React Native's ScrollView Broken on iOS Physical Device - ios

I have an issue on React Native's iOS ScrollView, it was broken after implementing GIF's while scrolling. It happened only on physical device, not on Simulator (works fine). Xcode log said it was caused by a memory issue problem.
React version: 16.0.0-alpha.12,
RN version: 0.48.3

There is a known issue in Github about using GIF images on iOS:
Terminated due to memory issue on ios
If you follow the comments you someone made a solution for this issue by providing a package for those Images:
Seems like the commend among the main question was the solution, so i set it available for all wich are interested in


Xcode splash screen not displaying correctly

I am currently building an iOS objective c application and am working on the splash screen now but am running into display issues when running on a device.
This is how the layout is set up in my storyboard:
This is how the screen looks in a simulator, the correct version:
And this is how it looks on a device, the incorrect version:
Has anyone ever run into this problem and if so, how did you fix it? I'd be happy to provide any code if needed but i'm not sure what to include that would help solve the problem.
I have experienced this problem, too simple, this is an iOS BUG that can appear when you build directly from XCode, there's no specific solution, try restarting the iOS Device, I have never seen it when downloading the app from apple store after publishing, so simply ignore it, people who will download the app from apple store will not see this.

iOS Simulator Rendering issue for PDF Reader Core for iOS

I have searched around on here, but couldn't find anything to answer my question. I have developed a custom app for the iPad; it involves using a set of PDf documents that change pages based on a 1 second time frame. To achieve this is have used the 'PDF Reader Core for iOS' external library. Please find the link here:
The app works perfectly fine on the actual iPad, however I also wish to run the app on Mac Mini Machines, so the obvious thought I had was to boot the project in the iOS Simulator on the machines (saves me recoding it for OSX.). Now, here is my issue. The app works pretty smoothly in the simulator, the only issue I have is that there is a slight render lag between the page change on the Simulator. It isn't at full resolution, and appears blur whilst it renders, however the time frame to change is so quick that the simulator doesn't have enough time to render to full resolution. I have also emailed the developer of the library and he provided some suggestions however, these didn't seem to fix the issue.
I am aware that this could be to do with the actual PDF Reader itself, however I wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions if this could be fixed in regards to the iOS Simulator? Any way to speed up the simulator?
I am using OSX Yosemite, Xcode 6.4 and Objective-C.
It seems at this moment i may have to recode for OSX. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Simulator lag when scrolling UICollectionView on XCode 7.1.+

Since updating to XCode 7.1, I am experiencing issues with using UICollectionView with simulator. Simulator always stops working (rainbow wheel appears) after few scrolling events on any UICollectionView.
This problem appears only in simulator, app works perfectly fine on device. This issue was not there with the previous XCode version. Also, updating to 7.1.1 did not help.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I think this problem is due to memory , increase the system RAM because xcode 7.1 is heavy then earlier one .
The issue is discussed in more detail in Apple's forums at
The issue is that there's a delay in transferring some accessibility information between the sim runtime and host which some users are hitting. Try disabling Flexiglass, Better Touch Tool, Accessibility Inspector, or any other utilities which may be requiring that data.

Unity and Xcode Build crash after Splash Screen

After updating to Unity 5.2.0f3, Xcode 6.4, and the Vuforia plugin, when I build my xcodeproj, my app just shows the Splash Screen and then crashes with the following error:
EXC_BADACCESS (Code=1,adress=0x94)
I fixed similar issues by adjusting the Player Settings in Unity several times, though it seems that there is a problem with IL2CPP / Universal Architecture.
Any master that can help?
We have one known bug related to Vuforia and packing of a managed structure that causes alignment problems for iOS builds. I'm not sure that this is the error you are seeing. You can work around the error by disabling optimizations in the Xcode project (although this is certainly not a fix).
We're working with the Vuforia developers now to have the problem corrected.

Ionic ios App Crashing - Memory issue

We have a ionic cordova app built for ios and the application is some what big. And the app is working fine but sometimes in iPad 4 or other devices the application crashes saying memory warning in xcode. And we are using a timeline view similar to facebook app's newsfeed. And it contains images in each item. And this is a infinite scroll list and the list can grow very big. Currently we are using ng-repeat to populate list but we tried migrating it to collection-repeat, and the crash frequency is decreased but its still crashing. If i could find any blogs or links which will guide me through the performance tuning tips in ionic application it would be helpful.
I simply rebooted the simulator by going to Hardware > Reboot. That fixed my app-crashing issue. Good luck with your app!
