Azure WAF adds unwanted server http header - azure-application-gateway

The WAF appears to add a http header to each request with the following value:
This is a big problem for us as it causes us to fail penetration tests performed by 3rd parties who wish to use our service. Previously we use url rewrite module to remove server header, but by using the WAF it has added it back in.
Without getting into discussions about whether this is a security hole (I don't think it is), without us being able to control the response to the client we cannot pass this penetration test. Is there any option or do we have to abandon Azure WAF?

This is a known issue with the Application Gateway and therefore also the WAF, I've been told that it's being addressed in a coming release.


Real use of same origin policy

I just got to know about the same origin policy in WebAPI. Enabling CORS helps to call a web service which is present in different domain.
My understanding is NOT enabling CORS will only ensure that the webservice cannot be called from browser. But if I cannot call it from browser I still can call it using different ways e.g. fiddler.
So I was wondering what's the use of this functionality. Can you please throw some light? Apologies if its a trivial or a stupid question.
Thanks and Regards,
It's not at all a stupid question, it's a very important aspect when you're dealing with web services with different origin.
To get an idea of what CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is, we have to start with the so called Same-Origin Policy which is a security concept for the web. Sounds sophisticated, but only makes sure a web browser permits scripts, contained in a web page to access data on another web page, but only if both web pages have the same origin. In other words, requests for data must come from the same scheme, hostname, and port. If http://player.example tries to request data from http://content.example, the request will usually fail.
After taking a second look it becomes clear that this prevents the unauthorized leakage of data to a third-party server. Without this policy, a script could read, use and forward data hosted on any web page. Such cross-domain activity might be used to exploit cookies and authentication data. Therefore, this security mechanism is definitely needed.
If you want to store content on a different origin than the one the player requests, there is a solution – CORS. In the context of XMLHttpRequests, it defines a set of headers that allow the browser and server to communicate which requests are permitted/prohibited. It is a recommended standard of the W3C. In practice, for a CORS request, the server only needs to add the following header to its response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
For more information on settings (e.g. GET/POST, custom headers, authentication, etc.) and examples, refer to
For a detail read, use this

Controlling IIS BITS uploads

I'm running an IIS web site (built using ASP.NET/MVC) that among other things collects files from multiple agents that anonymously upload the files via BITS.
I need to make sure that only files uploaded from known sources as well as matching certain predefined file name pattern will be accepted by IIS. All other BITS upload attempts must be cancelled.
As I understand, BITS uses an ad hoc protocol over HTTP 1.1 using "BITS_POST" verb. So, ideally, I'd like to hook into IIS, analyze a BITS_POST request info and if it does not satisfy my pre-conditions, drop the request.
I've tried to create and register a filter implementing IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting, but it seems that my filter does not receive BITS_POST requests.
I'd be glad to hear if somebody have implemented similar BITS related solutions and how this was done. Anyway, other ideas are welcome too.
I have never worked with BITS, frankly i dont know what is it.
What i usually do is such situations is implement an HTTP module. On its begin request event, you can iterate through incoming HTTP request data and decide to stop processing the request if data is not complying with requirements. You have full access to HttpContext.Current.Request object from HTTP module code.
With HTTP modules, you can execute .NET code even before entering the ASP.NET pipeline.

Cordova & CORS (iOS)

I recently got my hands on an relatively old cordova app for iOS (iphones), which was built around one year ago, in order to debug it.
The app queries an API from a server. This server is built using Laravel and makes use of laravel-cors.
For a peculiar reason, the developers of this app have set up CORS server-side to accept requests, only if the Origin header is missing.
I was told that the app was working just fine for the past year.
While debugging it, I noticed that the iOS browser adds origin => 'file://' to its headers, when cordova app uses $.ajax for doing requests
And now for my questions
Are you aware of such a change on newer iOS verions?
I suppose I can't do anything client-side in order to bypass it?
How safe is to add "file://" as an accepted origin, server-side?
Thanks a ton!
The reason the server accepts null-Origin isn't "peculiar" -- that is how CORS is defined to work. It is intended to protect against browser-based XSS attacks -- browsers send the Origin header automatically so the server can accept or reject the request based on which domain(s) they allow javascript calls from. It is intended as a safe standards-based successor to the JSONP hack to allow cross-origin server requests, but in a controlled way. By default, browsers require and allow only same-origin XHRs and other similar requests (full list).
CORs is undefined for non-browser clients, since non-browser clients can set whatever Origin they want to anyway (e.g. curl), so in those cases it makes sense to just leave off the Origin header completely.
To answer part of your question, it is not (very) safe to add file:// as an accepted origin server-side. The reason is that an attacker wishing to bypass CORS protections could trick a user into downloading a web page to their filesystem and then executing it in their browser -- thus bypassing any intended Origin restrictions since file:// is in the allowed list. There may also be other exploits, known and unknown, that could take advantage of servers that accept a file:// origin.
You'll have to evaluate the risks of adding this based on your own project requirements.

An working example of HttpResponse.PushPromise() in MVC Applications

I've read about push-promise in HTTP/2 specs and several other tutorials, and have an idea as a concept.
I've read here in SO why bundling won't be as relevant in upcoming days. So, if I have to incorporate push promise into applications, where is the ideal place to do this. Should it be just before redirecting to the view from the Action method? Or, in the script in the view? As far as I've searched I couldn't find any examples.
Please someone share their experience implementing in the real code. Does it seem like an overhead if you have to support both the protocols?
Also, if I'm using IIS 10, then is there any configuration changes that I should do to support both protocols? [As far as I've read, we don't have to. But always better heed to some experts.]
So, if I have to incorporate push promise into applications, where is the ideal place to do this. Should it be just before redirecting to the view from the Action method? Or, in the script in the view?
I did it in the controller action method while experimenting, but if you have common resources you may want to move it somewhere more fundamental/shared in the pipeline. Anywhere that has access to the HttpResponse object should work. As I noted here, you'll want to use the PushPromise overload that takes in an HTTP method and headers if what you're pushing will vary based on any request headers, e.g. accept-encoding (compression).
Does it seem like an overhead if you have to support both the protocols?
Also, if I'm using IIS 10, then is there any configuration changes that I should do to support both protocols?
You do not need to do anything explicitly to support both protocols; IIS will take care of it. Per David So of Microsoft, "provided the client and server configuration supports HTTP/2, then IIS will use HTTP/2 (or fallback to HTTP/1.1 if not possible)". This is true even if you're using server push: "If the underlying connection doesn’t support push (client disabled push, or HTTP/1.1 client), the call does nothing and returns success, so you can safely call the API without needing to worry about whether push is allowed."
Incidentally, if you want to disable HTTP/2 on Windows Server 2016, you can do so via the registry.
In addition to checking IIS logs, as David So suggested, you can verify HTTP/2 is being used by right-clicking on the headers row (Name, Status, Type, etc.) in Chrome's Network tab and checking off "Protocol"; you'll see "h2" for HTTP/2 responses. You can verify push promises are working by looking at the Chrome HTTP/2 internals page (chrome://net-internals/#http2) and looking at the "Pushed" and "Pushed and claimed" columns for your domain.

Mock API Requests Xcode 7 Swift Automated UI Testing

Is there a way to mock requests when writing automated UI tests in Swift 2.0. As far as I am aware the UI tests should be independent of other functionality. Is there a way to mock the response from server requests in order to test the behaviour of the UI dependant on the response. For example, if the server is down, the UI tests should still run. Quick example, for login, mock if password failed then UI should show alert, however, if the login is successful the next page should be shown.
In its current implementation, this is not directly possible with UI Testing. The only interface the framework has directly to the code is through it's launch arguments/environment.
You can have the app look for a specific key or value in this context and switch up some functionality. For example, if the MOCK_REQUESTS key is set, inject a MockableHTTPClient instead of the real HTTPClient in your networking layer. I wrote about setting the parameters and NSHipster has an article on how to read them.
While not ideal, it is technically possible to accomplish what you are looking for with some legwork.
Here's a tutorial on stubbing network data for UI Testing I put together. It walks you through all of the steps you need to get this up and running.
If you are worried about the idea of mocks making it into a production environment for any reason, you can consider using a 3rd party solution like Charles Proxy.
Using the map local tool you can route calls from a specific endpoint to a local file on your machine. You can past plain text in your local file containing the response you want it to return. Per your example:
Your login hits endpoint
in Charles you using the map local tool you can route the calls hitting that endpoint to a file saved on your computer i.e mappedlocal.txt
mappedlocal.txt contains the following text
HTTP/1.1 404 Failed
When Charles is running and you hit this endpoint your response will come back with a 404 error.
You can also use another option in Charles called "map remote" and build an entire mock server which can handle calls and responses as you wish. This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but its an option that may help others, and its one I use myself.
