iOS Crash on twitter Oauth - ios

I am using social.js and alloy/social for Twitter Oauth login in Titanium Appcelerator.
The implementation was working fine but recently it has stopped working on iOS.
It's crashing while twitter authorising, whether running on simulator or device.
Can anyone able to tell me why its crashing and is there any solution available for this problem?


How to trigger native login behavior with react-native-fbsdk Facebook Login on iOS

Facebook has come down on our apps because we're (apparently) not implementing the iOS native Facebook Login. They cite policy 8.2 -
We use react native and Facebook's react-native-fbsdk for Facebook Login. Login works great on both iOS and Android. On Android, it actually appears to use the native component. But I cannot trigger the native component on iOS. I expect it to use web when the Facebook app is not installed, but with the Facebook app installed, I cannot get the native component to be used.
I've tried several approaches found on the web. This SO issue is the same I'm experiencing, but without resolution (iOS fails on 'native_only' and 'native', 'browser','system_account' and 'web' do not trigger the native component) - How do I set LoginBehaviour when using react-native-fbsdk LoginManager?
This is a great walkthrough, but again, doesn't solve the problem (in my attempts, at least) -
it is not supported in iOS newer version anymore..

google mobile ads unity crashes app on startup in iOS

I am serving ads using google mobile ads in my Unity game running on iOS and Android. on iOS devices under iOS9, the app crashes on startup. the call stack shows it is crashing in google mobile ads ( [GADApplication runEarlyActivities] )
Anyone had such a problem ?
In case it helps any one, here is what I found:
This crash stopped happening altogether when I built the same app with Unity Pro (I was not using pro before)
dont know why it is related but it is a sure correlation.

LinkedIn iOS sdk not working on iPad (os ver. 8.0.2)

We have successfully integrated Linkedin iOS sdk in our app.It works perfectly on iPhone devices. But when i am trying it in iPad, it doesn't work. Problem is that, it won't authenticating in iPad. It just opens linkedin home page but doesn't redirecting to App. It remains stuck on linkedin home page. Even i also tried Linked ios sdk samples on iPad.
Thank you.

LinkedIn iOS SDK is not working properly in iOS 8

I am implementing LinkedIn integration in my current iOS app and found that it suddenly stops working and found that SDK makes some changes. Please check this link:
What is the solution to this?

Not able to Login FB SDK

I've integrated FB SDK and Im able to login with my device.
Problem arise when I distribute the app (ad-hoc), other people cant login.
Anyone know what's wrong with it? Why it is working in my device but not other devices?
I've figured out, it is because I was asking for "publish_action" permission during authentication. It doesn't work on iOS 6.0 devices
