user in a Bitmap object, passing it to a new Graphics object to do all the necessary rendering and creating a new .png file using the encode(Bitmap bitmap) method of PNGEncodedImage.
If you wanted the homescreen image to be for example animated you might want to try the Blackberry Theme Studio, but I don't think it offers the amount of interactivity (retrieving data, loading images) you are looking for, at least for now.
