ARkit and Appthinning.plist error - ios

I have created a project under Unity with the ARKit plugin.
I have used the right versions. I compile from Unity, compile from XCode, archive and sent the (.ipa) on iTunes connect.
But, I received this error :
"Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "Kouji". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
This bundle is invalid - Your archive contains paths that are not allowed: ( "AppThinning.plist" )
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
My problem is that I found nowhere on internet a solution to these problems. Even on the apple developper website, this error is not listed.
If anyone can help me, it would be fantastic !

I used an other method.
In Xcode, instead of "Publishing the app", I exported it for the app store.
Then I used these commands to delete the file, create a new ipa and push it on iTunes connect with the App loader.
mkdir extract
unzip -qo MyApp.ipa -d extract
cd extract
rm AppThining.plist
zip -qry ../MyApp.Fixed.ipa .

Please refer this answer fixed my problem
Dont uncheck the Strip Swift symbols while uploading to AppStore
Check this image:
Stackoverflow Answer
Apple Developer Forum


Error after App Store Connect submision. ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle

I have an App that integrates Framework A that I have developed.
Framework A has two (optional) weak-linked third-party dependencies, Framework X and Framework Y.
If I add both optional frameworks, everything works fine.
I don't need Framework Y in my App, so I'm adding to MyApp only Framework A and X.
Run on device works fine, upload to TestFlight works fine, but then I'm getting this email from App Store Connect, and build is marked as an Invalid Binary on App Store Connect.
App Store Connect Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app,
Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are
referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path.
ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - The app submission can not be
successfully recompiled from bitcode due to missing symbols during
linking. You can try to reproduce and diagnose such issues locally by
following the instructions from:
Best regards,
The App Store Team
I have tried editing Build Settings, but nothing happened, the error stays.
How I removed that error was by disabling Bitcode. Build Settings - Enable Bitcode - NO.
But that is not a solution for me.
I saw the same question on the Apple Developer forum.
After that, I tried to Validate App in the organizer, which went well. After that, I tried to export IPA for AdHoc distribution. But then I got an error:
ipatool failed with an exception: #<CmdSpec::NonZeroExitException: $ /Applications/ /Applications/ -v -t /Applications/ -L /var/folders/cy/n0fltmsx671_s97kbtqvhcw80000gn/T/ipatool20220308-33623-uqn6vl/thinned-out/arm64/Payload/ -L /var/folders/cy/n0fltmsx671_s97kbtqvhcw80000gn/T/ipatool20220308-33623-uqn6vl/thinned-out/arm64/Payload/ --sdk /Applications/ -o /var/folders/cy/n0fltmsx671_s97kbtqvhcw80000gn/T/ipatool20220308-33623-uqn6vl/thinned-out/arm64/Payload/ --generate-dsym /var/folders/cy/n0fltmsx671_s97kbtqvhcw80000gn/T/ipatool20220308-33623-uqn6vl/thinned-out/arm64/Payload/ --strip-swift-symbols /var/folders/cy/n0fltmsx671_s97kbtqvhcw80000gn/T/ipatool20220308-33623-uqn6vl/thinned-in/arm64/Payload/
I saw a similar error in this post:
If at export I disable Bitcode, I'm able to export the IPA file.
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or is there a bug on Apple's side with Bitcode, but I hope that maybe someone had the same problem.
Removing Bitcode is not a good approach since it will not slim the ipas for installation.
What I'm doing at the moment is to use Xcode 13.2.1 for the upload of my project.

Firebase Upload missing required dSYMs Not Working

Currently, I am facing issues to upload dSYMs through the new uploader script.
/path/to/Fabric/upload-symbols -gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p <platform> /path/to/dSYMs
I am getting success response by uploading the dSYMs
But no change on firebase console.
I have already checked the following thread:
Please let me know if anyone having a solution...
Don't know what is going on in the Firebase Crashlytics.
But after 1 Day/24 Hours the dSYMs processed and now they are showing (Optional) in the same build.
I have again uploaded the dSYMs today, and it uploaded quickly. Maybe some issues are there with the Firebase Crashlytics upload process!
If this is a migrated app from Fabric, then you need to follow these directions,
"Important: If you're working with an app that you previously linked from Fabric to Firebase Crashlytics, pass in your Fabric API Key to run the upload symbols script. That is, in the following options to run the script, use -a fabric-api-key instead of -gsp path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist."
If this is not a migrated app, and you're seeing that the correct missing UUID is being uploaded, but you're still getting the missing dSYM error, then you need to write into Firebase Support so they can get your debug logs and check your session ID.
I had the same problem. What I found:
You should double-check if you can find this specific DSYM in your XCode archive. For this, open XCode->Organizer->Show In Finder-> DSYMs in bundle: try to find specific DSYM by ID from the dSYMS error Firebase panel. If any you can find with the same ID, you have to upload manually.
On my practice, the delay is usually several mins, max 24 hours.
Sometimes, I couldn’t find the DSYM IDs listed on Firebase in XCode archive or from AppStore downloads. What I found, that Firebase catches all distributed versions of the app. That’s why you cannot find them on AppStore if it is not on TestFlight yet. You probably can find them in your alpha archives.
However, this is my guessing.
I was wondering if anyone from Firebase guys can give more info on this.
install crashlytics via POD 'Firebase/Crashlytics'.
download DSYMS from app store.
located here
--> myapps --> select your app --> testflight --> select latest build --> Build Metadata --> Download dSYM.
now run this script using Terminal directly
YOUR PROJECT POD FOLDER PATH /FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /YOUR PROJECT/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
more in detail step.
Open terminal, drag and drop 3 files on terminal on this order:
A--> drag an drop: "upload-symbols" which can be found in /project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols
B--> write " -gsp "
C--> drag an drop: "GoogleService-Info.plist" which can be found in /project/GoogleService-Info.plist
D--> write " -p ios "
E--> drag an drop: "appDsyms" folder (unarchived, zip file might not work!) which usually is in Download folder /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
F--> Press Enter
In terminal the complete command should include -gsp and -p ios, full command looks like this: A -gsp C -p ios E
/project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /project/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
it might take some time to reflact on google firebase 24 hours.
Currently, it is taking (around) 24 hr to process the dSYMs (specially, if dSYM size is large), but it should improve soon.
Most Impacted Developers:
Fabric legacy only, not migrated customers - should no see impact
Fabric legacy SDK, migrated to Firebase - impacted
Fabric legacy SDK, onboarded via Firebase - impacted
Firebase SDK (currently in beta) - no impact
It is suspected that the dsym downloaded from Apple has the incorrect bundle id. Apple is setting (e.g. Blast).
1- As a temporary workaround, if the developer after downloading the dsym from Apple, converted all occurrences of the incorrect bundle string with the correct bundle id (e.g., this should allow the dsym to be ingested correctly.
See an example shell script that developers could use replacing the and with the appropriate values.
export BUNDLE_ID=''
export DSYM_PATH=''
sed -i '' -e "s/>*\$BUNDLE_ID\
2- Try not test-crash the app or release a potentially crashy app to users for at least 10 minutes after upload-symbols has completed and the mapping file is uploaded.
3- I would recommend to upgrade to Firebase SDK (currently in beta) to avoid this issue all to gather.

Crashlytics with iOS 9 Unable to Download App

I am getting the following error:
Unable to Download: APP_NAME could not be installed at this time [Done/Retry options]
I am on iOS 9 Beta v5. Will I not be able to install any versions of my app from Crashlytics because I am using iOS 9?
We started to have this problem after renewing our apple developer membership. I fixed by deleting the iOS Provisioning Profiles through the apple website and generated new ones. I've also resetted my XCode cached data:
rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/
defaults delete
I've also removed all cached provisioning profiles at /Users/<user>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Then I opened XCode > View details > Download all to download the new profiles and distributed a new build. It worked from then onwards.
Found this answer on Crashlytics' forum:
Basically you need to delete existing app from App Store before trying to install the beta build
In IOS9, display image URL is required in manifest.plist. It give this error because image is missing from URL.
I added a image and it is working for me, but I have my personal server. Maybe, hockeysdk, crashlytics should update their server.
We distribute our app builds with Crashlytics Beta and hit the same problem today. Disabling the 'ios 8 download fix' checkbox fixed our problem.
In the device error log I saw
"Failed to install application"... "Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=143"
when I tried to install our build from the Crashlytics app. states that the ios 8 download fix is
using a different bundle identifier in the download manifest to trick
the OS into downloading the payload
The follow answers said that "display image URL is required in manifest.plist.",but right now my app is working without this under iOS 9.I have mistaken the bundle identifier.iOS 9 will check the value.
iOS 9 became more strict with the manifest information:the tag,the
value,or something else.
I also had that problem. I deleted and created again " provisioning profile" , but that problem was not resolved.
I tried test option insert app store, but it failed and showed following problem "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x7263c21" .
Following this link "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 1918975009 in xCode 6 " I received the answer to my question. I have double framework, I deleted it and the issue was resolved.

"Unable to download application. <Appname> could not be installed at this time"

I'm almost dead now. I've been trying for about 2-3 weeks to fix that problem, but still no result. Hope anyone is able to help me:
I'm writing iOS Apps with Titanium Studio. Until Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Xcode 4.2 everything worked just fine. I was perfectly able to build apps in Xcode und deploy them In-House in our Enterprise. Now I've upgraded to OS X 10.8.2 with Xcode 4.5 and there we go...
Apps can still be built and are runnable on the iOS Simulator, but if I try now to get the app on some devices, I get a message "Unable to download application. -Appname- could not be installed at this time". This happens either through OTA distribution and through iTunes with an USB Cable.
I've searched almost the entire internet, but all I've found didn't work at all.
But if I actually try to deploy the application through Xcode it works though.
Does it have something to do with those Profiles and certificates? I've already tried to revoke them and so on, but nothing helped. I also installed OS X completely new, so that I have a clean keychain. Same result.
Would really really appreciate any kind of help. Thanks!
Finally i found a solution, when i tried to sign the App manually, the console threw an Error message that helped me to fix it again.
The Problem started when i upgraded to Mountain Lion and had to update xCode to 4.5.2
Maybe it helps others who still couldn't find a solution after several days of searching the internet
Unzip the Ipa
unzip Application.ipa
delete _CodeSignature
rm -r "Payload/" "Payload/" 2> /dev/null | true
if there isn't the right provisioning profile, replace it
cp "ProvisioningProfile.mobileprovision" "Payload/"
The problem for me was this error when i tried to resign the app manually:
"object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable"
fix it :
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE="/Applications/"
resign the app
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Company Name" --resource-rules "Payload/" "Payload/"
Zip it
zip -qr "Application.resigned.ipa" Payload
Thanks to
This Question on how to sign an app manually,
the console which got me the error
This Post which helped me to fix the error
Apple which makes our lives too hard
It seems the location for codesigning has changed. The new path would be
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE="/Applications/"
As taken from this answer
I had the same “Unable to download application. 'Appname' could not be installed at this time” message, and spent several weeks checking and renewing the certificates, rebuilding, re-doing the OTA distribution, etcetera. It turned out that I simply hadn't added the .mobileprovision files to the project. Just in case this helps anyone…

XCode: How can I verify an IPA is valid before uploading?

I have a problem with creating IPA files and TestFlight is showing me this reason.
I get a mismatch with keychain access groups but it takes a while to upload the IPA file to TestFlight before it can tell me the file is not valid. I'd like to test the file before I even upload it. I would also like to know how to get information abou the IPA file so that I can diagnose and fix the problem. I have no idea how it is failing since I am using the same Code Signing Identity in the Debug/Release builds as well as signing the IPA from the Archive. I have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it.
Any help is appreciated.
If your Distribution Provisioning profile bundle identifier matches your App's bundle identifier (eg your bundle id is com.mycompany.appname and your App's bundle id has at least com.mycompany.* then you shouldn't run into this error.
Another way to check validity feedback in Xcode 4.3 is to archive the app, and hit the Validate button in the Archives section of your Organizer. (Note that it won't allow you to to validate and gives a 'No application records found' error until you've created an App ID in your iTunes Connect account, and followed the steps until you've set it to "Waiting for Upload ". Don't worry if you're not ready to upload to the store yet, you can still validate without uploading anything.)
Go to terminal and use it like below
/Applications/\ -v -f APP.ipa -u -p password
You can use the altool that comes with Xcode
cd /Applications/\
./altool --validate-app -f <'ipaFile'>
You can use the command to extract entitlements info from the signed application:
codesign -d --entitlements
Then try to compare it with the Entitlements part of provision profile. If they dont match there must be some problem with your signing process.
