FIRAuth token refresh fails on simulator but works on real device? - ios

So I've been working with FIRAuth to log users into my app with no real problems up until yesterday when I was greeted by this awful message.
Not being terribly familiar with this part of Firebase, I waited for the Token auto-refresh to occur a few times, just to see if my firebase calls would ever come back to me, but sadly they never did.
Above is the method that I'm calling, which I show evidence of in the next picture:
Sadly the second breakpoint is never reached, hence leading me to believe that the Firebase call cannot even return an error because of the the Token issue.
Here's the strangest thing: this bug only occurs on simulator. Running the app on my personal device doesn't result in any issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated; also don't hesitate to ask for additional information.

Alright well I managed to fix it by switching Simulator devices. Specifically I went from an iPhone 7 Plus to an iPhone 6, but it's curious because I've attempted restarting the simulator before this. Hope this helps anyone who runs into the same problem that I did!


Charles proxy push back buffer is full

My use case I am trying to decipher an api call through charles proxy but on an IPhone. Now some of these IPhone's I am getting a wierd error message
IO:Push Back Buffer is full
It happens only on one of the Phones and rest of the phones work perfectly fine. And they are specific to only some of the API calls. I had the same issue on Android and I had to reset the Android to get it to work. Not sure if anyone had an issue like this with Charles.
Phone: Iphone 6S
OS: 10
Screenshot of the error
I posted the same in google SDK help forum, you guys can go through the response here
detailed answer here:
ok now looks like one of my colleague found a solution for this problem . So lot of us were effected with this issue every now and then and problem with come and go away on its own and more over this seemed to effect only the Ad related Api calls.
Solution: We just deleted the all the cache and data from the Play Store App in the Device Settings -- Applications Manager --> Delete all the cache data in the pay services.
This basically took care of the problem immediately although it did crash the App for 2-3 times but worked like a charm after that. So now this does point to a Bug in the Ad mobs SDK where it builds this cache overtime and starts complaining about it when it cannot handle it.

The Blasted "dyld_fatal_error:" Issue -Anyone Have a Definitive Answer?

OK, this issue is discussed in this thread, this thread and this thread. However, none of the "answers" seemed to actually address the issue.
This weekend, I submitted my app for beta-test review -twice. It bounced each time. It is now back in review again, and hasn't bounced (fingers crossed).
Each time, was because of an immediate launch crash. Fair enough. I wrote a bad app.
Except I didn't. When I tested in debug, and even release mode on my device and in the simulator, everything worked.
I was finally able to reproduce the issue by archiving and then manually installing the archive through iTunes.
Once I did that, it suddenly started happening when I ran in release mode in the debugger.
Hate it when that happens.
In any case, it was the 'dyld_fatal_error'. In my case, no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to spit out any information at all about what library it was having issues with. The crash reports I got back from Apple were worthless.
What finally solved it for me was basically completely dismantling my app, and putting it back together again. I removed all linked libraries (they are still gone), revoked every one of my certs, and rebuilt the profiles. I de-linked my tests, and re-linked them.
I used to live in Africa. I have a for-real Ju-Ju stick, which I shook at the device for good measure.
Something in there worked (I think, I still have to get a pass from Apple). My money is on the Ju-Ju stick.
The question is: Does anyone know of a DEFINITIVE (not all these WAG responses) reason for this error, and how it can be diagnosed?

User suddenly can't get past launch image screen

A user has reported that my app suddenly won't launch on their device. They sent me a video, and they launch the app, the launch image screen shows for a split second, but then crashes back to the iOS home screen.
The user tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no benefit.
I use Crashlytics, and am not getting any reports of crashes from them (or any other user- although I've seen them in prior versions so I know it's working correctly). I'm also not seeing any crashes in iTunes connect.
I asked the user to send me any crash reports in the Settings Diagnostics section and they said there are none listed for my app.
I have confirmed that their iOS version is supported by my app. (iOS 8.4).
I'm not sure where to go next, and would appreciate any pointers. Sorry for the vague question but I have posted everything that I know about the situation.
Just wanted to provide some closure on this. The user ended up wiping and restoring their device, and it solved the problem. It seems extreme to me but it was their own suggestion and didn't take them long to do. So I'm not sure what caused this but that's one (albeit brute force) way to fix it.

App crashing at startup with iOS 7.0.3

I'm new to the site and I wasn't able to figure out how to comment on an existing post (seems like you need a certain amount of reputation, which I don't yet have).
Since the iOS 7.0.3 update I've had a number of users report that the app crashes on start up (generally after completing an in-app purchase). This thread seems to deal with the same issue:
SKProductsRequest crashing app at startup with iOS 7.0.3
Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the issue on any of my devices (tried a bunch). I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem, or knows how to reproduce the problem above. My code does request the products on launch, so it seems like that should be the problem, but I'm worried I won't be able to tell if it is fixed because I can't reproduce it internally.
I found some other sites indicating that there could be an issue with certain countries, but I wasn't able to reproduce it by switching my App Store to those countries either.
I found another thread that seems to be related:
Following in app purchase, app crashing on startup. productIdentifier=nil?
If I force my productIdentifier to be nil, I get a crash (that looks similar). I'm not sure why the productIdentifier would ever be nil though. To prevent the crash I could (should) check for a nil productIdentifier. Does anyone know how transaction.payment.productIdentifier or transaction.originalTransaction.payment.productIdentifier could be nil?
We submitted an update using this question:
Following in app purchase, app crashing on startup. productIdentifier=nil?
Everything is solved :)
Thanks a lot !

Recently released iPhone app update hangs at splash screen

I submitted my app update for review a week or so ago and it worked fine for me when i submitted it (on multiple devices and emulator). Apple reviewed it and approved it and now whenever users download it, the app just hangs at the splash screen forever. On iOS 6 beta it immediately crashes. I believe it must be something wrong with the package that Apple put on the store for download, but i honestly have no idea. Anybody had this happen before or anyone have any ideas on how you can debug a problem like this?
This is maybe the 30th or so time i've submitted something to Apple and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I have used a technical support incident to contact apple and no response so far from that. I also used the contact us page on the itunesconnect portal to ask about it and no response from that either. Both of those were done on Friday. As a secondary question, does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from Apple when you submit questions in either of those ways?
I faced the same issue. It was a DNS issue. It drove me mad for months, since I could not reproduce the issue. However one poorly configured WiFi helped me reproduce the issue by chance.
iOS tries to perform DNS lookup at the beginning of the app lifecyle. This is even before a single line of code is executed. If the DNS lookup is performed on the main thread synchronously, it blocks the UI. This issue arises only in cases where its trying to resolve the DNS for about 30s while blocking the UI. Hence the iOS watchdog kills the app due to a timeout. Apple also has a doc for this-
You can search for DNS lookup in your code and check its execution. In my case it was a 3rd party C-library that was causing an issue.
I know its been really long since this question was asked, hope it helps someone.
