Ellipsis not showing as hyperlink in asp.net mvc - asp.net-mvc

I want to create an ellipsis that when the string length is more than 200, it displays ... and when it is clicked the remaining text are displayed.
I was able to show the ellipsis ..., but the issue I have is that:
Its not displaying as hyperlink
How do I update the function I wrote to be able to display the remaining text when ... is clicked
This is the function
public static string DisplayText(this string str, int charallowed)
if (str.Length > charallowed)
return str.Substring(0, charallowed) + " ....";
return str;
#Html.Raw(#BPP.CCSP.Admin.Web.Helpers.ClipText.DisplayText(item.OPTION_VALUE, 200))
This is the result I have presently
Please what do I do.
To display it as hyperlink
update the function I wrote to be able to display the remaining text when ... is clicked


amCharts 4: display legend tooltip on truncated (with ellipsis) values only

I've enabled the legend on a amCharts v4 chart with the following code but I have issues with ellipsis:
// Add legend
chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend();
chart.legend.fontSize = 11;
// Truncate long labels (more than 160px)
chart.legend.labels.template.maxWidth = 160;
chart.legend.labels.template.truncate = true;
chart.legend.labels.template.fullWords = true;
// Set custom ellipsis as default one is not displayed correctly
chart.legend.labels.template.ellipsis = "...";
// Set tooltip content to name field
chart.legend.itemContainers.template.tooltipText = "{name}";
As you can see I had to set a custom ellipsis property because Firefox v76 displayed €| instead of … on the truncated legend labels. It happens even on the sample on the amChart website but, surprisingly, not if I open the same URL in a private tab... How can I fix that?
Then I would like to display the tooltip on the legend only for truncated labels. Adding an adapter:
chart.legend.itemContainers.template.adapter.add("tooltipText", function(text, target) {
// 'text' here contains the non-truncated string
return "My modified " + text;
of course works, but how can I identify inside the adapter code if the label that I'm processing is truncated and clear the text variable? It doesn't make sense to display tooltips for non-truncated legend items.
Not sure the most ideal way but...
You get the text inside the adaptor callback.
You can add a text.length check like:
chart.legend.itemContainers.template.adapter.add("tooltipText", function(text, target) {
// 'text' here contains the non-truncated string
return text.length > someValyeBasedOnMaxwidth> ? "My modified " + text: "";
I found the answer about the tooltip adapter; this works:
chart.legend.itemContainers.template.adapter.add("tooltipText", function(text, target) {
if (!target.dataItem.label.isOversized) {
// Legend label is NOT truncated, disable the tooltip
return "";
// Legend label is truncated, display the tooltip
return text;
Still I don't know why the ellipsis are not displayed correctly without setting the property...

pdfmake problem displaying accurate page numbers

I'm using pdfmake to generate a document that contains a number of sub-documents, e.g. a PDF containing invoices; each invoice is a logical document inside the PDF document.
I have a requirement that in the footer or header of each page I show "Page of " where both those numbers are relative to a single invoice, and not the overall document.
The header and footer callbacks look good, but only specify the page number and count relative to the entire document, and the pageBreakBefore callback doesn't generate anything like the documented information, and in any case I can't figure out how I could use it here.
This doesn't seem like a unique requirement, so hopefully I'm just missing something obvious.
I believe that pdkmake's header and footer function's arguments can only contain the global pageCount.
There is however a way to reproduce the behavior that you want, if you handle manually the pageBreaks :
const realPageIndexes = [];
let currSubPdfIdx = 0;
let currPageCountForSubPdf = 0;
const getPageBreak = (newSubPdfIdx: number) => {
if (currSubPdfIdx !== newSubPdfIdx) {
currSubPdfIdx = newSubPdfIdx;
currPageCountForSubPdf = 0;
} else {
currPageCountForSubPdf += 1;
return {text: '', pageBreak: 'after'}; // return elem causing the pageBreak
The footer function, filling the page numbers, is called once the document definition generation is done.
If you handle every overflow by yourself, by calling getPageBreak(currentSubPdfIndex) at the end of each page, you will end up knowing which sub-Pdf is displayed in each page :
I display part of the 1rst subPdf in page 1:
I display the end of 1rst subPdf in page 2
I display 2nd subPdf in page3
I display 3rd subPdf in page4 ....
let subPdfIdx = 0;
realPageIndexes[] then looks like :
[ 1, 1, 2, 3 ];
The only step left is to tell the footer function to use the page counts we just created instead of the global page count :
const documentDefinition = {
content: [YOUR CONTENT],
footer: (currPage, allPages) => 'subPdf index is ' + realPageIndexes[currPage];
Please note that this method will fail if you don't handle overflows correctly:
if for example a paragraph is too big to fit a page, and you call getPageBreak() after that, pdfmake will automatically create a new page for the end of the paragraph (page which is untracked in our realPageIndexes) and then add the page caused by your getPageBreak() right after the end of the text. So just make sure not to overflow the page :)

Swift 4 UiTextView - delete a word inside textView on button click

Is there a way to delete a specific word inside a UITextView?
let's say for example that in a textView the user wrote: "Hello my nome is john".
As soon as he finished typing he noticed that he mistyped a word.
Lets' say that there is an array initialised with a set o word and "name" is one of this.
when the user go back with the cursor and start deleting the misspelled a list of suggestion comes up.
He detect the word name and click on it.
is there a way to delete the word nome and insert the word name on which he just clicked.
So basically is there a way to get the word immediately before the cursor and remove it from the text view?
I have been able to get the first word before the cursor:
func characterBeforeCursor() -> String? {
// get the cursor position
if let cursorRange = postTextField.selectedTextRange {
// get the position one character before the cursor start position
if let newPosition = postTextField.position(from: cursorRange.start, offset: -1) {
let range = postTextField.textRange(from: newPosition, to: cursorRange.start)
return postTextField.text(in: range!)
return nil
but i wouldn't know how to get the entire word (until the first space, or a particular character e.g "#" ) and delte it from the textview.
I am a bit lost.... so Thanks to anyone will help.

Remain Cursor postion inside EditText android

I have one backspace image button to delete one character after cursor inside an Editext field
And this is code
EditText resultEditText = (EditText) getActivity().findViewById(R.id.result);
int curPostion;
curPostion = resultEditText.getSelectionEnd();
//getting the selected Text
SpannableStringBuilder selectedStr = new SpannableStringBuilder(resultEditText.getText());
//replacing the selected text with empty String
selectedStr.replace(curPostion - 1, curPostion, "");
//Set new string
My problem is when I press the backspace button, one character is deleted successfully, but the cursor immediately come back to the first postion of the EditText.
How to remain cursor to the position after deleting a character?.
I'm really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
I just figured out the solution, just delcare a new variable to store the new cursor postion then setSelection().
In detail
EditText resultEditText = (EditText) getActivity().findViewById(R.id.result);
int curPostion;
curPostion = resultEditText.getSelectionEnd();
//getting the selected Text
SpannableStringBuilder selectedStr = new SpannableStringBuilder(resultEditText.getText());
//replacing the selected text with empty String
selectedStr.replace(curPostion - 1, curPostion, "");
//Store postition
int afterDelPosition = curPostion - 1;
//Set new string
//This will remain the cursor position
I hope this will be helpfull.

how to make a Text prevent the inputs more than 'x' number of digits?

My question is:
I want the Text field in Eclipse RCP to allow only the digits to be keyed in as inputs and the requirement is that it should allow only up to 'x' (let's say x=5) characters.
How can I accomplish it in RCP ?
I've tried the code like:
txtInput.addListener(SWT.Verify, new DecimalText(
txtInsuranceValue, 8, 1000.00));
where txtInputis a Text field. But this listener failed when I made repeated input into this field at run time.
Any alternatives please ?
This will set the maximum number of characters in your Text control to five and allow only digits to be entered:
txtInput.addVerifyListener(new VerifyListener() {
public void verifyText(VerifyEvent event) {
// Assume we allow it
event.doit = true;
String text = event.text;
char[] chars = text.toCharArray();
//Don't allow if text contains non-digit characters
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (!Character.isDigit(chars[i])) {
event.doit = false;
EDIT: I've modified my answer to allow a user to also set text with "setText(String string)" while still disallowing non-digit characters.
In general, solutions like adding verifyListeners/focusListeners are not complete and won't work with all situations. For example, what happens when the user copy-pastes some text into this text box?
If all you want is to get numerical inputs from the user, you should be using Spinner widget instead of Text widget. You could easily set the minimum and maximum limits on the Spinner.
See the snippets for more usage.
