Tensorflow words to number - machine-learning

I would like to be able to convert words to numbers. For example:
one hundred = 100
one thousand three hundred = 1300
35k = 35000
three grand = 3000
I have found several libraries which do not require machine learning which is able to perform this task with a some level of success such as words-to-numbers.
Given the variety of words would a machine learning approach yield a better result? If so, what approaches / models would you recommend me to use / study ?

A sequence to sequence model would be one approach:
You will need a lot of data. I'd start by creating a generator that creates training examples with the largest variety possible.
I'm not sure how well this will work. It might not even do as well as the library you mentioned. It's worth a try though.


Text corpus clustering

I have 27000 free text elements, each of around 2-3 sentences. I need to cluster these by similarity. So far, I have pretty limited success. I have tried the following:
I used Python Natural Language Toolkit to remove stop words, lemmatize and tokenize, then generated semantically similar words for each word in the sentence before inserting them into a Neo4j graph database. I then tried querying that using the TF counts for each word and related word. That didn't work very well and only resulted in being able to easily calculate the similarity between two text items.
I then looked at Graphawares NLP library to annotate, enrich and calculate the cosine similarity between each text item. After 4 days of processing similarity I checked the log to find that it would take 1.5 years to process. Apparently the community version of the plugin isn't optimised, so I guess it's not appropriate for this kind of volume of data.
I then wrote a custom implementation that took the same approach as the Graphaware plugin, but in much simpler form. I used scikitlearn's TfidfVectorizer to calculate the cosine similarity between each text item and every other text item and saved those as relationships between the Neo4j nodes. However, with 27000 text items that creates 27000 * 27000 = 729000000 relationships! The intention was to take the graph into Grephi selecting relationships of over X threshold of similarity and use modularity clustering to extract clusters. Processing for this is around 4 days which is much better. Processing is incomplete and is currently running. However, I believe that Grephi has a max edge count of 1M, so I expect this to restrict what I can do.
So I turned to more conventional ML techniques using scikitlearn's KMeans, DBSCAN, and MeanShift algorithms. I am getting clustering, but when it's plotted on a scatter chart there is no separation (I can show code if that would help). Here is what I get with DBSCAN:
I get similar results with KMeans. These algorithms run within a few seconds, which obviously makes life easier, but the results seem poor.
So my questions are:
Is there a better approach to this?
Can I expect to find distinct clusters at all in free text?
What should my next move be?
Thank you very much.
I think your question is too general to be a good fit for Stack Overflow, but to give you some pointers...
What is your data? You discuss your methods in detail but not your data. What sort of clusters are you expecting?
Example useful description:
I have a bunch of short product reviews. I expect to be able to separate reviews of shoes, hats, and refrigerators.
Have you tried topic modelling? It's not fancy but it's a traditional method of sorting textual documents into clusters. Start with LDA if you're not familiar with anything.
Are you looking for duplicates? If you're looking for plagiarism or bot-generated spam, look into MinHash, SimHash, and the FuzzyWuzzy library for Python.

Machine Learning: How to detect the independent variables that are generating a dependent boolean value

I'm Trying to use machine learning in my job, but I can't find a way to adapt it to what I need. And I don't know if it is already a known problem or if I'm working with something that doesn't have a known solution yet.
Let's say that I have a lot of independent variables, encoded as onehot, and a dependent variable with only two status: True (The result had an error) and False (The result was successful)
My independent variables are the parameters I use for a query in an API, and the result is the one that returned the API.
My objective is to detect a pattern where I can see in a dataset in a certain timeframe of a few hours, the failing parameters, so I can avoid to query the API if I'm certain that it could fail.
(I'm working with millions of queries per day, and this mechanism is critical for a good user experience)
I'll try to make an example so you can understand what I need.
Suppose that I have a delivery company, I count with 3 trucks, and 3 different routes I could take.
So, my dummy variables would be T1,T2,T3,R1,R2 and R3 (I could delete T3 and R3 since there are considered by the omission of the other 2)
Then, I have a big dataset of the times that the delivery was delayed. So: Delayed=1 or Delayed=0
With this, I would have a set like this:
Not only I want to say "in most cases, truck 1 arrives late, it could have a problem, I shouldn't send it more", that is a valid result too, but I also want to detect things like: "in most cases, truck 1 arrives late when it goes in the route 1, probably this type of truck has a problem on this specific route"
This dataset is an example, the real one is huge, with thousand of dependent variables, so it could probably have more than one problem in the same dataset.
example: truck 1 has problems in route 1, and truck 3 has problems in route 1.
example2: truck 1 has problems in route 1, and truck 3 has problems in any route.
So, I would make a blacklist like:
example: Block if (truck=1 AND route=1) OR (truck=3 AND route=1)
example2: Block if (truck=1 AND route=1) OR truck=3
I'm actually doing this without machine learning, with an ugly code that makes a massive cartesian product of the independent columns, and counts the quantity of "delayed". Then I choose the worst delayed/total proportion, I blacklist it, and I iterate again with new values.
This errors are commonly temporary, so I would send a new dataset every few hours, I don't need a lifetime span analysis, except that the algorithm considers these temporary issues.
Anyone has a clue of what can I use, or where can I investigate about it?
Don't hesitate to ask for more info if you need it.
Thanks in advance!
You should check out the scikit-learn package for machine learning classifiers (Random Forest is an industry standard). For this problem, you could feed a portion of the data (training set, say 80% of the data) to the model and it would learn how to predict the outcome variable (delayed/not delayed).
You can then test the accuracy of your model by 'testing' on the remaining 20% of your data (the test set), to see if your model is any good at predicting the correct outcome. This will give you a % accuracy. Higher is better generally, unless you have severely imbalanced classes, in which case your classifier will just always predict the more common class for easy high accuracy.
Finally, if the accuracy is satisfactory, you can find out which predictor variables your model considered most important to achieve that level of prediction, i.e. Variable Importance. I think this is what you're after. So running this every few hours would tell you exactly which features (columns) in your set are best at predicting if a truck is late.
Obviously, this is all easier said than done and often you will have to perform significant cleaning of your data, sometimes normalisation (not in the case of random forests though), sometimes weighting your classifications, sometimes engineering new features... there is a reason this is a dedicated profession.
Essentially what you're asking is "how do I do Data Science?". Hopefully this will get you started, the rest (i.e. learning) is on you.

Identifying specific parts of a document using CRF

My goal is given a set of documents (mostly in financial domain), we need to identify specific parts of it like Company Name or Type of the document, etc.
The training is assumed to be done on acouple of 100's of documents. Obviously I would have a skewed class distribution (with None dominating around 99.9% of the examples).
I plan to use CRF (CRFsuite on Sklearn) and have gone through the necessary literature . I needed some advice on the following fronts :
Will the dataset be sufficient to train the CRF? Considering each document can be split into around 100 tokens (each token being a training instance) , we would get 10000 instances in total.
Will the data set be too skewed for training a CRF? For ex: for 100 documents I would have around 400 instances of given class and around 8000 instances of None
Nobody knows that, you have to try it on your dataset, check resulting quality, maybe inspect the CRF model (e.g. https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/eli5 has sklearn-crfsuite support - a shameless plug), try to come up with better features or decide to annotate more examples, etc. This is just a general data science work. Dataset size looks on a lower side, but depending on how structured is the data and how good are features a few hundred documents may be enough to get started. As the dataset is small, you may have to invest more time in feature engineering.
I don't think class imbalance would be a problem, at least it is unlikely to be your main problem.

What is multiobjective clustering?

I don't understand what is the multiobjective clustering is it using multiple variables for clustering or what?
I know that stack overflow might not be the best for this kind of questions, but
I've asked it on other website and I did not got a response.
Multiobjective optimization in general means that you have multiple criterions which you are interested in, which cannot be simply converted to something comparable. For example consider problem when you try to have very fast model and very accurate one. Time is measured in s, accuracy in %. How do you compare (1s, 90%) and (10days, 92%)? Which one is better? In general there is no answer. Thus what people usually do - they look for pareto front, so you test K models and selec M <= K of them such that, none of them is clearly "beaten" by any else. For example if we add (1s, 91%) to the previous example, Pareto front will be {(1s, 91%), (10days, 92%)} (as (1s, 90%) < (1s, 91%), and remaining ones are impossible to compare).
And now you can apply the same problem in clustering setting. Say for example that you want to build a model which is fast to classify new instances, minimizes avg. distance inside each cluster, and does not put into each cluster too many special instances labeled with X. Then again you will get models (clusterings) which are now characterized by 3, not comparable, measures, and in Multiobjective Clustering you try to deal with these problems (like for example finding Pareto front of such clusterings).

Input selection for neural networks

I am going to use ANN for my work in which I have a large dataset, let say input[600x40] and output[600x6]. As one can see, the number of inputs (40) is too high for ANN and it may trap in local minimum and/or increases the CPU time dramatically. Is there any way to select the most informative input?
As my first try, I used the following code in Matlab to find the cross-correlation between each two inputs:
[rho, ~] = corr(inputs, 'rows','pairwise')
However, I think this simple correlation cannot identify some hidden complex relation between the inputs.
Any ideas?
First of all 40 inputs is a very small space and it should not be reduced. Large number of inputs is 100,000, not 40. Also, 600x40 is not a big dataset, nor the one "increasing the CPU time dramaticaly", if it learns slowly than check your code because it appears to be the problem, not your data.
Furthermore, feature selection is not a good way to go, you should use it only when gathering features is actually expensive. In any other scenario you are looking for dimensionality reduction, such as PCA, LDA etc. although as said before - your data should not be reduced, rather - you should consider getting more of it (new samples/new features).
Disclaimer: I'm with lejlot on this - you should get more data and
more features instead of trying to remove features. Still, that doesn't answer your question, so here we go.
Try most basic greedy approach - try removing each feature and retrain your ANN (several times, of course) and see if your results got better or worse. Choose this situation where results got better and improvement was the best. Repeat until you'll get no improvement by removing features. This will take a lot of time, so you may want to try doing it on some subset of your data (for example on 3 folds of dataset splitted into 10 folds).
It's ugly, but sometimes it works.
I repeat what I've said in disclaimer - this is not the way to go.
