Cordova & CORS (iOS) - ios

I recently got my hands on an relatively old cordova app for iOS (iphones), which was built around one year ago, in order to debug it.
The app queries an API from a server. This server is built using Laravel and makes use of laravel-cors.
For a peculiar reason, the developers of this app have set up CORS server-side to accept requests, only if the Origin header is missing.
I was told that the app was working just fine for the past year.
While debugging it, I noticed that the iOS browser adds origin => 'file://' to its headers, when cordova app uses $.ajax for doing requests
And now for my questions
Are you aware of such a change on newer iOS verions?
I suppose I can't do anything client-side in order to bypass it?
How safe is to add "file://" as an accepted origin, server-side?
Thanks a ton!

The reason the server accepts null-Origin isn't "peculiar" -- that is how CORS is defined to work. It is intended to protect against browser-based XSS attacks -- browsers send the Origin header automatically so the server can accept or reject the request based on which domain(s) they allow javascript calls from. It is intended as a safe standards-based successor to the JSONP hack to allow cross-origin server requests, but in a controlled way. By default, browsers require and allow only same-origin XHRs and other similar requests (full list).
CORs is undefined for non-browser clients, since non-browser clients can set whatever Origin they want to anyway (e.g. curl), so in those cases it makes sense to just leave off the Origin header completely.
To answer part of your question, it is not (very) safe to add file:// as an accepted origin server-side. The reason is that an attacker wishing to bypass CORS protections could trick a user into downloading a web page to their filesystem and then executing it in their browser -- thus bypassing any intended Origin restrictions since file:// is in the allowed list. There may also be other exploits, known and unknown, that could take advantage of servers that accept a file:// origin.
You'll have to evaluate the risks of adding this based on your own project requirements.


Can a Firefox addon's Internal UUID value be made stable?

I'm referring to the "Internal UUID" value that's visible in about:debugging, which is different from the extension ID that is specified in manifest.json for web extensions.
In my testing, this is a different value for each installation of the addon.
I'd like to set this to a predictable value because it is used as the origin (e.g. moz-extension://guid) for communication APIs like postMessage. It'd be a good indicator for whether a message received by a web app is from an authorized extension vs. some other extension or page.
In Chrome, the origin seems to be stable across different installations of an extension, so I'd like to see if it's possible to achieve the same thing with Firefox.
The internal UUID is deliberately created per installation of an extension, to avoid fingerprinting, you can see a longer discussion at
However, I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of the Origin header, it lets your web app and browser work together to prevent a class of cross-site scripting attacks. But by itself, it doesn't really give your web app a reliable indicator of the origin of the request (that is, any non-browser client can easily construct an HTTP request with an arbitrary value in the Origin header)

Azure WAF adds unwanted server http header

The WAF appears to add a http header to each request with the following value:
This is a big problem for us as it causes us to fail penetration tests performed by 3rd parties who wish to use our service. Previously we use url rewrite module to remove server header, but by using the WAF it has added it back in.
Without getting into discussions about whether this is a security hole (I don't think it is), without us being able to control the response to the client we cannot pass this penetration test. Is there any option or do we have to abandon Azure WAF?
This is a known issue with the Application Gateway and therefore also the WAF, I've been told that it's being addressed in a coming release.

Real use of same origin policy

I just got to know about the same origin policy in WebAPI. Enabling CORS helps to call a web service which is present in different domain.
My understanding is NOT enabling CORS will only ensure that the webservice cannot be called from browser. But if I cannot call it from browser I still can call it using different ways e.g. fiddler.
So I was wondering what's the use of this functionality. Can you please throw some light? Apologies if its a trivial or a stupid question.
Thanks and Regards,
It's not at all a stupid question, it's a very important aspect when you're dealing with web services with different origin.
To get an idea of what CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is, we have to start with the so called Same-Origin Policy which is a security concept for the web. Sounds sophisticated, but only makes sure a web browser permits scripts, contained in a web page to access data on another web page, but only if both web pages have the same origin. In other words, requests for data must come from the same scheme, hostname, and port. If http://player.example tries to request data from http://content.example, the request will usually fail.
After taking a second look it becomes clear that this prevents the unauthorized leakage of data to a third-party server. Without this policy, a script could read, use and forward data hosted on any web page. Such cross-domain activity might be used to exploit cookies and authentication data. Therefore, this security mechanism is definitely needed.
If you want to store content on a different origin than the one the player requests, there is a solution – CORS. In the context of XMLHttpRequests, it defines a set of headers that allow the browser and server to communicate which requests are permitted/prohibited. It is a recommended standard of the W3C. In practice, for a CORS request, the server only needs to add the following header to its response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
For more information on settings (e.g. GET/POST, custom headers, authentication, etc.) and examples, refer to
For a detail read, use this

How can I allow Mixed contents (http with https) using content-security-policy meta tag?

I'm forcing https to access my website, but some of the contents must be loaded over http (for example video contents can not be over https), but the browsers block the request because of mixed-contents policy.
After hours of searching I found that I can use Content-Security-Policy but I have no idea how to allow mixed contents with it.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="????">
You can't.
CSP is there to restrict content on your website, not to loosen browser restrictions.
Secure https sites given users certain guarantees and it's not really fair to then allow http content to be loaded over it (hence the mixed content warnings) and really not fair if you could hide these warnings without your users consent.
You can use CSP for a couple of things to aid a migration to https, for example:
You can use it to automatically upgrade http request to https (though browser support isn't universal). This helps in case you missed changing a http link to https equivalent. However this assumes the resource can be loaded over https and sounds like you cannot load them over https so that's not an option.
You can also use CSP to help you identify any http resources on you site you missed by reporting back a message to a service you can monitor to say a http resource was attempted to be loaded. This allows you identify and fix the http links to https so you don't have to depend on above automatic upgrade.
But neither is what you are really looking for.
You shouldn't... but you CAN, the feature is demonstrated here an HTTP PNG image converted on-the-fly to HTTPS.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">
There's also a new permissions API, described here, that allows a Web server to check the user's permissions for features like geolocation, push, notification and Web MIDI.

'Vary: If-None-Match' to cache mobile and desktop requests separately

Note: Please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong. I'm not very sure of any of this...
I have been playing around with HTTP caching on Heroku and trying to work out
a nice way to differentiate between mobile and desktop requests when caching using Varnish
on Heroku.
My first idea was that I could set a Vary header so the cache is Varied on If-None-Match. As Rails automatically sends back etags generated from a hash of the content the etag would vary between desktop and mobile requests (different templates) and so it would eventually cache two versions (not fact, just my original thoughts). I have been playing around with this but I don't think it works.
Firstly, I can't wrap my head around when/if anything gets cached as surely requests with If-None-Match will be conditional gets anyway? Secondly, in practice fresh requests (ones without If-None-Match) sometimes receive the mobile site. Is this because the cache doesn't know whether to serve up the mobile or desktop cached version as the If-None-Match header isn't there?
As it probably sounds, I am rather confused. Will this approach work in any way or am I being silly? Also, is there anyway to achieve separate cached versions if I am unable to reach the Varnish config at all (as I am on Heroku)?
The exact code I am using in Rails to set the cache headers is:
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=86400'
response.headers['Vary'] = 'If-None-Match'
Edit: I am aware I can use Vary: User-Agent but trying to avoid it if possible due to it have a high miss rate (many, many user agents).
You could try Vary: User-Agent. However you'll have many cached versions of a single page (one for each user agent).
An other solution may be to detect mobile browsers directly in the reverse proxy, set a X-Is-Mobile-Browser client header before the reverse proxy attempts to find a cached page, set a Vary: X-Is-Mobile-Browser on the backend server (so that the reverse proxy will only cache 2 versions of the same page) and replace that header with Vary: User-Agent before sending to client.
If you can not change your varnish configuration, you have to make different urls for mobile and desktop pages. You can add some url-parameter (?mobile=true), add a piece in your path ( or use a different host (like
This makes a lot of sense because (I've seen this many times, both in CMSs and applications) at some point in time you want to differentiate content and structure for mobile devices. People just do different things or are looking for different information on mobile devices...
