Simulator lag when scrolling UICollectionView on XCode 7.1.+ - ios

Since updating to XCode 7.1, I am experiencing issues with using UICollectionView with simulator. Simulator always stops working (rainbow wheel appears) after few scrolling events on any UICollectionView.
This problem appears only in simulator, app works perfectly fine on device. This issue was not there with the previous XCode version. Also, updating to 7.1.1 did not help.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

I think this problem is due to memory , increase the system RAM because xcode 7.1 is heavy then earlier one .

The issue is discussed in more detail in Apple's forums at
The issue is that there's a delay in transferring some accessibility information between the sim runtime and host which some users are hitting. Try disabling Flexiglass, Better Touch Tool, Accessibility Inspector, or any other utilities which may be requiring that data.


IOS 9 Simulator very laggy in comparision to IOS 11 Simulator

I am trying to make my current application compatible to IOS 9 devices. The very first thing I have noticed running the app for the first time on an IOS9 Simulator was that the app is running extremely slow. That means that all animations and segues are laggy although on the IOS 11 Simulator and on a real device it is running flawlessly. Unfortunately I have currently no testing device running IOS 9 on it. Additionally I can mention that the UITableView got a weird behavior. When scrolling through the tableview it seems that the cell are snapping in although I have set a estimated row height and there is an additional spacing after the last cell which is not existent on IOS 11.
Strangely I have not seen any users complaining about this problem. Just questions the other way around where users are complaining about a slow IOS 11 simulator. Maybe somebody has experienced the same problem? Or am I maybe missing some settings in Xcode?

React Native's ScrollView Broken on iOS Physical Device

I have an issue on React Native's iOS ScrollView, it was broken after implementing GIF's while scrolling. It happened only on physical device, not on Simulator (works fine). Xcode log said it was caused by a memory issue problem.
React version: 16.0.0-alpha.12,
RN version: 0.48.3
There is a known issue in Github about using GIF images on iOS:
Terminated due to memory issue on ios
If you follow the comments you someone made a solution for this issue by providing a package for those Images:
Seems like the commend among the main question was the solution, so i set it available for all wich are interested in

Dragging multiple images to iOS Simulator broken in Xcode 7.x ? (7.2)

In a recent Xcode (6.4?) they enabled the ability to drag multiple images to the simulator window and have them added to the photos app.
(Previous to this, a single dragged image would open in safari, from which you could save it.)
Recently, either in Xcode 7, or I suspect after Xcode 7, I noticed that this functionality is broken. When I drag multiple images to the simulator, it just freezes up, and I have to force quit it.
My current version of Xcode is 7.2. The simulator I'm dragging to is iPhone6 8.4 and iPhone6 9.2.
Does anyone else see this problem/have a solution?
Dragging multiple images (and now also videos) into the simulator window should be working fine. They should all get added to the camera roll. This is working fine for me, and there are no other reports of problems. I suggest you try using the simctl command line to try adding your photos as maybe one (or more) of them are problematic, and that might produce more helpful diagnostics if something is wrong with them.
This is an incompatibility with BetterTouchTool. Quitting BetterTouchTool is not sufficient. BetterTouchTool's accessibility privileges must also be revoked in Security & Privacy.
Upgrading to BetterTouchTool 1.5.2, whose version notes allude to fixing a simulator problem, does not appear to have fixed this issue.

Xcode's iOS Simulator Leaves Black Space

Basically, when I run the iOS Simulator on Xcode, the iDevice isn't scaled to the window correctly. It's not an issue with resizing the window, but rather an issue with the actual device.
Here's a picture for reference.
Is there a way that I can fix this? Restarting the simulator doesn't resolve the issue, unfortunately. I've also tried restarting Xcode, which doesn't work either.
For this issue you have to just restart the simulator.
I believe that there is a sizing issue with the simulator. Try hitting Command 1, Command 2, then Command 3 quickly one after the next. Do this a few times and it should resolve the issue.
As far as I know, these scaling issues in the Simulator were due to a bug with Yosemite 10.10.2, and it was addressed in later patches. So think about doing your system updates if you're on this version.
If that fails or you cannot do it for some reason, updating your XCode to 6.4 -you probably want to have the latest SDK installed anyway- may somehow help.

XCode's Instruments for Core Animation keeps showing null

I am trying to see the fps of several UITableView in my iOS application.
Though following Apple's documentation, the core animation template keeps showing null. Other instruments seems working as expected. Is there any configuration I missed?
Thanks in advance.
ps. The environment is xCode 6.2 running iPhone 6 Simulator on iOS8.2
See here:
Core Animation template
Library pane (only appears when an iOS device is connected)
I feel like this is Apple's way of saying this instrument only works on device. I tested it myself and it has only worked on device so far for me.
If you look here:
the time profiler, which does work on the simulator, does not have the same line about only appearing in the library pane when an iOS device is connected. So I think it is safe to say that Core Animation (and a few others like the Energy Usage Instrument) only will work with a device.
