Change neo4j browser title - neo4j

Is it possible to change the default browser title for Neo4j?
We run multiple instances and the current browser title (userID#bolt://ip-address:port) is not very useful - we'd like to say stuff like userID#Neo4j-Dev, etc.

Why not roll your own ?
The browser is a separate github project that can be found at (comes with build instructions), and I believe you are looking to modify the files underneath src/browser/modules/DocTitle.
Hope this helps,

I believe that is not possible change the default title of Neo4j browser. But as a workaround (not very elegant, i know :) you can open the console of your browser and type:
document.title = "My custom title";
The browser title will be updated.


Jenkins - change title of main page

How can I change the title in the Jenkins start page:
As I see, the title is already in German with some special UTF-8 chars and this one makes trouble using selenium in the background to control Jenkins. I am quite sure the value is set somewhere - but where?
Jenkins runs on a Windows server.
You can just install the Simple Theme Plugin and then in Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Theme, point the URL of theme JS field to a .js file containing at minimum something like:
document.title = "Wathever title you prefer";
Save and reload the page.
It worked for me..
Jenkins is using the browser locale language settings, change that. Please also better specify the question, what do you mean by title? Local domain address? If so, this can be done in settings -> "Jenkins URL".

Change help link in the Visual Editor of MediaWiki

Is there a way to change the help link in the toolbar dropdown in the new visual editor of MediaWiki?
I tried setting
"visualeditor-help-link":"mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide/de"
as proposed here, but then my MediaWiki could not parse the JSON file. My goal is to link to the MediaWiki help page, that can be found here. The normal version:
did not work, neither did this:
You should never ever change the source code of MediaWiki core or any extension. It makes an upgrade process much more hard and complicated. There are other ways to achieve a high customization of the user interface language :)
For your problem, it should be enough to create the following page in your wiki (like any other page, but you need the editinterface user right, which is assigned to sysops by default):
Put the link you want to use into the textarea (without any wikitext, e.g. "Help:VisualEditor" (without any ")) and save the page.
After reloading the VisualEditor (maybe you need to clear your browser's cache using Ctrl + F5) the link should point to the new target you specified in the message above. If you use a message cache, it is maybe needed to rebuilt it.

Drupal 7: URL alias is getting ignored on pages when "provide a menu link" is unchecked on multilingual site

I'm hoping someone can help me because this is driving me crazy.
I have a multilingual DrupaL 7 site set up with English being the main language and French being the secondary language. I have url aliasing set up and for the most part it works correctly.
The problem arises when I have pages that I don't want included in a menu, so I leave the "provide a menu link" box unchecked. Even if the "Generate automatic URL aliases" box is checked for those pages without a menu link, the page completely ignore any url alias patterns I have set up and the url always shows up as 'node/31' instead of 'my-content-page'. If I hardcode in a URL alias via the URL path settings on the page, it WILL take those, but this is not what I want. I want it to take the url alias pattern I've set up for it. I even installed the "Pathauto persistent state" module and forced the "Generate automatic URL aliases" to remain checked just in case, but my alias patters are still ignored.
Both English and French pages do this if the page is not provided a menu link.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before? Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?
This can happen when you have tokens in your URL alias pattern that doesn't work for any reason. In your case it sounds like you have a pattern including a "menu item" token, so when you save your node without a menu item, the URL alias is not created.
The solution would be to either include a menu item, manually add your URL alias, or change anything looking like [node:menu-link] in your URL alias patterns to something else.
I think I had the same problem, and the point was that the "Basic Page" content-type needed to have available the menus of the appropiate languages in its "menu settings" (in admin/structure/ then "edit" basic-page) .
Hope this will work for you too.
If your have a non english site, follow the issue: and patch or solution.
I had the same problem and I solved it, "I hope forever", by reading the comment written by enzipher:
This can happen when you have tokens in your URL alias pattern that
doesn't work for any reason.
I'm using a custom pattern and I solved it by following these steps:
I went to pattern page, deleted custom token and save
I went to node and edit, then saved the node and url alias had been created like domain/language/title_node
I went to pattern page, insert same custom token and saved
I went to node again and edited it, then saved and the correct node url alias has been created

Joomla and JoomlaFCK Editor

I have Joomla site and default front end editor JoomlaFCK (now it's new version JoomlaCK editor). When some member (they are all Author type of user) try to write some article, he can write it, but can't publish it, so I have to publish it from the back end. I check all Joomla options, but not found anything. I know it's simple, maybe right in front of me, but it's very annoying for me. Help. TIA.
P.S. If there is some better editor, I can think of change.
By default, an author will not have permission to publish the item. They would need to be a publisher. Look at the user information in Users and change their group.

Open node in Umbraco programmatically

I have created a dashboard for an Umbraco site and I want to link from it to various node in the tree.
From what I can tell Umbraco uses editcontent.aspx?id={thenodeid} and javascript:opencontent({nodeid}).
Whenever I try to use these they always fail.
Does anyone know how to open a display a node in the Umbraco back end?
Like Tim Saunders said you really just need to target the correct iframe. The openContent function looks like this:
function openContent(id) {
parent.right.document.location.href = 'editContent.aspx?id=' + id;
So you need to target the 'right' iframe.
I've tested editContent.aspx?id=1234 on my Umbraco installation and it seems to work correctly.
I'm assuming you are replacing {thenodeid} with the actual node id you want?
Umbraco uses iFrames in the backend for the content tree and the content areas etc. This means that you do not always have full access to the Javascript libraries from the frame that you are in.
Therefore you may need to either include the library in the page you are working with or try and reference the method calls by walking up the dom.
I can't find any documentation for this so it may be a case of looking at the HTML source and working out what is going on.
