Does dotnetnuke 9 supports Arabic languages? - dotnetnuke-9

I want to user Arabic language in dotnetnuke.
I am using dotnetnuke version 9.
Does dotnetnuke 9 support Arabic languages?

The best answer appears to be:
you should localize your portal; and for create right to left portal you should edit Default.css file in 'portals/_default' directory


Running Visual Studio with a ASP .NET application, but where can I change the validation language in the website?

I'm running an ASP .NET application with individual authentication on the visual studio. When I check with the validation, the error sentences are showen in Chinese. I check the controller, viewer and some JS file. I couldn't find any Chinese words. I want these error sentences to be English.
Is this because my computer system or chrome version are Chinese? Where can I change the language?
Look at this first...
In Visual Studio
Click Tools->Options->Environment->Internations Settings->Language.
Look at this second...
In Windows Settings (Windows + I) select Time and language and click language.
Open Chrome->Settings->advanced->
Select the three dots next to preferred language.
Uncheck Offer to translate pages in this language

Localization in ASP.NET 5 MVC 6

There is already 7th beta version of ASP.NET 5, in which they say localization features are done. How can I use localization to write multi-language applications in 5 mvc 6 with visual studio 2015? Is there any working example project for beta 7 version? I have already searched and found many examples but they no more work because the code has been changed since that. Can I still use .resx files (because visual studio does not auto-generate Designer.cs files any more) or are there any newer or alternative methods they suggest?
Beta 7 introduced the localization, so it's really brand new. I wrote a short write up of everything that is new on my blog. There are a lot of things new, so if you need the features, I recommend reading it.
You can in fact still use Resx, but you have to understand that the resolution by default is, that the engine tries to find the resx file that matches the view.
For example, if you have a HomeController, and an action called Locpage, you need to have Views.Home.Locpage.cshtml.en-GB.resx to Support en-GB locale. The best part, however, is that you don't really need a resx file anymore :-). You can just implement your own implementation of IStringLocalizer and IStringLocalizerFactory, and it'll work. You can see the code for this on my blog, above.
If you want a working sample, the best place right now is their GitHub, so this right here:

How to add angular support for Notepad ++?

I am building hybrid apps using Ionic framework. I came across to Notepad++ as an editor, but I found out it supports HTML and JS but there is no default support for Angular. Is there any way I can add support for angular.
Note: I am new to this Ionic (hybrid) development and I am unaware of any good editors for Ionic. If anyone has any experience or knowledge of some great editors for windows out there like eclipse for Java, I welcome that suggestion also.
I can't answer how to add support in Notepad++. I used it once upon a time but there are so many other great options out there that have some level of support.
WebStorm ( This is probably the best IDE for JavaScript. It has built in Ionic and Angular support.
Text Editors - There are several plugins to add Angular and Ionic support for each.
Atom (
Sublime Text (
Brackets (
Notepad++ manage JavaScript correctly but you've to add some plugins if you want a better code.
This link gives me the basics plugins and personnaly, I would add emmet plugin

Visual Studio Team Services - how to change language?

I use Visual Studio Team Services. I goto - My Profile - Locale - choose another language. But the language in the browser there is in English. How to change language in Visual Team Services?
From Brian Harry's Blog Post about Microsoft's first non-US hosted instance of Visual Studio Online:
Although we have our first instance in a non-US, non-English speaking
region, we do not yet support a localized experience for VS Online.
You can enter data in any language you wish but the UI for VS Online
is currently English only. This is something we expect to begin
addressing sometime next year.
Emphasis mine.
I had a problem where my TFS online was displaying in French rather than English even though other sites that I had been on were displayed in English. I discovered that my language had been set to French in Chrome and when I changed it back to English TFS also changed. So basically if you want to change the language of TFS online just change the default language in your browser!
The reason this works is that a lot of new web applications which are localised will look at the language settings for your browser and use that information to decide what language the website should be displayed in.
Source: I work with web applications that use this technique.
You can manage VS Team Explorer locales here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
For example, you can rename folder with current team explorer locale to anything else (be sure to shutdown VS). After that locale will be switched to default (en-us).

Installshield multi-language issues

I've drawn the short straw at work and I have to support the Installshield 2009 setup application. When I open the .ISM file in InstallShield 2009 Professional I get this message:
The following languages will be disabled as they were included in this project but are not installed on this system:
Chinese (Traditional)
French (France)
Chinese (Simplified)
Do I need to install something in Windows XP, or do I need to install something in InstallShield? Any insight would be very valuable!
The problem was that I need Installshield Premier and not Installshield Professional (which is the one I have).
You need Premier instead of Professional for multilingual setups. If you can't afford the upgrade, I'd suggest migrating to WiX.
