Does SharpDX have an enum giving constant names to the Direct2D error codes that can be returned in a SharpDXException? - sharpdx

class SharpDXException has a field int HResult that is set to a non-zero error code when an error is reported by the underlying Microsoft DirectX code.
For example, when using SharpDX.Direct2D1, Microsoft docs list these Direct2D error codes.
For example,
Searching SharpDX sources, I don't see anything with "RECREATE" in it.
I am hoping that there is some error enum that is auto-generated, and therefore not in the sources. So could type something like SharpDX.Direct2D1.D2DERR.RECREATE_TARGET to refer to that error code.
(I've been trying different variations on that, without finding an enum via intellisense.)
If that does not exist, has anyone posted a C# file containing those error codes?
(A C++ version of the codes is in d2derr.h.
For example:

Based on
"Install C++ to C# Converter"
In C# (with some manual editing):
// Similar to d2derr.h - Header file for the Direct2D API.
// No original Microsoft headers were used in the creation of this file.
internal static class D2DERR
public const uint BAD_NUMBER = 0x88990011;
public const uint DISPLAY_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x88990009;
public const uint DISPLAY_STATE_INVALID = 0x88990006;
public const uint EXCEEDS_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE = 0x8899001D;
public const uint INCOMPATIBLE_BRUSH_TYPES = 0x88990018;
public const uint INTERNAL_ERROR = 0x88990008;
public const uint INVALID_CALL = 0x8899000A;
public const uint LAYER_ALREADY_IN_USE = 0x88990013;
public const uint MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXCEEDED = 0x8899000F;
public const uint NO_HARDWARE_DEVICE = 0x8899000B;
public const uint NOT_INITIALIZED = 0x88990002;
public const uint POP_CALL_DID_NOT_MATCH_PUSH = 0x88990014;
public const uint PUSH_POP_UNBALANCED = 0x88990016;
public const uint RECREATE_TARGET = 0x8899000C;
public const uint RENDER_TARGET_HAS_LAYER_OR_CLIPRECT = 0x88990017;
public const uint SCANNER_FAILED = 0x88990004;
public const uint SCREEN_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x88990005;
public const uint SHADER_COMPILE_FAILED = 0x8899000E;
public const uint TARGET_NOT_GDI_COMPATIBLE = 0x8899001A;
public const uint TEXT_EFFECT_IS_WRONG_TYPE = 0x8899001B;
public const uint TEXT_RENDERER_NOT_RELEASED = 0x8899001C;
public const uint TOO_MANY_SHADER_ELEMENTS = 0x8899000D;
public const uint UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 0x88990003;
public const uint UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = 0x88990010;
public const uint WIN32_ERROR = 0x88990019;
public const uint WRONG_FACTORY = 0x88990012;
public const uint WRONG_RESOURCE_DOMAIN = 0x88990015;
public const uint WRONG_STATE = 0x88990001;
public const uint ZERO_VECTOR = 0x88990007;
Then using
In VB:
' Similar to d2derr.h - Header file for the Direct2D API.
' No original Microsoft headers were used in the creation of this file.
Friend NotInheritable Class D2DERR
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Const BAD_NUMBER As UInteger = &H88990011UI
Public Const DISPLAY_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED As UInteger = &H88990009UI
Public Const DISPLAY_STATE_INVALID As UInteger = &H88990006UI
Public Const EXCEEDS_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE As UInteger = &H8899001dUI
Public Const INCOMPATIBLE_BRUSH_TYPES As UInteger = &H88990018UI
Public Const INTERNAL_ERROR As UInteger = &H88990008UI
Public Const INVALID_CALL As UInteger = &H8899000aUI
Public Const LAYER_ALREADY_IN_USE As UInteger = &H88990013UI
Public Const MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXCEEDED As UInteger = &H8899000fUI
Public Const NO_HARDWARE_DEVICE As UInteger = &H8899000bUI
Public Const NOT_INITIALIZED As UInteger = &H88990002UI
Public Const POP_CALL_DID_NOT_MATCH_PUSH As UInteger = &H88990014UI
Public Const PUSH_POP_UNBALANCED As UInteger = &H88990016UI
Public Const RECREATE_TARGET As UInteger = &H8899000cUI
Public Const SCANNER_FAILED As UInteger = &H88990004UI
Public Const SCREEN_ACCESS_DENIED As UInteger = &H88990005UI
Public Const SHADER_COMPILE_FAILED As UInteger = &H8899000eUI
Public Const TARGET_NOT_GDI_COMPATIBLE As UInteger = &H8899001aUI
Public Const TEXT_EFFECT_IS_WRONG_TYPE As UInteger = &H8899001bUI
Public Const TEXT_RENDERER_NOT_RELEASED As UInteger = &H8899001cUI
Public Const TOO_MANY_SHADER_ELEMENTS As UInteger = &H8899000dUI
Public Const UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION As UInteger = &H88990003UI
Public Const UNSUPPORTED_VERSION As UInteger = &H88990010UI
Public Const WIN32_ERROR As UInteger = &H88990019UI
Public Const WRONG_FACTORY As UInteger = &H88990012UI
Public Const WRONG_RESOURCE_DOMAIN As UInteger = &H88990015UI
Public Const WRONG_STATE As UInteger = &H88990001UI
Public Const ZERO_VECTOR As UInteger = &H88990007UI
End Class
Example C# usage:
try {
} catch (SharpDXException ex) {


Const constructor is not working on Dart and shows id as 0

I'm learning Dart using the Dart Apprentice book. Can you tell me why this code shows 0 as id even though I have created const object as const vicki = User(id: 24, name: 'Vicki');
Please let me know what the issue is with this code?
void main() {
const vicki = User(id: 24, name: 'Vicki');
print(; // it shows 0. But it must be 24
class User {
final int id = 0;
final String name = '';
const User({int id = 0, String name = "anonymous"});
The named arguments in your current code are not setting any value in your object. You are therefore just declaring some parameters to the constructor without using any of them.
Your code should instead be written as:
void main() {
const vicki = User(
id: 24,
name: 'Vicki',
print(; // 24
class User {
final int id;
final String name;
const User({ = 0, = "anonymous",
Which is a shortcut of writing the following:
class User {
final int id;
final String name;
const User({
int id = 0,
String name = "anonymous",
}) : = id, = name;
Well you have to refer to the class property by using the this keyword:
void main() {
final vicki = User(id: 24, name: 'Vicki');
class User {
final int id;
final String name;
const User({ = 0, = "anonymous"});

Class-based enums in Vala?

I'm wondering how to create class-based enums in Vala.
In Java you can do the following:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Action action = Action.COMPRESS;
System.out.printf("Action name: %s, index %d", action.getName(), action.getIndex());
class Action {
public static final Action COMPRESS = new Action("Compress", 60);
public static final Action DECOMPRESS = new Action("Decompress", 70);
private String name;
private int index;
private Action(String name, int index) { = name;
this.index = index;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getIndex() {
return index;
But when I try the following in Vala, COMPRESS and DECOMPRESS are always null when accessing from outside the Action class.
public static int main(string[] args) {
stderr.printf("Action name: %s\n", UC.Action.COMPRESS.get_name());
public class UC.Action : GLib.Object {
public static UC.Action COMPRESS = new UC.Action("Compress");
public static UC.Action DECOMPRESS = new UC.Action("Decompress");
private string name;
[CCode (construct_function = null)]
private Action(string name) { = name;
public string get_name() {
return name;
That code outputs the following: Performing (null).
Any ideas how to accomplish this?
In Vala, static class members are initialized during the class_init GObject function, so they're not available until that has been called.
The easiest work-around is to just create an instance; you can throw it away immediately since all you're after is the side-effects.

Mapping native C structure to JNA

Very long post...
I have the following C structs that I've mapped into JNA.
These structures are used on Windows to get the raw input, from mouse, keyboard and other HID devices.
The problem is that I don't get anything in the (RAWKEYBAORD) structure. I haven't tested with mouse yet.
Regarding the RAWMOUSE structure, it's been modified after technomage's previous comments.
But I don't get any data in the field I expected, when debugging I can see there are data.
I think I might have mapped the structs incorrectly, or doing something wrong in the usage of them.
Can someone tell me if my mapping is correct or can use some corrections ?
I've written a DLL in C code previously, which I used in Java using JNI.
But I rather loose the DLL and use Java.
The two method below are mapped like this:
C code:
UINT WINAPI GetRawInputData(
_In_ HRAWINPUT hRawInput,
_In_ UINT uiCommand,
_Out_opt_ LPVOID pData,
_Inout_ PUINT pcbSize,
_In_ UINT cbSizeHeader
Java code:
int GetRawInputData(RawInputLibrary.HRAWINPUT hRawInput, int uiCommand, Memory pData, IntByReference pcbSize, int cbSizeHeader);
C code:
BOOL WINAPI RegisterRawInputDevices(
_In_ UINT uiNumDevices,
_In_ UINT cbSize
Java Code
boolean RegisterRawInputDevices(RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTDEVICE pRawInputDevices, int uiNumDevices, int cbSize);
When I dump the buffer I can see the following the value for the key pressed.The 42, in memory block 6, is the letter b pressed on the keyboard, and that value changes according to the key I press. Here is the dump of the RAWINPUT structure:
RawInputLibrary$RAWINPUT(allocated#0x525ecb8 (44 bytes) (shared from allocated#0x525ecb8 (44 bytes))) {
RawInputLibrary$RAWINPUTHEADER header#0=RawInputLibrary$RAWINPUTHEADER(allocated#0x525ecb8 (16 bytes) (shared from allocated#0x525ecb8 (44 bytes) (shared from allocated#0x525ecb8 (44 bytes)))) {
int dwType#0=1
int dwSize#4=20
WinNT$HANDLE hDevice#8=native#0x3da0cb3 (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT$HANDLE#3da0cb3)
WinDef$WPARAM wParam#c=1
RawInputLibrary$RAWINPUT$DataUnion data#10=RawInputLibrary$RAWINPUT$DataUnion(allocated#0x525ecc8 (28 bytes) (shared from allocated#0x525ecb8 (44 bytes) (shared from allocated#0x525ecb8 (44 bytes)))) {
RawInputLibrary$RAWMOUSE mouse#0=RawInputLibrary$RAWMOUSE(auto-allocated#0x525ed48 (28 bytes)) {
short usFlags#0=0
NativeLong ulButtons#4=0
short usButtonFlags#8=0
short usButtonData#a=0
NativeLong ulRawButtons#c=0
NativeLong lLastX#10=0
NativeLong lLastY#14=0
NativeLong ulExtraInformation#18=0
RawInputLibrary$RAWKEYBOARD keyboard#0=RawInputLibrary$RAWKEYBOARD(auto-allocated#0x525ed70 (16 bytes)) {
short MakeCode#0=0
short Flags#2=0
short Reserved#4=0
short VKey#6=0
int Message#8=0
NativeLong ExtraInformation#c=0
RawInputLibrary$RAWHID hid#0=RawInputLibrary$RAWHID(auto-allocated#0x525ed88 (12 bytes)) {
int dwSizeHid#0=0
int dwCount#4=0
byte bRawData[1]#8=[B#50fe39
memory dump
These are the structs I've mapped. The C counter part can be seen here (not posting them in order to keep the post smaller):
public static class HRAWINPUT extends PointerType {
public HRAWINPUT(Pointer address) {
public HRAWINPUT() {
public class RAWINPUT extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends RAWINPUT implements Structure.ByReference {}
public static class ByValue extends RAWINPUT implements Structure.ByValue {}
public RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTHEADER header;
public DataUnion data;
public static class DataUnion extends Union {
public static class ByReference extends DataUnion implements Structure.ByReference {}
public static class ByValue extends DataUnion implements Structure.ByValue {}
public RawInputLibrary.RAWMOUSE mouse;
public RawInputLibrary.RAWKEYBOARD keyboard;
public RawInputLibrary.RAWHID hid;
public DataUnion() {
public DataUnion(RawInputLibrary.RAWMOUSE mouse) {
this.mouse = mouse;
public DataUnion(RawInputLibrary.RAWKEYBOARD keyboard) {
this.keyboard = keyboard;
public DataUnion(RawInputLibrary.RAWHID hid) {
this.hid = hid;
protected List<? > getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("mouse", "keyboard", "hid");
public RAWINPUT() {
public RAWINPUT(Pointer p) {
useMemory(p); //using this doesn't make any difference, but maybe I need to do something similar to this in the data struct ?
public RAWINPUT(RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTHEADER header, DataUnion data) {
this.header = header; = data;
protected List<? > getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("header", "data");
public static class RAWINPUTHEADER extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends RAWINPUTHEADER implements Structure.ByReference {}
public static class ByValue extends RAWINPUTHEADER implements Structure.ByValue {}
public int dwType;
public int dwSize;
public WinNT.HANDLE hDevice;
public WinDef.WPARAM wParam;
public RAWINPUTHEADER(int dwType, int dwSize, WinNT.HANDLE hDevice, WinDef.WPARAM wParam) {
this.dwType = dwType;
this.dwSize = dwSize;
this.hDevice = hDevice;
this.wParam = wParam;
protected List<?> getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("dwType", "dwSize", "hDevice", "wParam");
public static class RAWHID extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends RAWHID implements Structure.ByReference {}
public static class ByValue extends RAWHID implements Structure.ByValue {}
public int dwSizeHid;
public int dwCount;
public byte[] bRawData = new byte[1];
public RAWHID() {
public RAWHID(int dwSizeHid, int dwCount, byte bRawData[]) {
this.dwSizeHid = dwSizeHid;
this.dwCount = dwCount;
if ((bRawData.length != this.bRawData.length)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !");
this.bRawData = bRawData;
protected List<? > getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("dwSizeHid", "dwCount", "bRawData");
public static class RAWKEYBOARD extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends RAWKEYBOARD implements Structure.ByReference {}
public static class ByValue extends RAWKEYBOARD implements Structure.ByValue {}
public short MakeCode;
public short Flags;
public short Reserved;
public short VKey;
public int Message;
public NativeLong ExtraInformation;
public RAWKEYBOARD() {
public RAWKEYBOARD(short MakeCode, short Flags, short Reserved, short VKey, int Message, NativeLong ExtraInformation) {
this.MakeCode = MakeCode;
this.Flags = Flags;
this.Reserved = Reserved;
this.VKey = VKey;
this.Message = Message;
this.ExtraInformation = ExtraInformation;
protected List<?> getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("MakeCode", "Flags", "Reserved", "VKey", "Message", "ExtraInformation");
public static class RAWMOUSE extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends RAWMOUSE implements Structure.ByReference {}
public static class ByValue extends RAWMOUSE implements Structure.ByValue {}
public short usFlags;
public NativeLong ulButtons;
public short usButtonFlags;
public short usButtonData;
public NativeLong ulRawButtons;
public NativeLong lLastX;
public NativeLong lLastY;
public NativeLong ulExtraInformation;
public RAWMOUSE() {
public RAWMOUSE(short usFlags, NativeLong ulButtons, short usButtonFlags, short usButtonData, NativeLong ulRawButtons, NativeLong lLastX, NativeLong lLastY, NativeLong ulExtraInformation) {
this.usFlags = usFlags;
this.ulButtons = ulButtons;
this.usButtonFlags = usButtonFlags;
this.usButtonData = usButtonData;
this.ulRawButtons = ulRawButtons;
this.lLastX = lLastX;
this.lLastY = lLastY;
this.ulExtraInformation = ulExtraInformation;
protected List<?> getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("usFlags", "ulButtons", "usButtonFlags", "usButtonData", "ulRawButtons", "lLastX", "lLastY", "ulExtraInformation");
The code below is an extract of thew code I'm using to test.
private class WndProc implements User32.WindowProc {
public WndProc() {
public LRESULT callback(HWND hwnd, int msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
switch (msg) {
case User32.WM_CREATE: {
if (hwnd != null) {
log.debug("Registering raw input device notifications...");
RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTDEVICE.ByReference rawInputDevice = new RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTDEVICE.ByReference();
//create an array of the struct in memory and fill it with data, and then parse the reference to the native call
RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTDEVICE[] pRawInputDevice = (RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTDEVICE[]) rawInputDevice.toArray(1);
pRawInputDevice[0].dwFlags = RawInputLibrary.RIDEV_INPUTSINK; // receive system wide keystrokes
pRawInputDevice[0].usUsagePage = 1; // generic desktop controls
pRawInputDevice[0].usUsage = 6; // keyboard
pRawInputDevice[0].hwndTarget = hwnd;
// register interest in raw data input
if (!rawInputLib.RegisterRawInputDevices(rawInputDevice, 1, rawInputDevice.size())) {
rawInputRegistrationSuccess = false;
log.error("Failed to register for raw input messages");
} else {
log.debug("Done registering raw input device notifications...");
} else {
log.debug("window handle is not defined");
case RawInputLibrary.WM_INPUT: {
log.debug("Got raw input device message...");
IntByReference dwSize = new IntByReference();
int rawInputHeaderSize = new RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUTHEADER().size();
RawInputLibrary.HRAWINPUT hRawInput = new RawInputLibrary.HRAWINPUT(lparam.toPointer());
if (rawInputLib.GetRawInputData(hRawInput, RawInputLibrary.RID_INPUT, null, dwSize, rawInputHeaderSize) < 0) {
if (dwSize.getValue() == 0) {
IntByReference bufferSize = new IntByReference(Math.max(dwSize.getValue(), new RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUT().size()));
Memory buffer = new Memory(bufferSize.getValue());
if (rawInputLib.GetRawInputData(hRawInput, RawInputLibrary.RID_INPUT, buffer, bufferSize, rawInputHeaderSize) == -1) {
RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUT rawinput = new RawInputLibrary.RAWINPUT(buffer);
int event =;
switch(event) {
case User32.WM_KEYDOWN:
case User32.WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
log.debug("Got raw input keyboard pressed");
case 160:
case 161:
// inform listener about shift key pressed
//Ignore special characters
case 144: //Numlock
// inform listener about key pressed
case User32.WM_KEYUP:
case User32.WM_SYSKEYUP:
if ( == 160 || == 161) {
// inform listener about shift key released
default : {
return user32Lib.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
return new LRESULT(0);

How to collect data usage information from the internet to iPhone with Xamarin / monotouch

I'm needing to collect information from internet data usage on the iphone, the below code in C # I'm using only returns 0 values​​.
I'm using the right class?
have some reference I need to add in Xamarin?
appears in mono 3 types of classes, Coincidentally the "MacOsIPv4InterfaceStatistics" interface always returns the fixed value 0.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
namespace Taximetro { public delegate void Update();
public static class ControleUso
public static long controller;
public static long BytesReceivedWiFi;
public static long BytesSentWiFi;
public static long BytesReceived3G;
public static long BytesSent3G;
public static Update UpdateMethod;
public static void DoWork()
foreach (var netint in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) {
var stats = netint.GetIPv4Statistics ();
//if (netint.Name.StartsWith ("en")) {
BytesReceivedWiFi += stats.BytesReceived;
BytesSentWiFi += stats.BytesSent;
if (netint.Name.StartsWith ("pdp_ip")) {
BytesReceived3G += stats.BytesReceived;
BytesSent3G += stats.BytesSent;
if (UpdateMethod != null) {
UpdateMethod ();
Thread.Sleep (1000);
Notice that data is uint and not long, which means it will overflow every 4GB of data.
Edit: After some Googling around I noticed that this data is reset on iOS reboot. Just some heads ups to anyone who might use this.
public enum InterfaceTypes
public class DataUsage
[DllImport ("libc")]
static extern int getifaddrs (out IntPtr ifap);
[DllImport ("libc")]
static extern void freeifaddrs (IntPtr ifap);
const int AF_LINK = 18;
struct ifaddrs
public IntPtr ifa_next;
public string ifa_name;
public uint ifa_flags;
public IntPtr ifa_addr;
public IntPtr ifa_netmask;
public IntPtr ifa_dstaddr;
public IntPtr ifa_data;
public InterfaceTypes InterfaceType {
private set;
public uint BytesSent {
private set;
public uint BytesReceived {
private set;
public static List<DataUsage> GetAllNetworkInterfacesUsage ()
IntPtr ifap;
if (getifaddrs (out ifap) != 0)
throw new SystemException ("getifaddrs() failed");
List<DataUsage> usages = new List<DataUsage> ();
try {
IntPtr next = ifap;
while (next != IntPtr.Zero) {
ifaddrs addr = (ifaddrs)Marshal.PtrToStructure (next, typeof(ifaddrs));
next = addr.ifa_next;
string name = addr.ifa_name;
if (addr.ifa_addr != IntPtr.Zero) {
if (Marshal.ReadByte (addr.ifa_addr, 1) == AF_LINK) {
if (!name.StartsWith ("en") && !name.StartsWith ("pdp_ip"))
usages.Add (new DataUsage () {
InterfaceType = name.StartsWith ("en") ? InterfaceTypes.Wifi : InterfaceTypes.Cellular,
BytesReceived = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32 (addr.ifa_data, 40),
BytesSent = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32 (addr.ifa_data, 44)
} finally {
freeifaddrs (ifap);
return usages;

Null point exception in persistent object , blackberry application

I am using persistent stores to store data in a Blackberry application. I am trying to store phone number in persistent objects, but after storing, it gives null value.
here i am posting my code:
public static Vector push_data;
public static PersistentObject push_store = null;
public static final long KEY = 0x9df9f961bc333daL;
boolean isNumberVerified;
// PasswordEditField password;
static String verifiedPhoneNumber = "number";
public static String phoneNumber;
static String Number = "number";
public Third() {
System.out.println("******************** Into SplashScreen");
try {
bitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("im.png");
BitmapField bmpField = new BitmapField(bitmap);
HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager();
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
if (field == btnNext) {
final String msg = Util.getRandomNumber();
checkIsVerified(Number, msg);
private void checkIsVerified(final String Number, final String msg) {
Dialog.alert("Verifying " + Number);
if (verifiedPhoneNumber == Number) {
isNumberVerified = true;
Dialog.alert("isverified " + Number);
push_store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject( KEY );
push_data = (Vector) push_store.getContents();
if( push_data == null ) {
push_data = new Vector();
push_store.setContents( push_data );
Dialog.alert("isverified " + push_data);
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new spinner());
} else {
isNumberVerified = false;
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new Sms());
Try this -
public static String push_data="";
public static PersistentObject push_store;
public static final long KEY = 0x9df9f961bc33352L;
//For get contents
push_store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject( KEY );
push_data = (String) push_store.getContents();
//For set contents
push_store.setContents( push_data );
