call function into function in lua - lua

i have code in my lua file and i edit that to look like this
function getUserinfo(user_id)
function call_back_user_info(status , result)
t = {["first_name"]= result.first_name_, ['have_access']= result.have_access_, ["last_name"]=result.last_name_,["user_name"]=result.username_}
return t
i need to return t table value when i call getUserinfo function.but it is get me a nil value !
note :getUser function puts data in to call_back_user_info
how i can resolve this problem? thank

You can't do a "long return" which returns from an outer function from inside of an inner function.
But what you can do is create a local variable which is closed over, like this:
function getUserinfo(user_id)
local t
function call_back_user_info(status , result)
t = {["first_name"]= result.first_name_,
['have_access']= result.have_access_,
return t


How to get __metatable function to be called?

My goal
Get getmetatable to return the return value of the function assigned to the __metatable field.
local x, m = {}, {__metatable = function() return nil end};
setmetatable(x, m);
io.write("Let's get the metatable:", tostring(getmetatable(x)), "\n");
But I'm getting the actual function rather than return.
So how do I get it to be called so I can get nil? So it seems like it has no metatable?
Just rewrite getmetatable to work the way you want it to ;)
do local getmetatable = getmetatable
function _G.getmetatable(tab)
local meta = getmetatable(tab)
if type(meta)=='function' then
return meta(tab)
return meta
Alternatively, you could just set __metatable to false. This would work for code written like if getmetatable(foo) then, but would break to code like if getmetatable(foo) == false. Arguably, the first is the one you should use, but there's likely someone out there doing the second one.
That'd also hint to the user that there is a metatable, it's just none of their busyness to mess with it.

How do I invoke a class method using pcall in lua?

How do I invoke a class method using pcall in Lua?
I tried pcall(instance:method, arg) but it doesn't work.
I also tried pcall(instance.method, instance, arg) but that doesn't work either.
I googled for a solution but I couldn't get one.
An example:
local ValueOwnerMap = {}
ValueOwnerMap.__index = ValueOwnerMap
function ValueOwnerMap:create(key_prefix)
local instance = {}
setmetatable(instance, ValueOwnerMap)
instance.key = key_prefix .. ':value-owner-map'
return instance
function ValueOwnerMap:get(value)
return'HGET', self.key, value)
function ValueOwnerMap:put(value, owner_id)
return'HSETNX', self.key, value, owner_id)
function ValueOwnerMap:del(value)
return'HDEL', self.key, value)
local value_owner_map = ValueOwnerMap:create('owner:key')
local success, data = pcall(value_owner_map:put, 'a_value', 'a_owner_id')
instance:method(arg) is sugar for instance.method(instance,arg). So try
pcall(value_owner_map.put, value_owner_map, 'a_value', 'a_owner_id')
The following line replaces the last line of the block in the question. It works.
local success, data = pcall(function () value_owner_map:put('a_value', 'a_owner_id') end)
Thank you all for sharing
pcall (f, arg1, ยทยทยท)
Calls function f with the given arguments in protected mode. This means that any error inside f is not propagated; instead, pcall catches the error and returns a status code. lua ref
But Calls for functions in protected mode have some limitations especially when you are using ':' operator 'so-called synthetic sugar' of lua.
one way to WAR this limitation is to put inside a function
pcall(function () value_owner_map:put('a_value', 'a_owner_id') end)
This approach also catches the errors as usual:
local ok, msg = pcall(function () error('Phony Error') end)
if ok then
print("No error")
print("Got error".. tostring(msg))
-- Result:
-- Got error test.lua:53: Phony Error

accessing lua self member got nil

I was trying to access a member of 'self', see following:
function BasePlayer:blah()
--do blah
function BasePlayer:ctor(tape) --constructor.
self.tape = tape --'tape' is a lua table, and assigned to 'self.tape'.
dump(self.tape) --i can dump table 'self.tape',obviously it's not nil.
self.coreLogic = function(dt) --callback function called every frame.
echoInfo("%s",self) --prints self 'userdata: 0x11640d20'.
echoInfo("%s",self.tape) -- Here is my question: why self.tape is nil??
self:blah() --even function too??
So my question is, in my callback function 'coreLogic', why 'self.tape' is nil but self is
And functions can't be called either.
I'm really confused:S
When you define a function using the :, the implicit parameter is created on its own. When you are defining the function coreLogic, you'd need to pass it as the first argument:
self.coreLogic = function( self, dt )
and that would be the same as:
function self:coreLogic(dt)
self in itself doesn't exist.
function BasePlayer:blah()
is same as writing:
function BasePlayer.blah( BasePlayer )

Lua Metatables - calling functions with colon syntax

I have the following problem, somebody can help me?
comp = {}
comp.__index = function(obj,val)
if val == "insert" then
return rawget(obj,"gr")["insert"]
return rawget(obj, val)
end = function()
local ret = {}
setmetatable(ret, comp) = display.newGroup()
return ret
local pru ="wakatuBlue.png"))
This line works, but I don't want to access the insert method using the gr property, I want to call the insert method directly and the metatable __index function does the work
This line doesn't work and I get this error: "bad argument #-2 to 'insert' (Proxy expected, got nil)", but this is the way that I'm looking to use
Do you want something like this?
comp = {}
comp.__index = function(obj,val)
if val == "insert" then
return rawget(obj,"gr"):insert(val)
return rawget(obj, val)
__index works just fine; it's because your last call is interpreted as:
pru.insert(pru, display.newImage("wakatuBlue.png"))
whereas you want/need it to be:
pru.insert(, display.newImage("wakatuBlue.png"))
You either need to call it like this or explain what you are trying to do.

Lua Getting Result Back in LuaJava from Lua function call

How does one get the value back from a Lua function call in LuaJava.
Lets say I have calc.lua:
function foo(n) return n*2 end
I call the function in Java as follows:
LuaState luaState;
this.luaState = LuaStateFactory.newLuaState();
int retcode=this.luaState.pcall(1, 1,0);
Now what do I have to call on LuaState object to get the result of this last function call foo(5)?
Is there an example somewhere showing Java->Lua invocation with return values from the call?
Would something like this do the trick?
int top_index = luaState.getTop();
double result = luaState.isNumber(top_index) ?
luaState.toNumber(top_index) : 0.0;
