Monotouch spotify binding - binding

I'm trying to bind the spotify api to monotouch. But can't seem to get it working, and i think i'm a little in over my head ;).
What i tried:
I extracted the libspotify.a from the ios libspotify.framework.
I added the libspotify.a to my project.
I followed the explanations mentioned here: to create the binding and added the extra gcc_flags to the project.
Now it all compiles and linkes but when i run it i get the exception: system.dllnotfoundexception: __internal
I have no idea of what i'm doing wrong here. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

It should be __Internal, not __internal.


No such module error

Hello fellow stackers I know this question has been asked before but all of the answers I have seen have not worked for me. I keep getting the following error: No such module 'CloudKit'. I only get this error for the watchkit extension interfaceController the iOS project has zero issues and this whole problem started happening when watchOS 2 came out.
Things I have tried:
changing the framework path to $(SRCROOT)
changing the framework path to ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/CloudKit.framework
I tried placing the CloudKit.framework file directly into my project folder which actually gets rid of the no such module error but then I get the “_OBJC_CLASS_$_viewsampleViewController” error
Please help me. Any suggestions would be appreciated:)
Apparently WatchOS 2 decided to drop CloudKit technologies which is a big downer. Now if you wanted to use CloudKit for the watch, you need to relay the data from the parent app which is also a huge buzz kill. I found this in the documentation here:

JNWSpringAnimation Framework for iOS (Compile Errors)

I followed the instructions that came with the framework at the github repository. But I got an error when I tried to compile all stemming from the NSValue+JNWAdditions files. The example project that comes with the code is meant to run in Mac OS X and not iOS. What am I missing here when trying to use this framework for an iOS app? For giggles I removed the aforementioned files and was able to compile but got a runtime error, I guess not surprising. I'm fairly new to this stuff and just want to play with animation and springs :(
GitHub repository:
Ah. Got it. For any fellow newbs out there: I had to import UIKit into the header file of NSValue+JNWAdditions.h. This got rid of all the "Expected a type" errors! Makes sense to me now and I have no idea why this took me so long to figure out.
Womp womp

Not able to integrate latest ZXingObjC library in iOS

I am working on a barcode scanner app and would like to integrate ZXingObjC library to my app because ZXing is the only free library that supports data matrix scanning. I have gone through its README file and tried to integrate the library. But its giving some weird errors like "Multiple methods named “encode” found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes".
So I thought may be those are ARC problems and tried to convert it to ARC but no luck. It is throwing so many errors!!
I am still struggling with integrating this library. It will be really helpful if anyone can help me on this.
The reason stands behind this answer:Defeating the "multiple methods named 'xxx:' found" error.
Please have a look and try casting objects before calling those methods accordingly.

Binding Tesseract as a static Lib in Xamarin

I am trying to add tesseract to my iOS-App. Im doing the App with Xamarin.iOS.
I tried creating a .dll with btouch and used for that the ported version of tesseract on github( I created the bindings of tesseractOCR.h with Objective-Sharpie and created a
.dll with the TesseractOCR.a file.
Everything worked fine but when trying to build my app with the .dll referenced it gives me the attached Errors.
How can I fix them?
Thanks in advance
This seems a good question and I came here looking for Xamarin bindings for Tesseract library, but there was none on this page. After searching, I found that there are a couple of bindings already for Xamarin:
Xamarin Forms
Also, there seems to be an active and modern porting to swift, and can be found here:
This discussion on Xamarin forum seems also very useful for anybody interested in this question:
Disclaimer: I have not tried any of them yet, just finished my research, now gonna start my experimentation :)
This is because Tesseract uses c++ and the binding needs to know this.
I would suggest creating a binding project as per the tutorial at Xamarin. Then this Xamarin forum post gives great information on how to add c++ to the LinkWith attribute.

QR De/Encoder SIGABRT error (switching between de/encoder)

hey guys i have to make an app for my school project which includes reading an creating of QR Codes...
No Problem so far. I started with making a tap bar application so that you can switch between the two settings.
I'm using the ZBarSDK to read the Codes and that works so far...
for creating the codes i am using the kuapay-iOS-QR-Code-Generator and that worke also...
but if i combine them in my app i get the SIGABRT error after switching between the views :/
i hope you can help me i uploaded the whole project, so that everybody can see the problem directly!
I hope you can help me :)
I had the same problem, have you disabled the armv7s architecture in your build settings? Also, have you made sure to connect all your outlets to appropriately declared properties? I'm fairly new too, and I would have made this a comment instead of an answer, but it seems I don't have enough rep to do so/ can't find the link to comment.
