BTOUCH error Bl1001 - do not know how to make a trapoline - ios

I am trying to create an iOS binding library to wrap Kxmovie. I followed all the instructions in the Xamarin bindings library walkthrough and got as far as trying to build the library. However, it fails with the following error;
Error BI1001: bgen: Do not know how to make a trampoline for IKVM.Reflection.Reader.ParameterInfoImpl (BI1001) (KxmovieBinding)
Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it?


Multiple commands produce error in react native project build in xcode 12.4

I am trying to add react native vector icons into my react native CLI project and linking it manually with iOS. First, it was giving me some weird errors about "React/RCTDefine.h not found" but I managed to get it but now it is giving Multiple command produce error as you can see below
I tried multiple solutions from the stack overflow but nothing seems to work for me, I do not know if I am doing them correctly or not, If any expert can help me in this regard please, Thanks in advance

React native QRCode scanner integration problem

im trying to integrate react-native-qrcode-scanner into my project. I do all they say in the installation guide but get following error :
I see that this line of code inside this library fails :
return PermissionsIOS.requestPermission(
PermissionsIOS being imported as
const PermissionsIOS = NativeModules.ReactNativePermissions
So it seems like permissions was not loaded into the project.
Any ideas?
Ok, I found it. The thing is that by some strange reason react-native link react-native-permissions didnt work out. I've read installation on react-native-permissions's page. It says that one of 3 following must be done :
Installation via pods - made only worse
running react-native link react-native-permissions - didnt work in first place
Manual linkage with XCode
Only 3rd alternative did the trick for me.

Xcode build fails because LS3Renderer.framework is missing. What/where is LS3Renderer.framework?

Following instructions here:, I am trying to add GoogleCast to a iPad app. When I attempt to build the app it fails with the error message: "/Library/Frameworks/LS3Renderer.framework is missing from working copy."
I understand that this means the named framework is not where it is supposed to be. The thing is, I have searched my system for the framework and don't find it, and I have searched the web for information on the framework and have turned up nothing.
Does anyone know what LS3Renderer.framework is and where I might get a copy, or have any insight into the error I'm getting from Xcode?

Not able to integrate latest ZXingObjC library in iOS

I am working on a barcode scanner app and would like to integrate ZXingObjC library to my app because ZXing is the only free library that supports data matrix scanning. I have gone through its README file and tried to integrate the library. But its giving some weird errors like "Multiple methods named “encode” found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes".
So I thought may be those are ARC problems and tried to convert it to ARC but no luck. It is throwing so many errors!!
I am still struggling with integrating this library. It will be really helpful if anyone can help me on this.
The reason stands behind this answer:Defeating the "multiple methods named 'xxx:' found" error.
Please have a look and try casting objects before calling those methods accordingly.

Monotouch spotify binding

I'm trying to bind the spotify api to monotouch. But can't seem to get it working, and i think i'm a little in over my head ;).
What i tried:
I extracted the libspotify.a from the ios libspotify.framework.
I added the libspotify.a to my project.
I followed the explanations mentioned here: to create the binding and added the extra gcc_flags to the project.
Now it all compiles and linkes but when i run it i get the exception: system.dllnotfoundexception: __internal
I have no idea of what i'm doing wrong here. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
It should be __Internal, not __internal.
