Set baseline programmatically in project server - csom

How I can set the baseline programmatic-ally in Microsoft project server?
Are there any blogs about this?

providing the version you are using or any useful details can help you to explain your question properly.
but in general you cannot set baselines using PSI nor CSOM, according to MSDN post here:
Actions that require Project Professional: The following list are
things that neither the PSI nor the CSOM can do. . . . Baselines and
earned value
Saving a baseline or editing baseline data.
Setting a progress date.
Calculating variance and earned value.


Error - WebApp Implementation with Principal Component Analysis(PCA) - Azure ML Studio

After applying Principal Component Analysis PCA to my data set in order to achieve better model accuracy. The 13 features dimensions, I am reducing it to 10 features using PCA. Everything is fine till here.
After implementing the model in WebApp, it is building & seems fine in the studio.
In the testing phase of model prediction, Instead of displaying 10 features as an input, the UI system is showing the original features which is 13 & the output is showing 10 featuenter image description hereres which does not have any feature names for the newly generated features which are 10. And also prediction is not working at all after executing it.\
Attached are the screenshots, Please refer.
Could you please also show your diagram of the experiment? This kind of issue happens when you are not setting the input of the model correctly according to your requirement. Please double check how you define your experiment.
One thing I want to highlight is, in the portal/ quick test page, all the input data will be the same as your original import data according to the document.

filter parameter value gephi 0.9.2

I need suggestion about building network graph. I am novice in building this kind of graph. Previously, I have used gephi 0.9.1 which allow user to add parameter e.g degree range between 20 - 30 by using slide bar or checked box, but it version 0.9.2 there is no slide bar or check box. So how can I add the value for my filter parameter. Do I have to write some code to generate the graph.
Besides the above issue, It seems like gephi itself does not allow to import huge data like 25 millions of edges. Do I have to used additional plugin or software to manipulate the data or just separate the data and build the graph separately and then just combine them later. Are there any tutorial or books available. I have read the gephi mannual and tried some tutorial video on youtube before, but it seems insufficient for my solutions.
Thanks for you guys suggestions and help in advance
Here is it how the filters in version 0.9.2 look for me. As you see there is still a slider at the bottom of the Filters pane.

How to build a search with new features?

I want to build a search engine for my project this year, so what I
need to implement in my project to get best grade (I need new ideas
for search for video or audio...). How and where can I start to learn
about this topic. I want to use Java and any framework on it. I know
that I can't build a Google Search, but I need to implement a new idea
in my project to get best grade.
I'd suggest that you start with an open source search engine like Lucene (Java or .NET) and start adding features on top of the plaform. Perhaps you could build a plugin for searching camera meta data (I.E., EXIF)?
PS. You might want to start marking the correct answers for the 20 questions you've already asked. Having an acceptance rate of 21% doesn't really give the recognition to those who work hard to answer your questions.

List of diagram / image editors for Delphi

I need a good diagram / image editor for a Delphi application. I need the ability to place an image in the editor, and use freely positioned balloons / tips to describe parts of the image. The result must be exported as an image.
So far, I have evaluated KSDev Block Engine and TMS Diagram studio but am not completely satisfied with both of them. The former seems to have lots of little quirks and bugs and both of them don't seem to be able to export their content as an image (PNG with alpha channels is required).
Are there any other editors you know of that I might evaluate ?
There are two free components that I know of and have evaluated for a very limited period.
1) drawobjects by Angus Johnson #
2) simple graph from the delphiarrea site.
If I remember correctly both have the ability to export to an image format but I do not recall if they support png with alpha.
PS sorry the anti spam does not allow me to post the link for the second pack and since I hate any kind of sign in just to answer a question my email and name are fake. This is the last time I am going to visit this site. I do understand the need to keep the spammers out but I can't accept any one to assume that I am a spammer. BB everyone.
Have also a look at:
- TeeTree from
- TCad from

Displaying right-to-left text in Team Explorer

We've started using TFS at work, and I'm migrating my bugs from the previous issue tracking software to TFS. All of them are written in Hebrew, a right-to-left language, but mixed with English words.
All the text fields in the TFS client are left-to-right, so I have to manually go and press Ctrl-Right-Shift in all the fields in order to read them properly.
Is there any way to change the default text orientation in TFS client?
I looked into customizing the work item form elements, for example here:
but I couldn't find any attribute for changing the text orientation.
As far as I understand it there is not a way of changing the text orientation in the work item definition. I've passed your question along to some guys on the team in Microsoft to see if they know of anything.
is there an answer? Since then I continued searching for a way to do this, but I couldn't find any.
This is a serious usability issue for me, especially with the titles, which have mixed Hebrew-English. When displaying the issue titles I have to read "backwards". When scanning a lot of issues, this is a serious pain.
And I do not have the spare time to translate 500+ issues from Hebrew to English.
