Submitting iOS app to app store - internationalisation - ios

I'm about to submit an app to app store. The app is in my native language (Persian) and it aims only at the persian speakers. I didn't go through using the process of internatiolization and stuff because it wouldn't make sense. However, when I entered iTunes Connect, I had to choose a language for it and Persian wasn't among the languages you could choose, so I chose English. The list of languages at iTunes Connect was quite small and did not cover more than 20 languages. Anyway, is that going to be problematic for my app?
I haven't submitted my app officially, I'm just going through the final steps and I'm anxious that it might cause a problem.

When you are trying to select Primary Language while creating New App in iTunes connect, probably you can the
Have you checked '?' - Question mark it contains one FAQ.
From Resources & Help section
Why am I not seeing my localization language listed as a selection for Primary Language?
If the localization has not been approved, you must submit a version with this localization to be approved by App Review before you can select it as your primary language.
If the screenshots for that localization are being derived from another localization’s screenshots, you must first manually add screenshots for the language you wish to be your primary. If the Ready for Sale version of your app is using screenshots from another language, you will need to submit an update to your app before you can select the new language.


Can i have two versions of one App with different BundleIds and same display names?

We've an Application which is already live and used by many users. Now that we've came up with newer Programming language and new backend. We have created a new version of the App with completely different programming language as the older one.
We have some users who are still using the older(Legacy services).
Is it possible to create a new App with different bundleId than the older App but the same Display name and also the same Screenshots in App store as the older App?
According to App Store Review Guidelines,
Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase.
The problem is, we also require the older App for some of our customers, who have not migrated to the newer services.
Does Apple allows to have exactly same looking apps with different bundleIds and same display name in App Store?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It is possible to set this new version up as a new app, you can even use the same screenshots. What you cannot re-use is the app name displayed to your customers on the App Store (Entered in App Store Connect). That is unique and you will get an error if you try to use the same name. You can of course use the same on device name (entered in Xcode).
As long as you do not spam the App Store with "copies" of the app, there should be no problem, I've seen this countless times and there are also some prominent examples of companies "phasing" out their old apps. It would probably appropriate to remove the "old" app from sale on the store in the mid- to long-term though.

iOS cannot change app name after iOS 11

Currently, I can upload a newer version of an app to change its app name. However, today, it says in iTunes connect:
Once submissions are accepted for apps built with the iOS 11 SDK, all new app names will need to be 30 characters or fewer and you’ll only be able to update an app's description when submitting a new version of that app.
Does this mean it's absolutely impossible to change an app's name now? How about category, screenshots, available countries, and other options?
Found this discussion on the Apple Developer Forums. Where it basically says the alert only means the description's editability will change from when iOS 11 is released and forward.
Currently, the app description is always editable. However, with the addition of the promotional text the description will become editable only when submitting a new version. App name and other meta data's editability will not change with this update.
Q: Does this mean all meta data except the app's description will no longer be editable upon submitting a new version of the app, or does it simply mean the description will from here on only be editable upon submitting a new version?
A: >does it simply mean the description will from here on only be editable upon submitting a new version?
That, except not from today on.
It's a coming soon change alert when iOS 11 is eventually allowed for store submittals, different from before/now. See the iTunes Connect Developer Guide for which items (currently) are locked/editable at what point in the process.
'iTC Properties/Platform Version Information'

Localization message when submitting an App in iTunes connect for review

What does the following message supposed to mean? I added those new localizations to the app and I'm now submitting the app for review.
Does that mean App 4.1 version (I'm releasing now) will not have those localizations available in the app store until I release another version? (V 4.2 for example) I'm a little bit confused because some of the previous localizations didn't appear immediately in the store after releasing.
Yes, you must upload a new version if you want the new information in the App Store.
Always remember to save your changes before submit.
This is the expected behaviour as the "App Name" field is not tied to a specific version in iTunes Connect in contrast to description, keywords etc.
Its displayed a little bit "awkward" in iTunes Connect by the yellow circle and the highlighted app name.
The popup basically "confirms" that the changes you made to the app name don't go live immediately for your current version (I assume 4.0 in your example), but only for the approved version 4.1

iOS App Approval without localized app description?

I want to publish my iPhone App in both Japanese and Chinese languages. I have localized the content to the respective languages. However, the app metadata description and iAP descriptions are still in English. Will my app be approved?
Yes, of course! Why wouldn't Apple approve it? There's no regulation against not localizing your app.
However, you should keep in mind that customers see the app description and metadata before they see your app. So, chances are if a customer sees your app description is not localized, they aren't going to bother downloading it to see if it's localized.
Also, a good point from #SlyRaskal:
Localization is a choice of the developer, what verbiage you choose to include in your app is your choice, not theirs. Just my 2 cents. You could also check if there are apps that you know are localized to these same languages that don't have their app descriptions localized.

iOS, how to support multiple languages properly

We currently have an English app on the AppStore and have decided to support another language. But I'm not sure where to start.
How should the app content be created to be able to support this? Should I just create two separate applications in their respective language and submit them both to the AppStore? Or do I have to create one app with some kind of mechanism that translates on the fly??
I somehow don't think that flooding the AppStore with multiple versions of my app would be the way to go (at least in the eyes of the Apple Review team).
Any ideas?
The usual way is to use the localization of iOS. You should not upload different apps!
See this link for a tutorial: How to localize an iPhone app
