Raw Depth map SDK for IPhone X - ios

I did some search and found various examples, documentation on iPhone X Face ID and how it can be used for various stuff like authentication, animated emojis.
Wanted to check if there is an API/SDK to get the raw depth map from iPhone X sensor to the app?
From my understanding the depth calculation is done based on the projected pattern. This can be used to get depth profile of any object in front of the sensor. (Might be dependent on the texture of the object.)

You'll need at least the iOS 11.1 SDK in Xcode 9.1 (both in beta as of this writing). With that, builtInTrueDepthCamera becomes one of the camera types you use to select a capture device:
let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInTrueDepthCamera, for: .video, position: .front)
Then you can go on to set up an AVCaptureSession with the TrueDepth camera device, and can use that capture session to capture depth information much like you can with the back dual camera on iPhone 7 Plus and 8 Plus:
Turn on depth capture for photos with AVCapturePhotoOutput.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled, then snap a picture with AVCapturePhotoSettings.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled. You can read the depthData from the AVCapturePhoto object you receive after the capture, or turn on embedsDepthDataInPhoto if you just want to fire and forget (and read the data from the captured image file later).
Get a live feed of depth maps with AVCaptureDepthDataOutput. That one is like the video data output; instead of recording directly to a movie file, it gives your delegate a timed sequence of image (or in this case, depth) buffers. If you're also capturing video at the same time, AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer might be handy for making sure you get coordinated depth maps and color frames together.
As Apple's Device Compatibility documentation notes, you need to select the builtInTrueDepthCamera device to get any of these depth capture options. If you select the front-facing builtInWideAngleCamera, it becomes like any other selfie camera, capturing only photo and video.
Just to emphasize: from an API point of view, capturing depth with the front-facing TrueDepth camera on iPhone X is a lot like capturing depth with the back-facing dual cameras on iPhone 7 Plus and 8 Plus. So if you want a deep dive on how all this depth capture business works in general, and what you can do with captured depth information, check out the WWDC17 Session 507: Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography talk.


Take photos with "portrait" mode (bokeh) in iOS 11 / iPhone 7/8plus in 3rd-party app?

The iPhone 7 plus and 8 plus (and X) have an effect in the native camera app called "Portrait mode", which simulates a bokeh-like effect by using depth data to blur the background.
I want to add the capability to take photos with this effect in my own app.
I can see that in iOS 11, depth data is available. But I have no idea how to use this to achieve the effect.
Am I missing something -- is it possible to turn on this effect somewhere and just get the image with it applied, rather than having to try and make this complicated algorithm myself?
Unfortunately portrait mode and portrait lighting aren't open to developers as of iOS 11 so you would have to implement a similar effect on your own. Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography and Image Editing with Depth from this years WWDC go into detail on how to capture and edit images with depth data.
There are two sample projects on the developer site that show you how to capture and visualize depth data using a Metal shader, and on how to detect faces using AVFoundation. You could definitely use these to get you started! If you search for AVCam in the Guides and Sample Code they should be the first two that come up (I would post the links but stack overflow is only letting me add two).

What possible solution to set custom exposure in duo camera device?

My code was setting AVCaptureExposureModeCustom for AVCaptureDevicePositionBack however while adding support for iPhone 7 Plus I am able to set it for AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera but not on AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDuoCamera.
What could be a possible solution to allow user set exposure for Duo Cam.
AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDuoCamera don't support RAW capture and manual controls. if you want to achieve manual control you have to select wide-angle or telephoto camera.
When you use the dual camera capture device, RAW capture and most
manual controls are not available. To use these features, specifically
select either the wide-angle or telephoto capture device.
Apple documentation link
The real reason why you cannot do manual controls is because duel camera device uses the system automatically chooses which camera to use during capture, and can combine data from both cameras to improve capture output.
Check iOSDeviceCompatibility for more info.

Simultaneous pictures with iPhone 7 Plus cameras

Is there a way to take a picture with the Telephoto lens and the Wideangle lens of the iPhone 7 Plus ?
I explored the different methods, but the best I can come with is to change the camera by removing the input AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera and adding the input from AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideangleCamera. This takes about 0.5 second however, I would like to capture it simultaneouly. From a hardware point of view, it should be possible since Apple is doing the same when using the AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDuoCamera.
Does anybody know other methods to capture a photo from both cameras at (almost) the same time?
I wanted to capture from both cameras too, but what I've found is this:
When you are using the AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDualCamera that
automatically switches between wide and tele, they are synchronized to
the same clock. Simultaneous running of the
AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera and
AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera cameras is not supported.
Source - https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/63347

Can iPhone 5, 6 or 6+ take a PICTURE with both cameras at the same time?

I found some answers regarding both front and back camera usage at the same time regarding AUDIO/VIDEO recording, which is impossible.
In detail here:
Can the iPhone4 record from both front and rear-facing camera at the same time?
However, is it possible to use both cameras at the same time to take pictures for iOS?
No this is definitely not possible I'm afraid.
Only one camera session can be used at a time when using AVCaptureSession (the lower level API for camera interaction on iOS).
If you try to invoke multiple sessions (from each camera) as soon as one session begins, the other will stop.
You could quickly alternate between sessions, but the images will not be taken in synchronicity.

AV Foundation camera preview layer gets zoomed in, how to zoom out?

The application currently I am using has a main functionality to scan QR/Bar codes continuously using Zxing library (http://code.google.com/p/zxing/). For continuous frame capturing I used to initialize the AVCaptureSession and AVCaptureVideoOutput, AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer described in the apple Q&A http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/qa/qa2010/qa1702.html.
My problem is, when I used to run the camera preview, the image I can see through the Video device is much larger (1.5x) than the image we can see through the still camera of the iPhone. Our customer needs to hold the iPhone around 5cm distance from the bar code when he is scanning, but if you hold the iPhone to that parameter, the whole QR code won't be visible and the decoding fails.
Why is Video camera in iPhone 4 enlarges the image (by seeing through the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer) ?.
This is a function of the AVCaptureSession video preset, accessible by using the .sessionPreset property. For example, after configuring your captureSession, but before starting it, you would add
captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto;
See the documentation here:
iOS Reference Document
The default preset for video is 1280x720 (I think) which is a lower resolution than the max supported by the camera. By using the "Photo" preset, you're getting the raw camera data.
You see the same behaviour with the built-in iPhone Camera app. Switch between still and video capture modes and you'll notice that the default zoom level changes. You see a wider view in still mode, whereas video mode zooms in a bit.
My guess is that continuous video capture needs to use a smaller area of the camera sensor to work optimally. If it used the whole sensor perhaps the system couldn't sustain 30 fps. Using a smaller area of the sensor gives the effect of "zooming in" to the scene.
I am answering my own question again. This was not answered even in Apple Dev forum, therefore I directly filed a technical support request from Apple and they have replied that this is a known issue and will be fixed and released with a future version. So there is nothing we can do more than waiting and see.
