How to get the list of Alert tones in iOS? [duplicate] - ios

I have a task to access the system ringtones in my iPhone application. I want to know if it is possible to access them? If not, please explain the reason.

No it's not possible via the official SDK.

No, it is not Possible in iPhone, If you want to submit your app in app store.


disable internet on other ios apps

I'd like to create a very simple app to block internet access for certain app's between 7PM and 7AM on my iPhone.
However the mobile phone & imessage should stay usable, so it's no airplane modus.
This is to have some "no notification time" and don't see for example new e-mails coming in.
Would this be possible to archieve? Can an app control this behaviour for other app's?
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
Best regards,
No, you cannot do that. Apple "sandboxes" apps so that they have no ability to change the behavior of other apps.
If you did find a way to do that, Apple would reject your app, and probably quickly update the OS to prevent whatever method you used to do it.
You might be able to find a way to do this for jailbroken devices, but obviously those can't be released to the App store.
First thing, Such Apps are not allowed to be published on App Store.
I have worked with private-apis, and i know that this is not possible with only private apis. This may be possible once after you jailbreak your phone + using private libs, and may be you can create tweaks for jailbreak to achieve this functionality.

How to launch app automatically on recieve local notification without click on notification ios

I want to launch my application without any click on notification.Is it possible in ios?
No, you can not do it, maybe this can be done on jaibreak devices but it's can not be done on original devices.
It is impossible as of now in iOS devices.
Even it is possible, it is considered as a bad user experience practise.

Are location-based lock screen app suggestions automatic in ios?

Anyone know if there is anything you have to do as a developer of an app to get your app to be suggested form the lock screen in iOS 8 (I'm talking about when the app isn't installed, so it takes you to the app store)? The only information I've been able to find about this is speculative at best -- most seem to conclude that this is either based off of the "apps near me" that the app store has, or direct arrangements made with Apple. Anyone know for sure?
This can be achieved using Passbook

Is it possible to answer a call programmatically in iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Programmatically answer an incoming phone call on iPhone
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is it possible to programmatically answer a call in iPhone? I have already googled about this and found that iOS SDK does not support such feature. But I found an answering machine app in Appstore.
Please help me out.
No this is not possible, the iOS SDK does not allow any interaction with the
Also the app you have found is a prank app, one that you start if you receive a call and the play back one the messages from the app.
No, that is not possible. The CoreTelephony framework lets your application receive notifications if there is any change in the call state, but there is no way to answer it.
The app that you mentioned does not say anything about answering a call, from what I can see.
I would say it depends. If you want to make a app and publish it in app store, its not possible. However if you want don't want to publish on app store and willing to use private api, then its possible. Refer this answer.

iPhone Call History and App store

I would like to know if Apple will allow reading the call log history database on iPhone in application that will be submitted to the App Store.
Any help is appreciated.
No, there is no supported method for accessing the call log on iOS devices, and no way you can achieve this or submit an app doing this to the App Store legitimately.
If it's an existing official documented API, you may use it. It's as simple as that.
